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Welcome to Coupled in Paradise Season 2 (Fin-Archived)

04:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mary Morgan

Name: Mary Morgan

Play-By: LD Shadowlady

Age: 21

Occupation: gamer/youtuber

Birth Place: Columbia, SC

Sexuality: Heterosexual (but open-minded)

Physical Description: Mary is 5'5" tall and fairly slender and petite. She has sparkly pale blue eyes and a shy but bright smile. Her hair is fairly straight with a mild wave to it, hanging down to just below her shoulders and always dyed into a variety of colors (her favorites are neon or light blue, pink, and purple but has tried a wide range of colors and is always willing to try new ones).

Distinguishing Marks: none

Personality: In person she can be shy, quiet, reserved, hesitant, and awkward. Online or on the phone however, she is bubbly and energetic. Full of life and curiosity. She has a very broad sense of humor that more often than most seems to enjoy the weird. Online or on the phone, she can be very open and friendly and even flirty sometimes. In person she is usually somewhat insecure for some reason.

Back Ground: Mary was born to an interior designer and a real estate agent. Two things she immediately had no interest in the second she learned anything meaningful about them. Growing up she was always so bubbly and full of energy, bouncing off the walls and getting into everything. As a kid she actually used to love playing sports and swimming but things changed when they moved to Chicago when she was 7.

At her new school she stood out like a sore thumb. No one was interested in the kinds of things she liked. She ran afoul of the local mean girls club her first day of school and suffered relentless bullying from them. Over time it caused her to withdraw and become shy and quiet around people she wasn't close to. Taking to indoors she discovered video games and D&D trying to find fun things to do that didn't require leaving the house.

When she got her first gaming capable laptop she never looked back. She started playing various games online and in a couple years got really good. So good she ended up being invited to join an eSports team called the Valkyries, an all girl organization that hosted teams for multiple games across every platform. By the time she was 17 she was a regular professional at it. She's known as Kára of the Valkyries or Defiant Kára.

Inbetween seasons she started getting bored so she started streaming matches for fun in her downtime. Those streams eventually led to her posting youtube videos and over a year and a half she slowly built up enough of a following that she started getting recognized as a youtuber with a prominent gaming channel.

Likes: videogames, tabletop games, cheese, anime, hair dye, cat ears

Dislikes: large groups, public speaking, techno and metal music, spiders

Strengths: Smart, excellent hand/eye coordination, superb reflexes, energetic (if quietly when around multiple people she doesn't know well)

Weaknesses: Shy and insecure in person, not much for most physical activities

Fears: large groups or crowds, public speaking, any sort of extreme physical activity (mountain climbing, skydiving, roller derby, etc)

Fun Facts: (little things most people don't know about you)

The Perfect Guy/Girl for You: He has to love gaming. And be willing to wear cat ears when I want him to. And be willing to listen to j-pop for three hours straight.