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Welcome to Valport: The Fruition Trials

00:58, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jacqueline Jannequin

Major Jacqueline Jeannine Jannequin
'Mad Jack'
'The Raven'
'The Black Haired Butcher'
'The raven mad lady'
'That Black Haired [Expletive]

Raven 01



Character Visual:
Jaimie Alexander

As one of the current 'Faces' of the vanguard, Jack, known to many as 'The Raven' and known to others by less savory names, is something of a striking figure. Tall, proud, powerful, cunning. All these traits and more are emphasized on the posters and videos of the woman around Valport. In reality, those images pale in comparison to the real thing. They've been edited to give her a softness she doesn't have. A hint of friendliness that doesn't exist.

Forged in fire and blood, Jack is a hard edged woman, as is obvious from the first few moments of meeting her. She stands straight and proud, her body lithe and strong, her raven coloured hair cut and tailored to frame her face in a way that only enhances her hard edges. If she had a choice in the matter, she'd cut it off. Where some people cultivate an image, she started out with one. Though only slightly taller that the average woman at a little more than 175cm, the way she stands and looks at people make her seem even taller, and her piercing hazel eyes have made more than one person shrink back with a look. Simply put: To most people, Jack is terrifying.

In the posters and videos she's so well known for, Jack can be seen wearing fairly standard Valport Combat Armour, the main different being the fact that's it's completely matte black with no identifying features. Her men can often be seen in the background of her videos, wearing the same armour just painted gray. There's a common joke running around about her and her men being called an Unkindess to their enemies.
Distinguishing Features:
One major difference between Jack and most other Illustrians are her scars. She has dozens of them, all from close to a decade of combat. Strangely, she's refused to have them removed. They are her own personal badges in a way. Saying she's an adrenaline junkie would be something of an understatement, especially considering just how often she volunteers for the most dangerous missions possible. The fact that she's survived so long is nothing short of a miracle, and one that has been obviously capitalised on. While the posters call her 'The Raven of Valport' her men more often call her 'Mad Jack'. After all, what sane person wants to do what she does?

Many of the scars that would be visible to the public are a bit hard to see though, mainly because from the neck down, her body is covered in tattoos. Each one for a different conflict she was in, and each one with their own individual meaning. Some tattoos overlap, where others are laying inside of each other. Whatever the case with them may be, she's covered in hundreds of them.
Calling her 'direct' would accurate. Born and raised to be a Vanguard Officer, Jack generally gets her point across in as few words as possible. Sometimes, that includes an armoured fist to the face.

Jack comes off as someone that doesn't want, or really need humour in their life. A serious woman, it's often wondered if she's even capable of smiling, as no one is entirely sure if they've seen it. Not even the nannies that raised her can recall her smiling past the age of five. But that might just be them trying to get a few moments in the spotlight.

All in all, she gives off a 'no nonsense' vibe, and demands perfection not only from herself, but from the men under her command. Because of her dedication and indefatigable desire to excel at whatever she does, she and her men are some of the currently most highly decorated Vanguards in Valport.
Vanguard Officer
Special Talents:
If there's two things that could be said about Jack, the first would be her relentlessness. She doesn't stop. To her, surrendering is effectively death. And when one has a reputation for not retreating, well, it's do or die, because it's death both ways.

The second would have to be her reflexes. Born and bred to become what she is, along with a gratuitous amount of training and actual combat have made her twitchy. Such is the life of the leader that leads from the front and kicks in the doors. Of course, that's also a good time to her.
Mother - L.B. Jannequin
Farher - J.J. Jannequin
Eldest Sister - J.J. Jannequin
Older Brother - J.J. Jannequin
Younger Sister - J.J. Jannequin
Youngest Sister - J.J. Jannequin