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16:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ravi Youssef

The Basics
Name: Amun-Ra
Modern Name: Ravi Youssef
Nickname: Ra, Re, Temu, Khepera
Apparent Age: Late 30s/early 40s
True Age: 4.603 billion years
Species: Primal Deity

The Appearance
Human Form:
Weight: 175lbs
Height: 6'2"
Physical Description: Ra's human form is fairly large for a human male, clocking in at just over six foot in height and just shy of two hundred pounds. With a lithe, yet muscular build his human form appears to be in good shape.

Ra sports shoulder-length, black hair that tends to hop the line between curly and wavy. Although it is generally unruly and messy, this lack of care does not dictate his fashion sense or his overall appearance.

Preferring loose and comfortable clothing, Ra is most often caught wearing a loose and airy shirt and roomy pants. Although his clothes are generally loose, they seem to compliment his figure. Though he prefers to wear casual clothing, he does clean up quite well, appearing quite striking in formal attire.

Distinguishing Features: Ra's human form has very few distinguishing features other than his tattoos. He has an 'eye of Ra' on his left forearm and a sun on the upper center portion of his back.

Falcon Form
Weight: 2.1lbs
Height: 1'6"
Physical Description: In this form, Ra appears to be an unassuming, male peregrine falcon. Nothing more, nothing less. From the colors of his feathers to the spots on his chest, he is a beautiful bird.

Distinguishing Features: None.

True Form:
Weight: 463lbs
Height: 9'4"
Physical Description: Although his true form is quite small, in comparison to some other supernatural beings, it appears large to unknowing humans. Standing at nearly ten feet tall, he towers over most mortals. This form is heavily muscled and is, more often than not, adorned with Egyptian jewelry that he has collected over the years.

His head, as is depicted in ancient hieroglyphs, appears to be the head of a falcon. All in all, he seems to be a monstrous hybrid of man and falcon, with a flare for Egyptian clothing and accessories.

While several supernatural beings wouldn't flinch at his true form, humans tend to react terribly to it.

Distinguishing Features: Though he wears little to no clothing on the upper half of his body, his most distinguishing feature in this form would have to be his falcon head...

The Human
Personality: Having been born well before the birth of mankind, and having "sired" a pantheon himself, he has seen some things. Ra is wise, yet he will not divulge information that is not his to give. He is confident and proud, yet he does not let his pride define him. While at times he may seem to be condescending, he always means well. From time to time, he may seem like a know-it-all, but for such an ancient being...well, he does know quite a bit.

Ra is loving and nurturing to those around him, whether they are lifelong friends or complete strangers. He does not care for violence, and abhors the thought of hurting another living being, creature or plant. For all intents and purposes, he seems to be a pacifist by nature, but that is not entirely true. Ra prides himself on having a very even temper, rarely allowing himself to get angry or hold a grudge; however, when he does lose his temper, it generally does not bode well for the one who forced him to lose control.

Mundane Skills: While Ra is skilled in most general things such as driving, swimming, writing, etc. he has always found computers to be...difficult. That's not to say that he can't work one, but he is much better off letting someone else do it for him.

Ra is well-versed in most dead languages, though it is rare that he gets to use them. He has traveled the globe countless times in the past, whether it be for business or pleasure, so more often than not he knows where he is and where he's going.

Occupation: Ra does not currently have a job within the confines of Sanctuary. He does, however, see himself as a guardian of the Sun and life on Earth.

The Not So Human
Species Description: While there are many deities and many pantheons to hold them, there are few primal deities. A primal deity is a god or goddess that is intrinsically linked to a specific part of nature such as the sun, the earth, the sky, or the sea. While there are countless gods and goddesses that affiliate with these pieces of nature, the majority of them are not linked to them in spirit and body as the primals are. For example, there are many gods who affiliate with the Sun because it fuels their divine powers, but Amun-Ra's life force is directly connected to the Sun itself. He was born when the star came into being, and he will die when it ceases to exist.

Powers and Abilities:
Primal Regeneration: As a primal deity, he is important to life - though he cannot create it. While Ra is not necessarily a god of life or creation, he is certainly important to sustaining the life around him. Any beings near Ra (mortal or otherwise) regenerate, are cured of illnesses, and are even brought back from the brink of death. This ability cannot be shut happens whether he wants it to or not.

Undying: Being linked physically and spiritually to the Sun certainly has its upside. Ra is unable to die as long as the Sun lives. He was born as the star's first shined out into space, and he will cease to exist when its last ray dies out. Until then, he will remain.

Teleportation: Ra is able to teleport, drawing his form into the Sun's rays and traveling with them. He is able to teleport to any place the Sun is currently shining, though this ability is useless when the moon is out.

