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Welcome to Fire Emblem: Heart of Dissonance

15:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Chance (his true name is Kirn Terentine, but he would rather die than let other people know.  He prefers his moniker "Infamous Treasure Hunter Chance.")

Race: Human

Class: Adventurer

Alignment: CG


Standing at approximately 5'9" tall, Chance is not the most physically imposing man in a world that is about to erupt into war.  His muscle is built more lean than most of the men in the world today, showing that he has probably not worn anything even remotely close to plate mail a day in his life.  Instead of the bulk muscle used by those who lift heavy objects or smash things, the young man's body is more akin to a gymnast or dancer--a physique that is built for quick bursts of speed and agility at a moment's notice which is quite helpful in his chosen "profession."  After all, what kind of infamous treasure hunter would he be if he was smashed by a boulder?  He'd just be an infamous pancake, and that kind of idea doesn't suit him in the slightest.  He's too pretty to be a pancake.  Locks of wild, chestnut hair hang down around his head to his chin and neck in a slightly disheveled manner that effectively frames a partially-tanned face.  They form a rather interesting compliment to a pair of evenly-set ruby red eyes that glitter with mirth and roguish intent.

A V-necked shirt that matches the color of his eyes graces his frame, tucked into a pair of brown pants that have a few dirt stains from having to roll around in tombs and abandoned temples.  On top of the shirt he wears a light brown duster in order to ward off the effects of long travel and to provide a little extra protection in case it's needed.  In the depths of the coat are twin knives that he uses to dispatch any monsters that he may encounter during his job.  They are simple affairs with handles worn from use without any particular ornamentation.  However, being the gambler that he is, he always carries a deck of playing cards in his back pocket.  In his opinion it never hurts to have what he calls a backup source of revenue when one's life is one lived on the road.  Around his neck hangs a rusted key on a chain which he jokes is the key to his heart, but it could be some sort of thing he took a liking to and picked up off a trash heap.

Personality: To those he meets, Chance is a handsome, reckless young man with a lust for life.  An adrenaline junkie that is more suited to leave his head on the ground and run headfirst into danger without a second thought.  Even a shameless flirt that has probably been in and out of more women's rooms than any one man should ever honorably do.  However, all of this is a carefully crafted deception.  In reality, Chance is a extremely intelligence and witty individual who thinks through problems at a whip-crack pace to the point that he can usually leave the best of them behind in his dust.  However, he knows that those who leave all their cards on the table are usually the ones that get taken advantage of the most.  So, instead of leaving his cards on the table or even holding them close to his chest and letting people know he has cards in the first place, the young man has decided to flip his cards over on the table face-down and paint them something entirely different as a distraction.

It is a facade that is so intact that sometimes Chance himself forgets who he truly is.  And it is one that has proved to be more than useful time and time again.  After all, if a person thinks that you are an idiot they are less likely to cover their tracks well than if they think you are intelligent.  Because of this simple yet effective-if-mastered tactic, Chance has managed to stay alive through bandit attacks, games with card sharks, and even fast-talking with military commanders.  To add to his mystique there are many rumors about him across the land when people whisper about the name of the "Infamous Treasure Hunter Chance" that may be true or false including: he has been a consort of a Queen, he once won a pot of 100,000 gold during a high stakes gambling tournament in Bells.  Both could be true, both could be false, or one or the other could be true.  Whichever is the truth, Chance will never tell.

While this may lead a person to think Chance is a devious character, he is in fact a young man with a heart of gold.  He has empathy for poor children who were just like he was in his childhood and will go out of his way to help those in need despite grumbling about not getting paid to do it.  Often, he will do these things away from the public eye in order to not gain any reputation for doing so.  The reason is twofold.  First, he does not want his charity to be added to the current public impression of him, and secondly, he does not want recognition from the people he has helped.  To him, the work he does is not about being a hero but simply about doing the right thing.

History: Born to one of the poorer families in Bell City, Kirn grew up having to watch the wealthy elite merchants of the country on a regular basis while his family suffered on the sidelines.  His father was a laborer who worked stocking and lifting cargo for the merchants in order to eke out a living.  When his mother fell sick, Kirn's father was forced to take out a large amount of loans to pay for her illness.  However, despite this she passed away anyway.  After his father's collapse, the loan sharks began to come after Kirn and his sister Julie for a return on their investment, threatening to sell the young girl into slavery in order to make some sort of return on their investment.  So, the young boy did the most logical thing he could do.

He stole as much money as he could from the loan sharks and fled the city with his sister.

After setting Julie up with the bulk of the money to set up a small business in Medwen before he left to try to find another way to make it for himself.  As he traveled through Kharuzar, he began to hear rumors of a temple to an old god that was rumored to have riches.  After following the clues and puzzling out their answers, Kirn found his way into the temple under the sand.  Making his way through the traps with only his wits and his luck as his guide, he made it all the way to the end to find a rusted key on a chain sitting on an altar next to a few coins that were not even enough to cover his trip to the ruins.  However, when he lifted the chain up and put it around his neck in a joking manner, he found that he was unable to take it off.  Unknown to him at the time, it was a key crafted by the Goddess Avaana to give to one who was to champion her cause.  Once accepting the blessing by placing it around the neck, it would not be able to be taken off.

In fact, a great deal of Kirn's future adventures as Chance have all been attempting to follow clues to others of Avaana's rumored temples in order to find a way to rid himself of the accursed key.  To some, it may be good to have a Goddesses favor, but the problem is that the key comes with a catch.  Avaana was once the Goddess of Adventure and Fortune, but had long since become forgotten.  So, the person who became her champion would be blessed with a similar twist of fate.  In essence, Fate itself twists to involve Chance in the plots of the world.  The rumors of his exploits are in fact all true but all the fault of the key around his neck that he can't remove.  So, he is questing across the world in order to find a way to remove the thing before it becomes the end of him.  Having Queens and beautiful women lusting after him was nice and all, but keeping his head would be much nicer.

While in his youth he longed for adventure, now he wants nothing more than to settle down and simply survive.  But, it seems Fate has a different plan in store for him.