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14:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Issac Anthony Laurie

Name: Issac Anthony Laurie.

Nickname/Title: Isa.

Age: 21

Birthplace: London slums.

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Play-By: Francisco Lachowski.

Occupation: Thief, whore, porter... anything that pays. If a man or a woman come asking for sex, he'll have sex. If a merchant asks for his muscle, he'll carry whatever is needed.  He would do what is needed to be done to survive.

Physical Description:

Isaac is a young man of medium height, whose face hadn't fully matured yet - there is no beard in sight and when clean, his face and skin is smooth and young. Like most men his age and status, he works a lot, which results in firm muscles, that would probably stick out more if he weren't as skinny.

He has green eyes, framed by lashes that would fit a woman far more.  Above said eyes are a pair of bushy eyebrows. His lips are thick and pouty under a long, straight nose. His hair is light brown, but usually sweaty and filthy.

He's from the slums. This results in dirty skin and hair, and even worse looking cloths - a shirt he believed was once white and pants that are too big on him, and hang low on his hips, tied with a rope.

Distinguishing Features:

He has a couple of scars from lashes on his back, and a missing finger - the top half of his fourth finger on his right hand.

Personality Description:

Issac is a quiet man, and never speaks without thinking his words through. He doesn't say much, but make no mistakes - whatever he says is well designed and chosen. Being too frank has caused him some trouble, but saved him far more. That being told, he curses a lot.

Being this quite often makes people think he's also slow minded, but despite having little to no education at all, Issac is wicked smart, and catches on concepts, connections and other things quite quickly. He may not know maths or how to play the piano, but he understands people, and he knows how to manipulate things to his own well-being.

He is a hard worker, and is willing to do practically anything. He long ago learned that self dignity was over appreciated, and that some things need to be  done to survive. He does everything with his whole heart - be it sex, construction, stealing... he'd give his everything.

He isn't very trusting, and it takes a long while to get on good terms with him, but once you earn his trust, his loyalty is beyond measure - he would kill and die for the right person, without hesitation.

Issac doesn't like most people on first glance and its very hard to change his view on you - he assumes people are evil at the base, and you'd have to prove yourself otherwise. This makes him a man with very few true friends, and whoever isn't on his good side probably fears him a little. He has his name going before him - he stops at nothing and will do anything.

Characters History:

Isak was born in the slums of London, to a prostitute mother. His father was some rich lord  from the city. He didn't even know his name, since... well, his mother didn't, either. But he knew he was a lord or some other rich man, since his mother only ever worked with the Upper Class of London. Their home was a tiny flat above the pub, which had one room - a bed, a table and chair, and some of his mother's cooking materials. From an early age, Issac knew what his mother was doing. As a baby and toddler he was left alone in the pub so his mother could work, and once he was perhaps seven years old, he finally understood.

His childhood passed between the flat, the pub, and the smelly London streets. He loved his days in the pub - he got to meet all sorts of people and hear many stories. The pub owner allowed him to work there since he was nine years old - carrying food to tables and filling beer mugs - and he paid Issac a meal a day. Hed forever remember these days. Every day he'd finish working, the pub owner - Oliver - would ruffle his hair, and give him a large chunk of bread and sometimes even soup.

Being a teen was a little rougher. His mother had fallen ill - too many miscarriages had wrecked her insides, she reckoned, and her teeth started falling out. The doctor said she had to lay down and suddenly, Issac had to feed two mouths and not one. He was thirteen, and his mother no longer brought in any money. He started by begging Oliver for more work, but it really didn't do much. He turned to roaming the streets in search for money, and worked wherever he managed to find work. Sometimes he scrubbed pavements, sometimes he cleaned shoes. Other times he carried bricks, or pulled carriages. Every day he walked down the market, and in time he learned how to shove into his pockets different things to sell or to eat. Once, he got caught stealing a bread loaf. His punishment? A cut finger.

That night his mother cried herself to sleep, and she never woke up again.

Now an orphan, Issac really couldn't effort a flat and food and not even a burial for his mother. Always an independent, lone boy, at fifteen he carried his dead mother to the cemetary and buried her himself, in the dead of night.

That was around the time he learned that his body could earn him money in more than one way. Unlike his mother, he didn't limit himself to the upper class - he wasnt as beautiful as her and he clearly was a male.

Some of his clients were lonely women, but most of them were men. Rich, poor, handsome and ugly, they all came, satisfying a secret need in the dark, feeling ashamed and disgusted. Issac was their place to dump everything out.

At least it payed good.

He worked in bed at night and in the streets at day, earning just enough to live in a room and have food to fill his stomach.

Six years have passed that way.

Now, who knows what could happen next?


Issac is a realistic man. He doesn't have many goals other than surviving. But, if you'd ask him to be a little more creative, he'd probably want to learn. Everything, anything. To rise above the dire need to survive and focus on knowing. Languages and science and anything that could be studied.

He has given up on love a long time ago, and of a family of his own as well. He knows there's no chance. Or maybe... deep down, he still hopes there is one.

Likes: Stories, beer, smoking, hearing music, and cooking. The sunrise, swimming in the sea. Thinking. Talking to interesting people.

Dislikes: Fake people, Loud noises, arguments.