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Welcome to Once Upon a Time in El Paso - [Adult Freeform Western]

11:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Richard Alexander Stone

Name: Richard Alexander Stone
Occupation: ociallite / Novelist turned Rancher.
Age: 34
Residence: A large house in El Passo


Slightly taller than average, but slim and vaguely muscular, Richard has thick black curly hair. His youthful features have a small amont of managed stubble, with a hint of a chin moustache in a strip under his bottom lip. Despite his age his skin appears smooth and wrinkle free. It is mildly tanned.


Outgoing and friendly, Richard has an innate curiosity and thirst for knowledge. He is a practising witch, but he tends to keep that prt of his life secret. In social circles he comes across as a charming and well educated gentleman who has perhaps more respect for women than most of his peers. He is a free-thinker. If he met the right woman he would settle down, but so far hasn't done so yet. He has a quixotic, chivalrous streak and is unable to walk by an attractive woman in distress without coming to her aid.


Occult knowledge (He's a first degree initate and knows a bit about witchcraft. He is also an associate member of the Theosophical Society)

Novel Writing (He writes in a style akin to the 'Romantic Movement', drawing inspiration from Edgar Alan Poe. His works combine erotic elements that are considered scandallous for the victorian era and so has made his novels a bit 'underground')

Japanese Martial Arts (Budo) - Including Aikido (defense), Iai (sword draw), Judo (grappling), Karate (hand to hand), Kendo (swordplay), Kyudo (archery), and  Ninjutsu (stealth). He never had the build for Sumo (wrestling). This has been watered down slightly to be more 'westernised'. If it had been found out that he was being taught this at the time his teacher would have been lynched for teaching Japanese 'secrets' to a westerner)

Japanese Language and culture (He's only spent a few years in Japan so this isn't going to be very detailed knowledge)

Some knowledge of Shintoism (Probably more than his general knowledge of the language / culture due to his interest in other religions)

Socialising (He's friendly and good at communication on a social level)

Seduction (Being a self-confessed womaniser)


Richard was born in Wales in the united kingdom in 1846 to Rebecca Stone, the wife of Samuel Stone. His father owned a law firm and had a sizeable amount of money that ensured his son had a good education. Richard studied literature at university but only graduated with a 2-2 at the age of nineteen in 1865.

Richard began a career as a novelist, writing supernatural horror-erotica that was considered quite risque for its time. His literary style drew influences from Edgar Alan Poe and so he was considered to be part of the "Romantic movement", albeit on the extreme fringe. His works evoked scandal and he became a popular 'underground' writer who didn't have a great deal of fame but who earned enough money to keep himself in good wealth and fund his social gatherings. This was further funded by his inheritance of his parents assets in December 1866 when a fire resulted in their death.

Richard's social gatherings took the form of parties frequented by artists, spiritualists and members of the Theosophical Society, in which Richard had an interest. He became something of a sociallite and developed something of an opium addiction. He shared this addiction with Sarah Blackwood, a practising witch and dancer. In 1867 Sarah committed suicide whilst under the influence of opium. Richard was devastated and disappeared from society for a year, struggling to come to terms with her death and desperately trying to overcome his own opium addiction.

In 1869 Richard re-emerged into society a changed man. He was still something of a sociallite but wiser and less reckless. He had given up his drug habit. He decided to travel the world and after a few months ended up in Japan where he met and fell in love with Hanako Imamura, the daughter of a former Samurai. He picked up a lot about Hanako's culture and even learnt a few things from her father, who saw potential in him despite his western ancestry. Unfortunatley, Hanako and her father were killed during the Samurai riots of 1873.

Richard returned to the U.K. Where he continued his career as a novelist until 1800. A little jaded and bored with his current life he decided to emigrate to America where after travelling for some time he found himself in El-Passo.

Player details:-

Posting Frequency

(All times are in U.K. Times - GMT+1)

Monday - Friday 5:00 a.m. to 7.30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m
1-2 posts a day maximum. I don't post on weekends

For this game I will be more than willing to discuss shared plots with other players. I enjoy romance so anything that involves that would float my boat. I  would be particularly interested in sharing a plot with a female Japanese character.

Check out my adult game - link to another game