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12:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Diana Prince ~ Wonder Woman (PGM)

Real Name:  Diana Prince (Diana of Themyscira)
Current Alias:  Wonder Woman
Faction:  Justice League
Base Of Operations: JLA Watchtower, Hall of Justice, Themyscira
Race:  Amazon
Marital Status:  Single
Occupation:  Government Agent ยท Ambassador, Curator of Antiquities for American of National History, Ancient Greece artifacts
Height:  6' 0"  Weight:  130 lbs (59 kg)
Eyes:  Blue   Hair:  Black
Place of Birth:  Themyscira

Superhuman strength, speed, durability, and longevity
Skilled hand-to-hand combatant

Utilizes Lasso of Truth, indestructible bracelets, boomerang tiara, sword, and shield



Similar to Hercules, Diana is a Demigod. This makes her basically human, yet blessed with amazing abilities due to her God-like half. The human element of Wonder Woman is that Diana can be a victim to the same weaknesses the everyday human might have, i.e. one of which is a poke to the eyes. Wonder Woman does have amazing speed and strength. But if by chance someone of super speed decided to hit her in the eyes, they could either temporarily or permanently blind her. Obviously, this is a weakness few people think about with her but it can be done and it would certainly be a useful tactic for someone who could get close enough.

Lasso of Truth is an iconic part of the character and it's startling to see her without it. Mostly known for its ability to force the truth out of someone, it can also trap people of various strength levels. Basically a God-like weapon, even Wonder Woman can fall victim to it by being trapped by the lasso. Over the years she has fallen victim to it. The truth being forced out of her with it has not been a huge success, though.

Wonder Woman's bracelets are one of her most defining parts of her outfit, like her lasso. They can be used to deflect bullets or any other projectiles, so the use of them makes sense. They are sensible to have around, and her ability to use them has saved her own life and countless others. However, the bracelets are actually power inhibitors. They are basically made to keep Diana's powers down to a manageable level. She is already amazingly powerful, has super speed, and can fly. And that's not even to mention her tactical advantages having grown up learning from the Amazons. Without the bracelets, though, her power grows in a massive way, which means one of her most notable uniform attachments are actually hindering her from using her full power. Why not let her be the most powerful Wonder Woman she can be? For that, you will need to keep reading, as it is key to pinpointing another major weakness that she has.

Scarecrow's fear gas is used to, well, bring out your darkest fears. When the gas is inhaled, the inhaler will start to hallucinate whatever they fear most. People often are seen as crazy when they get into this state, but it is always uncertain how seriously people will react. Just about everyone has inhaled it, including Batman himself. Just like Batman, Wonder Woman could very well have trouble with the gas due to her human half. This has happened to her in the past, and it very well could happen again. Obviously, Diana has super breath to blow away any sort of gas she sees. She also has the ability to hold her breath for long periods of time. However, if she does not see the gas due to Scarecrow making it invisible, there is a good shot that she will inhale the gas and see her fears.

You may be wondering how an inability to relate possibly can be a weakness. For most, it isn't. However, Diana does care about the people she saves liking her. Early on, Wonder Woman has a lot of trouble trying to relate to humans of the world because she lived on a secluded island that kept her not only away from all men, but from all normal people. She has superpowers as well, which can make normal human problems seem minute to her. Diana does not seem to understand normal human issues or struggles a lot of times.  While she saves a lot of people, that does not keep her from hurting others along the way. The destruction she leaves is often unnoticed by her but definitely noticed by the people living in the path of it all. The question is simple: if you cannot understand the people and their problems, how do you successfully help them?

Her human side is vulnerable to a variety of things. One thing is a gun. You may be thinking that this is impossible, especially due to her bracelets and lightning quick speed deflecting them. However, her skin is able to be penetrated and if she was shot then she could be affected greatly by it. Similar to people like Deadpool or Wolverine, Wonder Woman can heal relatively fast, i.e.  nothing close to the rate of those two, but pretty quick. This means that as long as she is not shot in a vital organ, she can heal from it like a normal human could. However, she heals quicker due to her Demigod side now. This is essential as it allows for her to get back to action quicker. Guns could kill her if the bullet shot into a vital organ.

Greek gods have a major effect on her powers. She has battled some gods in the past, but she is related by blood to the gods. Due to all of the connections, the gods could easily take her power away if they so desired to do so, which would obviously make her weaker by proxy. Anyone involved in giving her the power can thus take it away, as that has been the rule in most forms of mythology and likely would count here too.

If Wonder Woman travels to another dimension she ends up becoming powerless there, due to the dimension not having connections to the previous one. Wonder Woman has her power from the Greek gods, and if she is not in the same dimensions as them, that very well could end up being the reason she does not have her powers.This is different from traveling between planets, as the dimension is technically the same. In a new dimension, maybe there are no gods at all, which results in a Wonder Woman entirely without superpowers.

