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Welcome to Rise of the Titans

22:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mist Frejadottir


Name: Mist Frejadottir

Nickname: Valkyrie
Age: 21

Weight: 59kg

Height: 69"

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Ice Blue

Distinguishing Marks: White feathered wings tattooed on her back.

Physical Description: Mist is a tall, striking woman with the flawless complexion and white hair common to Scandinavian women and eyes as blue as ice. She is very physically fit and has spent most of her young life training with the weapons of her craft. Her father is a Heathen and worshiper of Freyja so she charged him with raising their daughter in a manner befitting a shield-maiden and Valkyrie which he did. Her upbringing was harsh but he loves his daughter and made sure she knew it even as he taught her use of the sword, shield, spear, and firearms.

Lineage: Daughter of Freyja and Trigve Svensen.


Personality: Mist is a warrior. A shield-maiden first and foremost but also a Valkyrie though she wields weapons, something the Choosers of the Dead never did. Both of her parents made it known to her that she was to be something new. A new demigoddess for a new Age. She is headstrong, kind, merciful and merciless. She is possessed of a warrior's gallows humour and is very protective of her friends, family, hearth, and home.

Strengths: Very protective of the weak, inexorable in combat, especially when protecting others. Kind and merciful when she must be. Honourable and honest but also wild and untamed as befits her mother.

Weaknesses: Battle lust. She glories in battle and needs to be pulled off the field when her blood is up. Her very strength can be used against her by attacking the weak and the helpless. In this regard she is most like her Mother who can be filled with wrath.

Fears: Disappointing her parents. She doesn't believe, as do some others, that this fight belongs to any one group of Gods so she is here and willing to give all she has to defeat the Titans, seeing the echoes of Ragnarok in the War to come.

Hopes: To bring honour to her family and that includes all of the Æsir and Vanir.


Inherited Godly Powers:

Flight: As a Daughter of Freyja and a Valkyrie she has feathered white wings she can call upon to fly over the field of battle. She much prefers to be on the ground in the midst of battle so she most often uses them to fly to the site of battle, and not to remain in the air above the fighting. Where is the glory in that?

Strength: Due to being a Demigod and Daughter of a Goddess of War she is stronger than humans, able to lift around 375kg.

Shapechanging: Mist can Shapechange as can her Mother. The animals she is most often associated with are cats of various kinds, falcons, and boars.

Basic Skills: Mist was raised by her father in Norway and was home schooled by him so, whilst she knows many of the things any normal young woman would, she also knows how to fight with sword, spear, and shield. She's also skilled in several forms of empty hand fighting such as Krav Maga, MMA, JKD, and Aikido. Shield and spear are her favourite combination and what she fights with the most, being very skilled with the spear and forming a shield wall of her own.


Backstory: Odin saw the Battle with the Titans coming and a woman of godly heritage fighting alongside the Greeks. He quickly Divined the woman was the daughter of Freyja and sent the vision to her to do with as she must. The Goddess knew that she must make the Vision come true to she appeared to one of her most devoted, Trigve, son of Sven, and lay with him. She returned to him with their daughter and told him to raise her to know how to fight and to learn honour and to defend the weak, but also how to live amongst the humans so she would not feel apart from them. This he did and raised Mist to be an honourable and kind woman, returning her to Freyja for her to teach her the Arts of Divinity. When the time came Mother and Father both were there to see her off to the island of Rhodes where the battle would be. Freyja has stayed with Trigve since, seeking comfort in his arms and hoping for the best for their child.

Relics: Not relics in the strict sense of the word but rather newly crafted items made for Mist by the Dwarves at the request of her Mother.

They appear as a bracelet with three charms: sword, shield, and spear. These are the weapons she is able to summon as a shieldmaiden. They each have a special quality that can work for anyone though so she's not inclined to let others use them due to their personel value.

The Shield is strong enough to block any weapon of mortal make. The Hammer of Thor or a Titan's weapon (or similar divine weapon) would break the shield, forcing it back onto her wrist for 24 hours.

The sword is an Oakeshott Type XII sword with M shaped pommel similar to the Cawood sword found in the River Ouse in North Yorkshire capable of cutting through many items of mortal make but divine weapons can parry the blade.

The spear is sized for a young woman of her height to use with a shield so stands app. 7' in length. The tip is of a type known as krókspjót (barbed spear) which is a very long, sharp,thin tip with wings that can be used to catch weapons. The spear can penetrate any armour of mortal make but takes skilled spearwork against a foe bearing divine arms or armour.

Alignment: Gods