Energy Efficient: As one would expect, Ra is most powerful during the day, when the Sun is out. He is able to absorb the energy of the Sun itself, much like solar panels, and bend it to his will. Though he is weakened at night, Ra is still quite powerful.

Power Supply: Over the extensive life that he has lived, Ra has granted several mortals power, raising them into godhood. He is able to bless humans with various god-level abilities, if he deems them worthy of his gifts.

Shapeshifting: Ra is able to take three different forms:
  1. Human Form: Unlike some other gods, Ra is only able to take one human form. His shapeshifting is fairly limited, but he generally doesn't stay in one place long enough for locals to start asking questions about the unaging man.
  2. Falcon Form: Ra is able to transform into a peregrine falcon at will. There is nothing special about this form, other than the wings and freedom that accompany it.
  3. True Form: While Ra is able to take the form of a human or a falcon, this hybrid form is his true body. With the head of a falcon and the body of a man, he strikes an imposing figure when spotted by mortals. Ra is most powerful in this form, his aura becoming almost palpable. Due to the weight of his aura being felt by every supernatural being nearby, as well as humans in his vicinity, he rarely takes this form - preferring to keep a low profile when possible.

Immortality: Due to his connection to the Sun and nature in general, as well as the divine blood that pumps through his veins, he does not age and is not able to be killed.

Blinding Light: He can cause himself to glow, literally, as bright as the Sun - temporarily blinding/stunning anyone looking directly at him.

Fire Manipulation/Resistence: Ra is able to create and/or manipulate fire with ease. He is not able to be harmed by fire or any kind of heat.

Temperature Control: He is able to use his link to the Sun to make it beat down hotter or relax its rays, raising or lowering the overall temperature within a one mile radius of himself.

Sun/Weather Manipulation: Ra is able to force the Sun to shine through clouds, rain, and even snow. On the other hand, he is able to dim the sun and hide it behind clouds if he chooses to do so.

Godly Senses: Having been alive for billions of years, Ra's senses have developed far beyond what humans could dream of. On top of his overly-heightened senses, he is able to sense when another supernatural being is near by, as well as see the true form of any living being through their human disguises.

Godly Strength: Self explanatory.

The Story
Character Background:
As the first and eldest of the Egyptian pantheon, his mortal followers always assumed that he was their father, a god of creation who sought to create his own family of deities. These rumors that eventually evolved into a mythology on its own were false. Ra was always more a god of sustaining life, rather than creating it. As such, he is infertile and unable to breed.

Having popped into existence well before the creation of humankind, Ra only had his fellow primals to keep him company. While they were like a family of their own, they were not close. Having such opposing personalities and interests, they each went their separate ways. Some eventually created pantheons of their own, while Ra wandered the cosmos, eventually settling down on Earth with some of his brethren.

Long after Ra had made Earth his home, humans were created. He watched the fledgling species grow and, eventually, reach to top of the food chain, having slaughtered countless creatures in the process.

Hoping to end this unnecessary loss of life, or at least drop the number of deaths significantly, Ra chose a nation of humans -the Egyptians- and took care of them as if they were his own flesh and blood. While wars raged, plagues immobilized entire civilizations and famine killed off many innocents, Ra watched over his people. Though he loved them, they were not like him. They revered him as something more, something they couldn't understand. He was respected and feared in equal measure. The humans followed his rules, but they kept their distance.

The solitude that came next was worse than before humans came into existence. His brethren were busy with their humans, building up and destroying each other. They warred and ravaged the land, ignoring the life that was ended in the process.

In his loneliness, Ra searched for successors, friends. He reached out to the humans, the ones who had made a name for themselves among his people. One by one, Ra took these heroes, historians, and wise men/women and granted them powers. While the Egyptians assumed these new gods and goddesses were Ra's children, they were wrong. These new deities were his friends, his apprentices.

After they had learned the ways of the old gods, the primals, Ra released them on his land, his people, to take care of them. There were no words to describe how proud he was of the pantheon he had created, of his new family. Having drifted from his ancient brethren, he took to this new family with zeal and admiration.

Over the years, his "children" as the Egyptians refer to them, spread out across Egypt. Some rebelled against him, though many still respect him for the gifts he bestowed when they were mere mortals. While some are more troublesome than others (Set *cough cough*), he loves them all.

These days, Ra spends his time always on the move. Whether it be in Egypt or in some other part of the world, he attempts to keep the peace, to keep the balance between life and death - favoring life, of course.

Past Connections: Egyptian pantheon.

Current Connections: Dru-Dru

Future Connections: TBD