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Welcome to The Mysteries of Magic

16:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Anneliese de Luce

Name: Anneliese de Luce
Home: Lancashire, United Kingdom
Height: 5' 0"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Activities: Astronomy, aviation, engineering, history, languages, mythology, mysteries, reading, studying
Quote: "I'm not altogether sure what is going on, but I will find out, so maybe you should just tell me so we don't waste five minutes."

Relationships: Anneliese’s parents were heirs to two different family fortunes. On her mother’s side, the de Luce’s were old money from Europe. Her father's family, on the other hand, were thoroughly American and among the nouveau riche, though her father had preferred to stay home and spend time with his daughters rather than involve himself in the family business.

Anneliese idolized her father as he had instilled in her many of the same interests and values he had. Together, she and her father shared a passion for astronomy, spending many countless nights beneath the night sky, looking through their antique telescope. She would often speak at length about how great her father was before looking a little melancholy and saying with perfect honesty that he had since passed from this world. However, her relationship with her mother had turned tense and rocky upon her father's death, as Anneliese possessed an irrational resentment over how her father had died and her mother had lived through the same accident.

On the other hand, Anneliese and her sister Grace, once close as small children, had grown apart over the years. Partly due to enrolling in different schools, and partly from the years drifting them further and further away. They rarely had the normal petty squabbles of siblings, but instead avoided each other and only spoke to each other when necessary. However, there was no one else who could quite push Anneliese's buttons like her sister Grace.

Anneliese's best friend in high school was Piper Grey, a quiet, reserved young woman who she shared a love of reading and music with. Their relationship tapered off when Anneliese's father died, but Anneliese managed to rebuild their friendship bit by bit a handful of years later during a sophomore class project, though it was clearly not the same as it was before. They were now tentative with each other, with this huge wall between them, where before they had been intensely close and shared almost everything with each other.

Description: Anneliese was the picture of prim and proper, with her curly reddish-brown hair pulled back in a thick, tightly knit braid. Her skin was marked indelibly by an almost imperceptible dusting of freckles, except during the summer time, when it was much more noticeable. Her sister said her large, wide-set eyes were just a dull, common brown, but their father, ever the poet, likened them to soaring finches, equal parts darting, inquisitive, and wild. Certainly there was a liveliness to her eyes that betrayed her own mischievous nature. Her hands and fingers were slender and clever-looking, although somewhat marred by a persistent nail-biting habit.

When at St. George's, Anneliese wore the standard blue and green tartan skirt and white button up shirt, along with a snug black wool jacket and dark red scarf, especially when out of doors. When not in school uniform, she wore close-fitting blouses of orange or red and loose skirts. Occasionally, she would wear jeans. At all times, around her left wrist, was a faded braided leather bracelet, attached to which are several small silver charms shaped like stars and moons.

Personality:  Even after her father's death, Anneliese was still a happy and upbeat person, always viewing her present circumstances with optimism and enthusiasm, though perhaps tinged with a touch more melancholy and regret. She loved to go to new places, meet new people, and experience new things. Her favorite activity was to have conversations with new friends she had just met, and she had a tendency to mimic the accent of the person she was speaking to, a result of her knowing many different languages.

She also possessed a strong moral compass along with an intense curiosity, married to an incredible work ethic. Though she was not without a sense of humour. Indeed, there was a mischief to her that was somewhat infectious and often expressed itself in corny jokes and puns, quoting from movies, especially from really old cinema, which she loved. Buried beneath the facade of a proper young lady lay hidden a wild, fiery exuberance. She was a buoyant, optimistic force of nature, full of life and verve, the first to jump out of bed for the day and the last to fall asleep, reading by flashlight into the wee hours of the dark.

Mysteries gnawed at Anneliese's psyche, which were almost like puzzles she felt a compulsion to solve. If there was a question left unanswered,  she would pick and prod at it for days on end until she found the answer. She was always ready to expound upon the latest book she'd been reading, ranging in subject from everything including and in between doorstopper-sized technical manuals to lurid trashy airport romances. She was also an ardent reader of history, mythology, as well as fiction of all kinds, though she preferred the fantasies Tolkien, Le Guin, Anthony, and Pratchett.

History: Anneliese had always had a longing for the sky, once boldly declaring as a child that she wanted to become a fighter pilot. On her thirteenth birthday, instead of asking for a pony, Anneliese pleaded for a plane of her very own. Instead, her parents opted to drive her to the junkyard and let her bring home an old Warner-Scarab engine, storing it in the old garage. She spent every weekend since mucking about with it, vowing to assemble her own single-engine aircraft by her eighteenth birthday.

However, that was not to be as her father died the next year in a freak car accident. Anneliese first became numb to life and allowed many of her old interests, as well as most of her close friendships, to die as well. She entered into an almost fugue state for those first few months and became depressed. Finally, after much time had passed did she allow herself to begin her life again, though nothing was the same as before, and she still felt like a she was only pretending to be her old self at times.

Indeed, it often felt like she was going through the motions of going to boarding school at St. George's and coming back home to her family estates. It wasn't as though she was still grieving her father's death, only that she felt like she didn't have a place she truly belonged.

Strengths/Virtues: Anneliese was open and honest, optimistic to a fault, and quick to smile and show kindness without expecting anything in return, qualities that allowed her to make friends easily. She also possessed a boundless courage that allowed her to throw herself into danger heedless of any peril to herself.

She was a natural leader, calm in stressful situations, possessed of a strong personality coupled with a positive vision and a take-charge can-do kind of attitude. People were drawn to her, befriended her, and listened to her because of her cheerful, buoyant personality.

Faults/Weaknesses: Anneliese made decisions quickly and swiftly and rarely revisited her preconceptions, however badly they may have been formed. She had an "older sister knows best" sort of attitude that made her insufferable to be around when she thought she was right.

While she had an insatiable curiosity, that also led her into trouble as it caused her to nose into business that might not be hers to pry into. She had a habit of getting herself into trouble more often than not.

Powers: Through the study of Torrhavon's histories, Anneliese has learned how to send messages imprinted upon the wind, as well as detect the flows and lines of magical energies.