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22:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Peregrine Teague

Name: Peregrine Teague

Nickname: Perry, Tee, Teague

Gender: male

Age: 26

Hair: black

Eyes: blue

Distinguishing Marks: peregrine falcon tattoo on his back, coatl wrapping around his left arm

General Appearance: piercing blue eyes that look almost unreal, black hair so dark it has bluish highlights, leanly muscled, standing 5'10", weighing 175lbs.

Perry is not a clothes horse; he wears jeans and tees mostly, though he does have his 'dress clothes'; Dockers, khakis, some button-up shirts.  He tends to run around with a five-o'clock shadow, and wears a watch, an unusual ring, a gold braided necklace, and a braided leather necklace with a small goden feather hanging from it.


Sexual Preferences: straight

About Your character: Peregrine Teague and his sister, Shae were orphaned at a young age, and were sent to live with their aunt and uncle.  He was nine, his sister four.  The insurance money from both parents helped some, but their aunt and uncle were not really used to kids, and used the money mainly for their own benefit.

Jack Wallace, Perry's uncle, noticed that he looked online at car, motorcycles, anything with an engine.  He brought him into the garage he owned, and started teaching the boy, who had a natural aptitude.  A lot of his cutsomers were Hell's Angels or other bike club members.  They started treating Perry as a kind of mascot, even going so far as to get the boy a scooter to get him ready for motorcycles.

Perry's school life, however, was not a good thing.  He averaged out at a C for almost all his classes, except for PE nd, when he was older, chemistry and shop.  He'd already built a custom bike when he was just fifteen, and continued to do custom builds, paints, and repairs.

Getting out of school he went to work in the garage his uncle owned was freeing for Perry.  But he discovered something he hadn't known before that; his uncle had a chop shop, and criminal connections.  His aunt knew as well, and tended to have alcohol and drug parties.  By the time he knew this, he'd gotten his own shithole apartment, and his sister was still under his relatives' roof.

He had bulked up some from his work with the bikes, car repairs, and such.  Soon he was not someone to be trifled with; he had learned how to fight and fight dirty in the poor neighborhood he'd lived in, agaist the kids from his schools.  His uncle's friends were rough, but Perry was quite vicious himself.  He was very protective of his sister, and did everything he could to protect her.

When his sister was sixteen, Perry rescued her from a sexual assault in his uncle's own house; a few of the guys got bombed on beer, Jack, and coke, and not the drinkable kind of coke either.  He had just happened to drop by when he heard Shae screaming, and he broke the door down to get to her.  The four were convicted of attempted rape, assault, and drug running as well.  Shae was placed with her brother, who worked his ass off to provide her with everything she wanted.

Just a couple months after Shae's graduation, the Wallaces were killed in a car accident; he'd been driving drunk, and wrapped the car around a pole.  Their house and the garage went to Perry, and he built the garage into a much better place.  They stayed there until Shae was 21, then sold everything off and moved.  Perry did everything for Shae; she'd slowly been getting more and more withdrawn.  Taking her out of there seemed like the best idea.  So he packed them up and left the shitty little place they'd been living, and headed out for someplace different.