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21:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Arty Richter

Name:  Frederick Artemis Richter

Nickname:  Arty

Address: 58 W. Greenlee Rd

Gender:  Male

Age:  32 - 8 Oct 1984

General Appearance:  6' 1", white male average build with some muscle tone visible. Dark black hair buzz cut on sides but thick swooping lock of hair across the top center of his head. Wear's a silver, haloed cros that is a family heirloom. He exercises daily and swims laps four times a week if there is a pool

Distinguishing Marks:  Tattoo partially visable below left t-shirt sleeve and across chest and back if only wearing light tee shirt.   Scar on on the left side of his forehead wound, surgery scares to his right shattered knee, and gunshot wound scar on his left hip.

Personality: Jovial; outgoing in that he wants to help out with things; has a streak of sarcasim that uses in a humorus way.

Sexual Preferences:

Employment (Employed/Unemployed/Out of towner etc.):  New associate professor of World History and Ancient Roman history at the Bridgewater College, about 25 miles from Stillwater and also at Camp Grady.

Additional Background:

Family:  Father August Richter, deceased, former attorney; Mother Victoria Mackie, Director of Human Resources at Mt. Saint Mary's University, Emmitsburg, MD
Brother:  Florian Richter (*1989), Mathematics Instructor, University of Pennsylvania
Sister:  Beatrice Elizabeth Richter (*1993), 3rd year law student, University of Chicago Law School
Ex wife:  Mary Jo Reid, *1990
Son: Xavier Artemis Richter, lives with Mary Jo and boyfriend Brad, born 26 May 2010

1.  Brandy - Asbach-Uralt preferred.
2.  Drinks tea, not coffee.
3.  Airships - this is a family association with his great grandfather working for Goodyear before WWII.
4.  History - Roman border history - Hadrian's Wall, did an archeaological dig there one summer; Summer session in Bulgaria at Halmyris; Family history as well.

1.  Coffee - unlike the folks in Seattle, he learned while in the Army that he cannot stand the stuff.
2.  Cats.
3.  Mary Jo and Brad.

Character Goals:
1.  Build upon family history dealing with occult and collecting occult information.
2.  Find something that sparks his interest in community - divorce kicked that out of him.
3.  Secure his position so Mary Jo will agree to send Xavier out to live with him and he won't have to petition court to award him custody of Xavier, his son.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Arty grew up in a historic three story brick brownstone in Philadelphia.  Mother and father both worked in Philadelphia with his father a partner in a small boutique firm that assisted small governments and non=profit corporations.  His mother worked as an assistant director in the Human Resources Division of Temple University.  August Richter developed leukemia when Arty was in his Senior year of colleage.  His brother Florian had graduated and was in the midst of his Master's Program and his sister, Beaz, was starting high school.
18 - graduates
22 - Senior year, (Villanova) - dad diagnosed with leukemia; Florian completes High School; Arty completes degree, puts off grad school to help in family; Beaz starts high school.
23 - Dad dies - Mom decides to stay in Philly, Beaz to finish High School.  Will states the brownstone cannot be sold and each member has a life estate.  Further, learn that a source of income is a trust associated with properties in Germany owned by his father.  Arty inherits the trust submit to life estate shares with his mother receiving 70% of the income for her life, the sibs receiving 10% of the income.  Reeling, Arty goes on a week long drinking bing.  When he gathers himself back together, learns that he has enlisted in the US Army.
24 - Basic training, SSgt Richter upon completion. Sent to riflemen's school and placed with platoon to go to Iraq.
26 - While platoon doing security sweep of small village outside of Baghdad, IED explodes under troop transport - fire fight follows.  Arty major concusion, attempts to aid 1st Lt & Sgt Mjr get platoon out of vehicles - pinned and all wounded, four kia, and A-10 air support called in to help.  Wounded, including Arty, flown to Germany.  While on convalescence, Arty toured family estate, the Isenburg located west of Fulda, that is partially rented by a German playboy millionaire and the other part is a public museum.  Arty finds the hidden family archive.  While on convalescence, Arty toured family estate, the Isenburg located west of Fulda, that is partially rented by a German playboy millionaire and the other part is a public museum.  Arty finds the hidden family archive.
27 - Returns stateside.  Start's dating a girl, Mary Jo, and within a few short months learns that she is pregnant, court house wedding.  Mary Jo continues to work at the Base Exchange.  Mary Jo delivers Xavier Artemis Richter. Mary Jo and him separate - crowded relationship as she had another boyfriend on nearby base.  Divorce following Arty arrested for smashing the windshield and headlights out of the marine boyfriend's pick up truck.  Arty suffers from night sweats and sleep walking.  Divorce goes badly, visitation limited - Arty tries to "work around it" and Judge not amused.  Honorably Discharged from US Army. Visitation has to be supervised by Court, ordered to treatment with VA, avoids - supervision limited.
28 - Mom takes job in Emmitsburg, MD - Rents out house in Philly to Florian and a few of his fellows at UP.  Florian kicks Arty out of the house after a fight with one of the other renters.  Arty finds a rental and moves in while he continues to work odd remodeling jobs.  Realizes that he needs to get himself together.  Arty visits VA.  VA counseling starts, he also learns of availability of GI benefits.
29 - Enrolls in a Masters program in Temple and studies Roman history.  Mary Jo and Xavier move in with Mary Jo's parents in Western Tennessee.  Court allows Xavier to move to TN, supervison changed to one four day weekend a month, six weeks in summer, traded holidays.  Recruited to his order which doing a research fellowship having met another of the order in the University of Chicago's Classic's Department.
31 - Graduates from Temple.  Mary Jo now with Brad, a former Marine, and living NC.  Arty still trying to make the four day weekends work.  Mary Jo and Brad have a child, Mary Jo wanting to have Arty take on more responsibility for Xavier.  Arty applies for various teaching jobs.  Hired by the Community College in Winchester to teach World History, Ancient Greek and Roman History.  Winchester being about 90 minutes from Seattle, it was  far away from NC.  Court hearing allows for a week long visit every other month if Arty can pay for the airfare (Mom helps at times), and eight weeks in the summer.  Mary Jo suggests that if Arty can keep it together maybe "Xavier can just go live with you and see a new part of the country, what with Brad and I expecting another baby in the next eight months."  Arty arrives to set up at the Community College, taking over a class already underway with a Professor who is undergoing second round of cancer treatment.  Four and a half months later, that Professor returns to work.
  Arty is out of work, but the Vice Provost feeling guilty knows of a colleague looking for a new Associate Professor for a small New England private college that would also have some duties teaching at a nearby military base - Camp Grady.  Arty gets the job after a few skype interviews.
  Heads to Philly, picks up things, and mom gives him her old 2013 Lincoln MKS.  Road trip to Stillwater and arrives on morning of the Jubilee.