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Welcome to Valport: The Fruition Trials

17:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jordan Felmoore

When you've killed all the bad guys and when it's all perfect and just and fair, when you have finally got it exactly the way you want it, what are you going to do with the people like you?

Name: Dr. Jordan Felmoore
Age: 57
Class: Illustrian (By Twofold Conquest)
Character Visual: Peter Capaldi



Dr. J. Felmoore is known for his looks, but not necessarily in a good sense like movie stars, unless you count a stare that could freeze a furnace as a good thing. Dr. Felmoore is tall, lanky, and gaunt in the face. Those who see him always take him seriously, even when he tries to be funny. Something about his face and the way he carries himself always puts off a sense of foreboding. It always seems like he's sulking, no matter the circumstance. A pupil once said he was the father of resting-bitch-face-syndrome, whatever that is.

Distinguishing Features:

Dr. Felmoore has been rumored to have magical powers in his furious eyebrows, so much so that he's sent away the angel of death itself with its tail tucked between its bony legs on two separate occasions. Many have fallen under The Doctor's glare, and few have left that encounter mentally and emotionally unscathed. There was just something haunting about being trapped under that gaunt and weathered scowl that would keep many pupils up at night.

That's not to say Dr. Felmoore never smiled. Of course, his smile has also inspired fear and panic on numerous occasions just like his glare, and his belligerent eyebrows.


Dr. Felmoore exudes sarcasm, sassiness, and general altogether cantankerousness every moment of the day. Even when he's by himself his thoughts can be very abusive. Perpetually overly critical, and constantly micromanaging and hovering over the contestants in his charge (whom he calls pupils) Dr. Jordan Felmoore has been known to be incredibly overbearing. He has even broken a contestant or two before any trial even took place. He excuses himself by telling the others if they can't handle his tutelage, then they'd certainly have perished in the trials.

The Doctor is also famous for his supernatural wit, and resourcefulness. He sometimes toys with and manipulates his pupils as a way to prepare them for the manipulation they'll receive during the trials. Sometimes in good fun. Sometimes to push their boundaries. Countless have also called him cold, and heartless, but these people only prove that they know nothing about The Doctor. In secret truth, somewhere deep-DEEP down, Dr. Felmoore actually cares for his pupils and would do anything for a select few. Even if it killed him.


Dr. Jordan Felmoore is a Mentor, teaching new contestants everything he's learned in his two terms as a contestant and conqueror. He is supremely qualified as a Mentor, and those that would discredit him only show their own ineptitudes as contestants, and doom themselves.

Special Possesions:

Special Talents:

Doctor Jordan Felmoore has on more than one occasion deduced the outcome and solution to many problems that were seen as unsolvable. It's one of the traits that has won him his Illustrian status after two terms in the trials.

Dr. J. Felmoore is also known for his deadly resolve, and stubbornness. If you were to calculate the odds on whether or not The Doctor could win a staring contest between himself and a stone, they'd be in Dr. Felmoore's favor 3 to 1. Once Dr. Felmoore has set his mind to something only death would stop him.


Dr. Jordan Felmoore seemingly appeared out of thin air a long time ago in his late teens when he volunteered for the Fruition Trials. He had a malicious grin and eyes like the devil's and was an instant favorite of the Devisers. They knew he'd be a crowd favorite. During his preparation as a contestant, however, it became immediately clear that Jordan Felmoore was not here to boast, brag, or showboat like the other youngsters. He was here to win.

At his first Benefactor, Banquet Jordan kept to himself, even after multiple Benefactor's made their interest known. His Mentor's pushed him to parlay with them, but he refused. Many whispered he realized he was too skinny and weak to compete once he saw the other Contestants, but Jordan still refused to entertain the Benefactors. Still, even after his cold shoulder treatment, a couple Benefactors decided to put their lots with him. Eventually, it all paid out in the end.

To everyone's surprise, the obscure, scrawny Ignoble orphan was the sole survivor of the trials. When Jordan stared into the camera in his first moment as a Conqueror there was silence all across Valport. They looked on through every available screen covering The Trials with mixed faces of shock, horror, and awe as his fiendish grin announced to the world that Jordan Felmoore was it's master and none could shake him. It was almost as if he knew the secret to the Fruition Trials, even when some of The Deviser's hadn't a clue.

In truth, the Deviser's hadn't picked Jordan Felmoore for the win. However, now that Jordan had clearly beaten all odds, they wanted him on their team. Something about his face and demeanor told them he'd revel in the chance to be a Deviser. However, on the day they formally invited Jordan Felmoore into their ranks, he refused. Instead, he elected to take the side of The Contestants, with a slight favoritism towards Ignobles (especially orphans).

Jordan spent years training potential Contestants and even offered some types of consulting on the side, but The Devisers never forget a slight. During the ugliest Fruition Trials, the Devisers made it clear they were no longer interested in The Contestants. They were out to kill Jordan's pupils (as he started to call them). Out of all of Jordan's Pupils, only two survived that year. Jordan was incensed.

