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Welcome to Star Frontiers: Destiny Tomorrow

05:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Tris'kaa
Race: Osakar
Sex: Female
Handedness: Left
Move: Walk: 25m    Run: 60 m   Hourly: 10 km

STR/STA: 50/55
DEX/RS:  65/45
INT/LOG: 55/45
PER/LDR: 50/35

Current STA: 50
Other Injuries:

XP: 2

Highly Developed Smell (+2 CS to Tracking)
Languages (start with four additional languages)

PSA: Biosocial
Environmentalist 4
Psychosocial 1
Beam Weapons 1


Credits: 260
1 Laser Pistol
6 20 SEU clips
1 Raffleur M-3
1 Grenade Launcher Attachment
2 Foam Grenades
1 Flash Grenade
1 Incendiary Grenade
1 Fragmentation Grenade
1 Smoke Grenade
1 Doze Grenade
2 Tangler Grenade
2 Laser Rifle Powerclips
1 Military Skeinsuit
1 Machete

1 Chronocom
1 Toxyrad gauge
8 Liters of Water
1 Sungoggles
1 Stretch coveralls
1 Poly-vox
2 Packages survival Rations
1 Compass
1 Lifejacket
10 salt pills
1 Pocket tool
1 Flashlight
1 Infralight
10m Rope
1 First Aid Pack

It was no surprise that Tris'kaa was chosen to be among the team of the First Expeditionary Force sent by the Coalition to explore Volturnus. Ever since her hatching, her mother delighted in travelling the Jungles of Ifshna - albeit always amongst the other tourning races of the Coalition within the protected glass of the hover buses. Tris'kaa however, found herself aching to learn more about the environs than the Ifshnit tour guides could explain to her - as occupied as they were that the group move onto the next "sight to see!" In time, as given the opportunity upon her arrival into adulthood, Tris'kaa left her mother as was customary to begin her own life. She immediately enrolled into the University on Ifshna and began her studies into the environmental processes.

Fortuitiously, as she neared completion of her studies, the Capella Cruise Lines (a subsidiary of Capellan Free Merchants involved in the tourism industry) were recruiting in an attempt to expand the tourism industry of Ifshna.  The opportunity to visit and study previously unstudied regions of Ifshna was too much to turn down for the young Osakar.

The six years spent "in the field" alongside her entirely Ifshnit team allowed her to experience first hand not only the jungles, but also the oceans, deserts, and plains of the beautiful planet - as well as pick up not a few of the Ifshnits' particular personalities and humor.  It was only natural when the opportunity came up that Tris'kaa applied and was accepted for an even grander adventure - exploration of a new planet in the recently discovered Meridia system! (known to the UPF'ers as Zebulon).

The ill-fated trip met its end when shortly upon reaching planetary orbit, the sudden appearance of a previously unknown class of fast-moving ship engaged the exploration craft without so much as a hail. Even as the Coalition ship attempted to maneuver around into a combat position, the damage was already done. With the imminent destruction of the vessel, an evacuation sounded which led to Tris'kaa's arrival upon Volturnus as the sole survivor from her escape pod. She would surely have died in the dry heat of the desert of Voltunus were the Ul-mor not to have arrived at the crash site, attracted by the spectacle of the craft plunging through the night sky... Months later, she is brought to meet others who have similarly descended from the skies and have been made members of the tribe - yet, she soons finds out that they are not the "Rescue and Recover" team that Tris'kaa was expecting.