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Welcome to Roommates Wanted

12:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lance Sullivan

Name: Lance Sullivan

Nickname: Sully

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Distinguishing Marks: Tattoo of feathers on inside of right bicep.

General Appearance: Standing right at six feet even and weighing around 175 pounds, quite physically fit with stylish hair and perfect white teeth, Sully is perfectly at ease in fine tailored suits or running shorts and a tank.

Personality: Gregarious, outgoing, fun loving, and can be quite attentive.

Sexual Preferences: Prefers the ladies but not averse to male attention now and then.

Employment (Employed/Unemployed/Student etc.): Dancer (ballroom and exotic) but doesn't have to work as his parents are quite financially secure.

About Your character:  Lance grew up among the privileged, everything always coming quite easily to him.  He was smart but slacked off in high school, leading his parents to demand he attend college and perform well enough to continue receiving his allowance.  He attended the University of Southern California and managed to earn a BBA with decent marks, not that it mattered as one day he'll take over his father's marketing and advertising company.

For now he's living the good life and utilizing many of the skills he learned while growing up to earn extra spending money.  His mother insisted he take dance lessons to balance the sports his father pushed him to do, stating he needed them to uphold classy appearances.  While he hated it at first, he soon figured out women loved a guy who could dance.  While in college a friend introduced him to a different world of dance, leading to his current lucrative hobby.