The next trial Jordan retired as a Mentor and enlisted in the Trials again. The Deviser's at first found him mad. Then they decided they didn't care and wanted to take the opportunity to kill the man that had refused them years ago. They raised the age limit just for that year so Jordan's voluntary enlisting would be legal. While Jordan was of an advanced age now, he still had the stamina of his younger Co-Contestants. He was able to best The Physical Trials, although barely.

Eventually, Jordan Felmoore graced the screens again as a Conqueror now twice over, and whispers began that The Devisers weren't making the games fair. How could Jordan win a second time, especially when he was so much older than the rest of the Contestants? The public cried out, and many of The Devisers were fired or sent into early retirement. None remained that held a grudge against Jordan Felmoore. He had now made such a name for himself that he was even awarded an honorary doctorate in Fruition Trial Preparation (or what have you).

Dr. Jordan Felmoore was now content with the new Deviser team, and came out of retirement to train the future generations of contestants. He served many more years as a Mentor and grew to the ripe old age of 57. This is where we pick up The Doctor's story.


None known.

Likes and Dislikes (non-sexual):
Doctor Jordan Felmoore enjoys very simple things. Warm coffee in the morning, a cigar at night reclining on his balcony, things like that. He tries to avoid things that more than three people enjoy as a personal rule. Too much ado about nothing.

Dr. Femloore dislikes anyone or anything that doesn't give his pupils a fair shot, even if it's the contestant themselves. Dr. Felmoore has always found the trials the product of an evil and repressive government, and each pupil that succeeds is another victory for Jordan over this regime.

Worst Fears: (At least three. This must be filled out for plot purposes)
1.) Being the reason his pupils perish. Haunts him every night.

2.) That anything he does with meaning has no purpose or effect.

3.) That something is chasing him, and someday it will catch him.

Additional Information:

The Doctor has been approach multiple times in secret by recruiters for The Resistance, but he's denied them every time, stating he enjoys his coffee and cigars too much. In truth, he can't bear to leave His Pupils again. He'd never admit that to anyone, though.

Writing Sample:

He rubbed his thumb over the smoothness of the marble armrest on his recliner overlooking the panorama under his balcony that he's seen time and time again. No matter how many times he saw it, though, he drank it in again eagerly. For it wasn't the sight before him that pleased him, but the dullness it had become. The familiarity he was experiencing gave him his superpower. With his eyes staring into a background he was used to, his mind could race in the million directions like it always seemed to do. He reaches to the ashtray on the opaque glass end table to his left and grabs his cigar. He brings it to his lips and pulls a small cloud of flavored smoke into his mouth. The orange from the cherry of his cigar glows under his face and illuminates the deep, pensive eyebrows in the darkness of 4 am.

Are they ready?... He found himself plagued by this thought every other second. This particular batch of pupils seemed more stubborn than his other classes, but sometimes that was a good thing. It was a good thing if they had to endure a frozen tundra or a merciless desert, and they had to push on through the dehydration or exhaustion. Stubbornness could save them then. Or if they were in a bleak and empty cityscape, and had to sate their hunger on a single mouse for their weekly meal again, stubbornness would win the day. They needed to cling to their will to survive no matter the odds, no matter the environment, no matter what their mortal brains told them was true! As long as they could cling to life with a stubbornness no one had ever seen, they would pull through!

But still... Stubbornness could also work against them. Not listening to the wise counsel of a Mentor just because it wasn't what their back-breaking mother taught them, that sort of stubbornness would kill them. Choosing to rely on inanimate objects like bows, swords, or axes instead of being ready and able to use whatever you're dealt, that sort of stubbornness meant doom. Only choosing to see a wrinkled, angry, arrogant old man instead of a veteran who wanted you to survive, and was trying to break the rigidity of your small brain into something malleable, something that could adapt to ANY circumstance, THAT was a death wish. Jordan slammed a clenched fist on the armrest to his left. It was then he was briefly brought back to reality. He finally exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding and wiped the sweat from his brow. He realized suddenly that he was getting old.

He pulled his legs in and closed his recliner with a soft click. He leaned forward and had to pull himself up with the railing to his right. He leaned forward and propped his elbows up for support as he pointed his face towards the direction of where the morning sun would appear. A cool breeze flew by and teased his peppery gray locks on top of his aged scalp. He glared imposingly into the emptiness and brought his cigar back to his mouth. He held it there, and let his mouth soak the tobacco a bit before pulling in another small puff.

Jordan had to do something. He needed to make this real for them. He needed to show his pupils that this wasn't some romantic fantasy where they were guaranteed success. He smirked at the joke he made earlier with the other mentors about just offing one of them right from the start to prove a point. Obviously, he wasn't going to but Jordan's methods were starting to get reckless in his old age. What would be a good parallel for getting everyone's attention? Maybe releasing a bear in the mess hall? He'd have to get clearance from security, and of course the bear itself... Bah. No. That would just scare them. Jordan needed to take something they cared about and use it to show their mortality. Show them how fragile life was. After a few more silent moments Jordan shook his head.

He turned around and smashed out the cigar cherry with one hand while unbuttoning his coat with the other. Maybe after his ritual nightly nap he'd think of something.