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Welcome to Rise of the Titans

19:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)



Name: Midnight

Nickname: None. Call her one and she'll likely gut you.

Age: 18

Weight: 55kg

Height: 175cm

Hair Color: Black as the void between stars

Eye Color: Violet though sometimes people swear they glow red.

Distinguishing Marks: At times her eyes seem to glitter with stars.

Physical Description: Midnight is darkly beautiful. The kind of beauty that one looks at and knows is dangerous yet wants to get close to, no matter the risk. She has ivory skin which contrasts her hair which is of the deepest black. Her eyes are violet and seem to reflect stars and celestial bodies that aren't present. Her smile is always dangerous and she doesn't walk so much as flow. Her voice is husky and sexy and is often filled with scorn. Her laughter tends to be razor sharp and can draw blood. She is enticing, beguiling, beautiful, and dangerous. She tends to dress in all black from the t shirt of some black metal band to her spiked and studded leather jacket, leather skirt, fishnet stockings and knee length leather boots. At night she seems to glide and vanish between shadows and is quite obviously much more alive and kin to the dark of night than the garish light of day. Her eyes are almost always accented with dark, smoky liner, mascara, and eyeshadow and her lipstick is often black or dark purple.

Lineage: She is the Daughter of Nyx and a mortal worshipper who still lives but has never met his daughter as Nyx returned to Tartarus the night she was impregnated. She is possessed of many brothers and sisters but is quite close to Thanatos, Keres, Moros, Eris, and Apate.


Personality: Cruel, vicious, cutting, not at all nice. She was raised in Tartarus and resents her demi-god status and longs to ascend and truly take her place as her mother's daughter. She can be violent, deceptive, chaotic, and instigate Strife in honour of her sister, Eris. She tends to be very sarcastic and sneers when a smile would do and smiles when it's most inappropriate.

Strengths: She is completely unflappable. Nothing scares a girl who grew up in Hell. For all her sharp edges if you win her trust, she'll kill for you. Die for you...not so much but she's never been that close to anyone other than her family.

Weaknesses: She's lonely. She doesn't know how to act human or around humans. The siblings she's closest to are the most vicious of her mother's children so she was raised tormenting damned souls in Tartarus. She does not like the sun. Daytime is painful and she is at her happiest and most powerful at night.

Fears: Failing or disappointing her mother.

Hopes: Midnight wants to be a Goddess or, more specifically, a Primordial being like her mother. She wants to shed the piece of mortality she was given at birth. She wants to please her mother and keep her approval. Her mother, distant though she may be, loves her and she wants to keep that. Lastly, something she's barely aware of, she wants to learn how to act around mortals. That desire creeps around the edge of her mind so she's never taken it out to examine but it's there.


She has perfect vision at night and can see in total darkness.

Cloak of Night: not an actual cloak but what she calls her ability to shroud herself in Darkness. She can use it to blend into shadows and be perfectly invisible. She can expand it into a pair of feathered wings of perfect black that are dotted with stars, galaxies, and celestial bodies which allows her to fly.

She can manipulate shadows and form simple weapons. She most often forms a pair of swords that are equivalent to high quality steel to which monsters are vulnerable and whose use she is quite adept with.

She is stronger and faster at night. Not inhumanly so but around the top end of human-capable.

Basic Skills: she wasn't completely disassociated with all things human growing up in Tartarus. She loves black and death metal and is a talented guitarist and vocalist.

Backstory: Midnight was born in Tartarus to the Primordial Nyx but this was the first time she infused mortality into her creation by allowing herself to be impregnated by a human, making her daughter a Demi-Goddess instead of a personification of  a primordial concept. She's never told her daughter why she did this despite being asked many times over the course of Midnight's short life.

She grew up in the dark and gloom of the realm of the dead where she joined her siblings in tormenting the shades that dwell there so, to her, humans have very little value and her only interaction with them came as she delivered pain and agony.

Until now. On her 18th birthday her Mother told her that she was sending her to the lands of the living to be her hand in the War against the Titans. Initially thrilled at the chance to use her abilities she suddenly realised something: she didn't have the slightest idea how to live as one of them. All she really knew was what she tortured out of the poor sods and that she liked some of their music and learned how to play when she "convinced" the spirit of a black metal musician to teach her. Oter than that she was utterly lost and told her mother no.

That went about as well as expected but, as she does love her daughter she promised her she wouldn't be sent to the mortal lands alone; her Hellhound, Slayer, that she had raised since she was spawned by Cerebus (named after one of the bands she liked) would go as Protector and Companion. She appeared, in a rather lavish home, in Rhodes, with Slayer, and a handful of implanted memories so she would know how to cook, clean, spend money on things and all the myriad of tosh mortals do that she had no clue how to do.

Slayer appears as a black Tibetan Mastiff with a massive mane of fur and black eyes that appear to glow red at times. When she takes on her true form she's a monstrosity the size of a bear that has a mouthful of flames and glowing red eyes. Slayer hates anyone who isn't Midnight and will eat them if given the command. She is utterly loyal to her Mistress and finds the mortal lands vexing and not entirely pleasant, especially when the Sun is up.

Alignment: Nyx. Midnight is loyal to her Mother so where Mother's loyalties lie, so too do hers.