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00:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Farienn Ludvigson

Name: Farienn Ludvigson
Nickname: Imp, Rascal and Rogue are among the more common ones that can be used in polite company.
Age: 21
Weight: 125 lbs.
Height: 5'-4"
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Distinguishing Marks: None

Physical Description: Imp looks somewhat small for his age compared to the average human males at age twenty one. His physique is that of a gymnast or an acrobat, wiry and muscular. He wears his raven black hair at shoulder length or slightly longer, keeping it tied back in a ponytail when necessary. His green eye always seem to scanning an area as if he expects to find some treasure that everyone has ignored, that or looking for some trouble to get into.

Lineage: Imp's father is Loki, which says a lot about Imp's upbringing. Unfortunately he has never found out who his mother was.

Personality: Imp is gregarious and talkative. Always laughing or pulling some inane prank on a friend or colleague. It is odd to ever encounter Imp and him actually be quiet, most people suspect he is up to something on those rare occasions.


Laugh it off - Imp finds most things to be funny in one way or another and rarely lets anything bother him for long.

Tough - Imp's childhood was rather rough and he has learned how to roll with the punches, both physically and emotionally.

Observant - Imp is  in truth always suspicious about things, as well as looking for his next mark.

Loyal - As strange as it may seem Imp is actually incredibly loyal to his friends and allies.


Temper - Imp inherited a rather nasty temper from his father or possibly his mother. He tries to keep it under control but at times it slips out.

Beautiful women - Imp has a real soft spot for beautiful women which has lead to trouble on more than one occasion.

Mischievous - Imp is a born trouble maker and is constantly looking to see if he can stir things up.


Monophobic -Imp has a need to be around people a fears being alone.

Hopes: Imp hopes to one day not be judged by his fathers actions and to be judged as his own person. And probably his greatest hope is to one day find his true mother.

Inherited Godly Powers:

Invisibility - Works primarily against humans, letting him move about unseen. Against other gods or those sensitive to magic it isn't always dependable especially if they are actively looking for him. It may work if they are distracted or not paying attention, but even then the may catch a ripple of movement of blurriness in the air that gives him away.

Telekinesis - He can pick up and move objects at a distance and manipulate small things like the keys on a keyboard (if he can see it well enough to make out the letters, he's not a very good typist.) actual keys or other buttons and switches. At the moment though the maximum he can lift is around twenty lbs.

Suggestion - He can influence some people to take action or do things they might normally avoid or think twice about. He can't really take anyone's mind over but he can give them that little bit of a nudge needed for them to do something. (Using his step father as an example. He had been drinking heavily and was already having serious thoughts of suicide. So when Imp made his suggestion it was enough to goad him into doing it.) The ability rarely works on gods, they really have to be wanting to do something for it to work and afterwards they usually figure out he had a hand in it. (Yes it would definitely be something that would need discussed in a PM before being posted in a thread.)

Basic Skills:

Sleight of Hand

Backstory: Imp has no real idea where he was born or who his birth mother is. But the fact that Loki is his father was settled long ago. Odin himself placed Imp with an family on Earth shortly after Imp was born. Maybe out of spite or possibly as an attempt to allow Imp to learn a little humility, something his father greatly lacked, Imps foster parents were less than stellar to say the least. Imp grew up mostly ignored and at time abused. It was sometime around his thirteenth birth day that he first came to realize he had powers. His foster father in a drunken rage had chosen Imp as his target for the evening and was looking for any excuse to take his frustrations out on his unworthy soon. During a rather heated exchange Imp rather colorfully suggested that his father go take a flying leap, to Imps surprise his foster father did exactly that by jumping out of the fifth floor window of their apartment.

Since that time Imp has been practicing with his powers and learning that he has a couple others and hopefully more. He only currently learned that Loki is his true father when his uncle Thor paid him a suprise vist just to make sure he was not on the wrong path. Currently Imp lives a rather high lifestyle by preying on those who have too much and consider themselves above everyone else.

Alignment: Neutral