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09:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rebecca Cottingham

Name:  Rebecca Cottingham

Nickname/Title: Jewell

Age:  34

Sexuality:  Pansexual

Play-By: Alexandra Breckenridge

Occupation: Owner of the Night Jewell / Courtesan

Physical Description: Rebecca Cottingham has legs! She is tall and willowy, with a shock of red, curly hair, with green eyes that shine like emeralds, earning her the nickname ‘Jewel’.
She has a very graceful way of moving, as if she is a dancer in the ballet.  She likes to dress in tactile clothing (silks and velvets).

Distinguishing Features: Bright green eyes

Personality Description: Out-going and cheerful, reserved and coy, funny and smart, quiet and reserved, dominant or submissive.
She can be whatever you need her to be.  Her trade and her business require her to be a social chameleon, and so she is.  She cannot be shocked by anyone or anything and embraces all she meets.

Characters History: Rebecca ran away from her family home in Sussex when she was 13 years old.  Her Father was the local village church Parson, and her mother was a loyal and deeply devout wife.  Neither were particularly good parents, mostly owing to the fact that Rebecca had not been planned.  Her mother was shocked to find herself pregnant at 43.  They had always assumed they were unable to have children.  Mr. Cottingham was 11 years her senior and had no interest in raising a child.  His life was supporting his community.  Mrs. Cottingham had no idea how to handle a child and so Rebecca’s earlier memories are of her mother taking ill a lot and hiding in her rooms to avoid the child.
They provided a tutor for her and she learnt to read and paint and draw, she even learnt how to sing and play the piano.  But her childhood was a lonely one.
One night, when her parents were off at a village function, Rebecca slipped out of the house and ran into the night.  She fully expected to be found, but somehow, she never was.  She managed to make her way to London where she fell in with a crowd of street urchins.  A year later and a Madam at a high end brothel spotted her and took her in.
In her youth, Rebecca was a highly sought after 'courtesan' (prostitute is too crass a word, darling!).
She has aged gracefully and is now running her own club (the Night Jewell) where intellects, poets, musicians, dancers, writers, philosophers, lords and ladies, magistrates and officers, the list goes on! Basically, anyone who wishes to spend time in good company and with like-minded people, in luxurious surroundings, with fine wines and spirits... they should frequent the Night Jewell!  There are nights of good music and dancing, laughter and joy.  All are welcome, as long as their pockets will match the fun they having!
Rebecca allows 5 other women to have a room at the Night Jewell.  They are all 'Courtesans', spending time with only one client.  They are educated women from differing walks of life, some are spinsters or widows, some are lower class girls looking to rise above the grime, status hunters.  The have to be educated, clean and conduct themselves with good grace.  They are allowed to 'court' a client for 6 months.  If in that time he/she is not willing to re-locate the Courtesan to their own suite to be his / her mistress and to ensure they live out the rest of their years in comfort, then Madame Jewell insists the transactions desist so the girl can move on to the next gentleman/lady caller.
They are affectionately known as the 'Jewels'.

Goals: To run a successful business

Likes:  Beautiful things, especially gifts of jewellery or fine clothing.

Dislikes:  Having the Bible quoted at her and Sundays.