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Welcome to Valport: The Fruition Trials

20:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Malachi Mathace
Alias: Six
Age: 30
Class: Illustrian (Previously a Ignoble)
Character Visual: Kellan Lutz
Theme Song:
Appearance: The first thing people tend to notice about Six is his massive frame. He often makes an intimidating first impression. He received height from his father's side of the family and towers over many with his 6 feet 3 inches.  It is not just his height, though, that make him intimidating.  It is the 220 pounds of sheer muscle that come along with it. During training sessions, he does not hesitate to use his size to help whip the contestants into shape.

Once a person's attention moves past the size of his presence, they notice his bright blue eyes - glassy, and soul-searching. His dirty blonde hair has been seen many ways during his time in the limelight. From longer and unruly, to buzzed close to his head. Currently, it is just long enough for him to run his fingers through which often causes it to stand on end.

Distingushing Features: Six's massive size is the first thing people usually notice about him.

Personality: Six is a two sided coin. When he is in a position of a Mentor, he is stern and does not allow the contestants to play around. He works extremely hard to keep each one alive (it hasn't always been successful, and that has left its scars).  He pushes them further, harder, longer, and makes them repeat things that he attempts to teach until they have it down perfectly.

But, there is another side to him that people eventually get to know. The down to earth part of him that enjoys a good time.  When the mentor hat comes off, he is fun and welcoming.  He has an intense desire to take care of the people he is fond of: friends, family, and loved ones; he will put everything he is and has on the line just to keep those people safe.

Those that know him, know that Six is a completely selfless individual. He joined the Vanguard to keep food on the table and a roof over his siblings heads. He joined the Trials at the age of 18 for the same reason. During the Trials, he almost lost his own life attempting to protect his comrades.  Even when he was young he did everything he could to put others above himself, even if it meant being unhappy himself.

Occupation: Mentor (previous Vanguard)


Special Talents: You would think due to his size that he would prevail in hand to hand combat, but his specialty is the mental part of the trials. He scored the highest during the fear simulations.

History: Even to this day Malachi considers his parents one of the greatest love stories ever told. They were both born Ignoble and grew up together on the same street. When they were both just seventeen their parents signed for them to come together in matrimony - it was selfish on their parents part, one less mouth for each family to feed, but it was a dream come true to the young love birds. His mother always desired to stay home with her children, and his father granted her wish by taking on two jobs. Even then, they hardly made it paycheck to paycheck, so Lillian took on odd and end. jobs, but never worked enough to keep her away from tending her home.

It took them several years to get pregnant. They lost their first child in a first-trimester miscarriage and gave up hope ever having another when they found out they were expecting Malachi. Ten years, to the day, after they signed the marriage papers, they welcomed him into the world. Eight years later, they welcomed their second child, a little girl named Robyn, followed two years later by another boy, Enoch.

Even though they barely made ends meet, the family was happy and very family oriented.  Of course, death comes to all, and in the Ignoble class, all it takes is a common cold to bring the reaper to your door. This happened with Malachi's father, Jacob.  He was overworked, he was tired, and he could not fight the infection nor could he afford even the basic medical treatment that was needed.  He died a few short months after Malachi turned 15.

Malachi's mother fell into a pit of despair after losing her husband, and even though she tried to claw her way out of it, it was hard for her to find a stable job that would support three Ignoble children. So, the burden fell on Malachi's shoulders.  He tested high, and that in-charge of performing the test were very impressed, but he decided not to move forward with a profession. Instead, at the age of 15, he joined the Valport Vanguard because the incentives were higher and he knew his family would be well-taken care of.

Since he was younger, he was given a border patrol position; one that no one else wanted.   At the age of 18, he applied for the Trials and was selected.  He immediately became a favorite of the viewers. He was young, he was handsome, and he had a smile that melted women's hearts around the nation. He was also a favorite of the Benefactor's, and he was willing to do anything to survive the games - for his siblings and for his mother who needed mental health medical care.

Out of the ten that went into the Trials that year, only two survived: Malachi and, Alexis, who later committed suicide. After winning the Trials he did not have to work, he did not have to do anything but  be the celebrity Valport wanted him to be. But, he chose to go back to the Vanguard and continue to patrol the border.

That's when he met Felix Wilde. That's when his life changed.

Six worked as a Vanguard for two years before he took the position of Mentor. This decision put him in the Training Center, and back in the spotlight he had run from.  Since then, he has Mentored through two trials.  He thought to be in the Trials were difficult, but sending his trainees in is a whole lot worse.


Jacob Mathace - Father, deceased.
Lillian Mathace - Mother
Robyn Mathace (22) - Sister
Enoch Mathace (20) - Brother

Additional Information:

You can't go through the Trials and not come out scarred. Six is no exception. It has been ten years since he became a victor and he still suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome; no amount of shrinks can help keep the nightmares at bay. Because of this, he has a secret addiction to narcotics.

Very few people know him as Malachi. His nickname was given to him during his Trials by his mentor, Cato Black. To this day it is argued whether he received it because he was the sixth person announced or because it only took him six minutes to complete the fear simulation. It doesn't matter either way, it stuck and he has grown accustomed to it.