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Welcome to The realms of Ironmound

22:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Orlin lion soul

Orlin looks like a really big barbarian.  In the end that is what he is.  Many people don't trust the Firbolgs because they have giant blood but historically they prefer to keep to themselves in small comunities nestled withing wooded areas.

    Orlin in particular is a Firbolg mage.  Nothing fancy, they tend to be able to take an alternate shape, know some healing lore and maybe a couple of druidic skills but other than that they are like other firbolgs.  They have some ranger/woodsmen skills and like the feel of leather over cloth.

    In orlin's case however he is bound to look after a staff with the spirit of a beast in it, limiting his shape shifting to when the creature shares his body.  He has a distinct distaste for slavers and those who upend the lives of others and the old one in the staff likes to play with the lives of others so the two of them are willing to work along side the arrows for the time being.

    Orlin wears a fur mages robe and a satchel that he seems to fit large bundles in.  He also carries a medicine sack where he keeps herbs and vials of extract.  His healing abilities lie more toward using natural herbs than actual magic but while this is little use for instant healing in battle he can increase natural healing rates, take care of illness, help with morning after sickness, and increase the general health and mood of the group.

    The old one who has yet to be named is playful, mechevious, and manipulative but not necessarily evil.  He Dwells in the crystal at the top of an iron shod staff that seems to be able to place it's self in spots without Orlin's help.  Orlin always seems to know where it is though.  Orlin can use the staff as a weapon and doesn't seem to have to be concerned about it breaking.