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21:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Seth Nasser

Name: Seth Nasser (Pronunciation: Seth Nah-ser)
Nickname: Some of his friends call him Sandman, but it's a little ridiculous.
Age: 25
Weight: 175lbs
Height: 6'0"
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Marks: Several hieroglyphic tattoos that depict the life of Set litter his body.

Physical Description: Seth is fairly average in height for a human male, right around 6', give or take a few centimeters. He is quite attractive, being a genetic mix of his mother's delicate features and his father's rugged handsomeness. He generally dresses casually: jeans, shoes, some tshirt or another, and a jacket. However, he does clean up nicely, when the need arises.

Lineage: Son of Set/Seth (Egyptian God of Chaos/Storms/Desert/Foreigners/Violence)

Personality: Seth's personality is, for lack of a better word, chaotic. He is happy and carefree at times, yet overly intense and serious at others. He is loving and caring one day, but hateful and vengeful the next. The most frequent commonality between his moods labels him as a polite, intelligent young man with a love for trickery and chaos.

Strengths: He is very intelligent, independent, and has an oddly alluring personality (even though it is a little overwhelming at first).

Weaknesses: His chaotic nature. His power relies on him keeping control on his temper, on his emotions in general. When he loses control, things go haywire, and he becomes the target of blame.

Fears: Order, simplicity, boredom, being seen as 'normal'.

Hopes: He hopes to please his father in all things, though this is highly unlikely, since his father's nature is even more chaotic than his own. Seth intends to help the Greeks until he becomes bored with them and their children. He does hope to gain some respect, some renown, from the other demigods and full-fledged deities. He hopes to bring honor to his father's name.

Inherited Godly Powers:
Desert: Seth is able to create and manipulate sand, using it defensively, offensively, or in simple casual settings. The majority of the time, he is able to control it, but several grains of sand have always orbited his body, sometimes landing on a passerby. The uncontrolled, orbiting sand is not very noticeable, except to those with the keenest of senses (most demigods would notice quickly enough). The sand is not a dead giveaway of his lineage, but one would most likely guess that his powers were related to earth or desert.

Storm: Seth is most powerful when it is storming. A simple rain shower will do nothing for him, but anything more than that will gradually boost his strength. The stronger the storm, the more powerful he becomes. He cannot create storms, or control the weather in any way, but he does gain power when nature rears its head.

Chaos: Seth's presence, his aura, tends to have a chaotic effect on humans, animals, monsters, and even some demigods (though most demigods are not affected). It causes an emotional and mental imbalance in the affected party, sending a plethora of confusing surges of power through the central nervous system, disrupting the thought process and causing major hormonal imbalances. He cannot intentionally activate this ability as an attack. It is more of a burden than a boon. He has to concentrate to dial back the potency of his aura. Seth has learned in recent years to tame this ability, but when his rage flares, he loses control of it and those around him feel his aura, which becomes almost palpable.

Basic Skills:
Due to his chaotic nature, and his love of toying with people, Seth has become quite skilled in the arts of persuasion, deception, and overall manipulation.

Seth does not wield a weapon, but he has been trained in countless types of hand-to-hand combat. A fight with Seth generally does not last long enough that he has to dirty his hands, but he can defend himself if the need arises.

Backstory: There is not much to Seth's history. Immediately after his birth, he was whisked away from his mother, and taken to the desert to be raised, trained, and molded by his father.

He spent his first twelve years in isolation, knowing only the face of his father, and his father's servants. Set taught his son how to survive in the wilds, in the harsh desert on his own. He taught his son many things - giving him a college level education, before he had hit puberty. He taught him to read the starts to navigate.

After his twelfth birthday, his father sent him out into the desert, to learn how to fend for himself. The only piece of advice he left his son with, was to follow the stars. Seth, using the the stars and his knowledge of the location of the nearest Egyptian cities, spent several days trekking through the desert, hunting, scavenging. On the third day, he stumbled upon an oasis that provided a much needed break, and water source. After resting, he made his way to the nearest city: Cairo.

Upon completing his father's task, he was taken back home to his father. Once Seth had gained his powers, Set taught him to use his inherited abilities.

Years later, the Titans are released. Set had a good laugh at the Greeks, when Hermes and Iris approached him for assistance. After throwing a few all-encompassing insults toward the Greeks for not being able to keep their business in-house, he agreed to send Seth to help. Though he promised that if Seth did not return, the Titans would be the least of the Greeks' problems.

Seth has been on Rhodes for less than 24 hours.

As a favored, and talented son of one of the oldest and most powerful Egyptian deities, Seth is a force to be reckoned with.

Relic: A simple golden bracelet that hangs loosely on his left wrist, with a series of hieroglyphs etched into it that depict Seth's life up to this point. The hieroglyphs are ever-changing, as his story unfolds. His father crafted it personally for him, and infused a bit of his power into it. It was gifted to Seth, upon his decision to help the Greeks in their endeavors. The bracelet stores spare reserves of kinetic energy within when the demigod is moving or fighting, which is able to be released when coaxed, and becomes a fairly weak, invisible force field that shapes perfectly to Seth's form.

Alignment: Gods...for now. Seth's wishes and loyalties change with the winds.