One of the many things seen with the Amazons is old school weapons like spears and arrows. Both of these are used by Wonder Woman in her training, which is essential to all who wish to call themselves a true warrior of the Amazons. Through her training, it was discovered that she could be cut. Diana is not completely immortal, in fact she has even died before (sort of). Due to her demigod status, her human side can be hurt despite her God-like abilities. One thing that is pretty obvious is that Wonder Woman's outfit often invites trouble for her, as her lack of armor in some areas can cost her. Diana's legs are exposed, as well as her arms. Wonder Woman can still be hurt by sharp objects powerful enough to go through her skin. All it takes is getting her in the right place.

Remember earlier when you read that her bracelets are actually a weakener to Wonder Woman? They still are! However, the reason she wears them is not because it is a good fashion statement. Rather, she wears them because these power inhibitors allow her to control her massive amount of power. They allow for her to keep some of it suppressed, thus allowing the control. Without these bracelets, she does become a lot more powerful. Her powers go up, but so does her rage and she cannot control it. She can take them off, but if they get lost or broken and she does not put them back on after a certain period of time, it might be best just to invest in a new home away from wherever Wonder Woman is. Her power is high to begin with. Imagine an overly powerful Wonder Woman. The weakness comes into play here because her mind is pretty much gone in this blind rage that the bracelets help to keep down. Without these power inhibitors, she pretty much becomes a wild yet powerful animal.

Diana may be slow to age, unlike a normal human being, plus she can always go to Themyscira where it seems like you can never age a day. However, like us, her body will one day shut down on her unless the Gods bless her with their status in the end. We now know sharp objects can penetrate into her body, of course. This means her own organs are a weakness for her, and can be targeted.

An old Greek relic that caused major hallucinations called the Bind of Veils was once used to trick Wonder Woman. The idea was that she was sort of in a mind-control state and she would end up killing Batman. The Joker was the one who used the ancient Greek relic against her, but only because he wanted Wonder Woman to assume she'd killed him. She never truly did, but it was that assumption that could get to her. The Joker likes to do things for the laugh, so most feel he did this just to mess with Wonder Woman but others think he did it to turn her crazy. Batman does  end up winning in the end and manages to get Wonder Woman out of the hallucinating state. The Bind of Veils has been considered something of a Wonder Woman kryptonite.

Like Scarecrow's fear toxin, poison can affect Wonder Woman, if you can manage to get it into her system. (Cheetah would add poison to her claws and manage to scratch Wonder Woman once, which was enough to poison her and make her believe everyone around her was actually Cheetah. Wonder Woman wound up attacking innocent people, and even police officers trying to stop her. The idea was to have her fight until her heart gave out, which would have happened if Cyborg did not interfered at the last minute.

Batman has told Superman that if it came down to it and something happened with Wonder Woman, he would be the only person who could stop her. It was essentially Batman saying that clearly Superman could match her and beat her in combat due to his supreme abilities. This is essential, as it allows for someone to control her a bit. Then, if by chance it did come to blows, Superman is her ultimate weakness as he can match her in every single way.

If there was a weakness that you would never have expected Wonder Woman to have, it would be this one. Wonder Woman becomes powerless once a man, and ONLY a man, ties her hands. Known as Aphrodite's Law, usually it was done via the bracelets. It isn't like there is a magic rope needed, either. When the character was revamped years later, a lot of the bondage crap was dropped.
onder Woman

Diana is the daughter of Queen Hippolyta, the first child born on Paradise Island in the three thousand year history that the immortal Amazons lived there. Her father is Zeus. The Amazons had been created around 1200 B.C. when the Greek goddesses drew forth the souls of all women who had been murdered by men and placed them on the island. One soul was held back from creation, the one that would be born as Diana. Six members of the Greek Pantheon then bonded the soul to the baby, giving it life. Each of the six also granted Diana a gift: Demeter, great strength; Athena, wisdom and courage; Artemis, a hunter's heart and a communion with animals; Aphrodite, beauty and a loving heart; Hestia, sisterhood with fire; Hermes, speed and the power of flight. Diana grew up surrounded by a legion of sisters and mothers. When she was a young woman, the gods decreed that the Amazons must send an emissary into Man's World. Queen Hippolyta ordered a contest to be held, but forbade Diana from participating. Diana disobeyed and did so anyway in disguise, easily winning the contest and being named the Amazons' champion. She was given a uniform fashioned from the standard of someone who had visited the island a few decades earlier.

Diana did not keep her identity a secret, and she was not at first a "super-heroine". Indeed, her character was in many ways that of a babe in the woods, innocent and without guile. Diana spoke only Themyscirian, a combination of classical Greek and Turkish. She had to learn English when she arrived in America, rather than knowing the language intuitively. Nonetheless, Diana was trained as a warrior and had no compunction against using deadly force when called for. She often dealt with war, injustice, inequality, death, and conflicts involving the Olympian Gods.

Before embarking on her mission, Diana was given the Lasso of Truth, forged by Hephaestus himself. She was also given the Sandals of Hermes, which allowed her to instantly traverse great distances in seconds. Diana's mission was one of peace, but part of it initially involved defeating a mad plot by Ares to destroy the world.  The USAF gave her a jet with a cloaking device as a gift as gratitude for saving so many lives time and again.