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22:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Roman Acciai

Name: Romulus

Nickname: Roman Acciai (current alias), Summer Knight of the Seelie Court (official title), Rome, Knight

Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian/Italian-American

Age: 2,808 (appears to be in his late 30s, or early 40s on a bad day)

Weight: 180lbs of muscle and sinew, very little (if any) fat

Height: 5'9"

Distinguishing Marks: Two tattoos. A tattoo of a wolf howling on his left arm and "Veni Vidi Vici" tattooed across his upper back/shoulders.

Eye Color: His eyes have been tainted by Seelie magic, and will never return to their normal shade. Though he is human, his eyes appear Fae-like in nature - they are very pale and cloudy. Most assume he is blind, but that is not the case.

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Species: Human/Immortal Knight of the Seelie Court

Appearance: Roman is at a very average height for a human male, though his physique is well-beyond average. Millenia of training and fighting lead to a well-toned musculature. He has shoulder-length, straight, brown hair and a small soul patch. Roman is fairly attractive, but not overly so. He's not the type to draw the eye of the public.

Personality: Roman's personality/mood heavily depends on the day, and the mood of the people around him. If those around him are calm, he'll be calm, collected, and happy. If those around him are angry, he'll be on guard, defensive, and protective of anyone who might get caught in the crossfire if a fight were to break out.

In his down time, Roman is fairly laid back. He hates being alone He has nearly three millennia worth of bad experiences and tragic losses that tend to come to mind when he's alone, when he has time to think - worst of which are the loss of his brother, Remus, and his past love, Trish. Therefore, he does his best to stay busy, to keep himself occuppied.

On the job, Roman is very professional. He has the kind of skill and technique in his craft that can only be acquired through millennia of training and field experience.

He is very passionate about his job, about life in general. Like a fine wine, life should be savored. However, he has done enough savoring for hundreds of men. He's tired.

There are many things that Roman is passionate about, one of which is his hatred for guns, bombs, modern weaponry in general.

Roman is not ill-tempered. Quite the opposite, really. But pulling a gun is a quick way to spike his anger.

Basic Skills
- Hand To Hand Combat: Roman is a master martial artist, and knows many forms of hand-to-hand combat which become quite deadly when combined with his inhuman speed and strength.
- Master Swordsman: Roman was a very skilled swordsman during his human life, but with nearly three millennia of practice and experience, very few can match his skill.
- War, What Is It Good For: He is able to wield any and all types of weaponry, excluding guns and more modern weapons, with precision and skill - though he is most talented and deadly with the Summer Blade.

Passive Powers
- Mantle of the Summer Knight: The Mantle is no more than an agreement with the Royals of the Seelie Court. It can be taken away at a moment's notice and given to another who is more worthy of the position. Though there have been other Summer Knights (male and female alike), Romulus has held the position the longest, for nearly three millennia. If he willingly decides to give up the position, his abilities will be removed, though he will keep possession of the Summer Blade, as a parting gift for his service to the Seelie Court.
Side Note: If the Mantle is given up, or taken away, Roman will lose the following abilities: Grant of Seelie Magic, Unaging/Longevity, Inhuman Durability, Aura Sense/Sight.
- Unaging/Longevity: Roman does not age.
- Inhuman Durability: Normal human weapons do not hurt him. His skin is not impenetrable, but it is very durable - more durable than most metals on Earth. Swords, bullets, etc. cannot hurt him unless they have magical properties.
- Inhuman Speed/Strength: Due to the constant flow of Seelie magic coursing through Roman's veins for nearly three millennia, Roman's anatomy has begun to adapt. He is stronger and faster than humans, but not as fast as the Sidhe. His strength is very apparent when wielding the large Summer Blade - he easily wields the two-handed great sword with one hand.
- Aura Sense/Sight: Roman is able to sense the aura of powerful beings. He is able to sense magic. When he is close enough to see the creature he is sensing, he is able to see beyond any human face that it is wearing.

Active Powers
- Grant of Seelie Magic: As the Summer Knight of the Seelie Court, Roman has been granted use of the Royals' personal reserves of magic, a sponsored power if you will. He is able to heal himself and others from even the gravest of wounds.

Notable Equipment
- Summer Blade: The Summer Blade is a very powerful two-handed sword enchanted with strong, Royal Seelie magic. It is not always on Roman's form. It only comes when it is needed - seemingly appearing out of nowhere in a scabbard on his back. The blade's edge is deadly to almost anything supernatural or mortal. Though it is strong, it has never been tested against a God or Goddess. Though the blade is a very powerful relic, it is not unique. There have been others before and there will be more forged after Roman retires. After retiring, the Summer Knights (though there is only ever one at a time), are gifted the blade they used in their service to the Seelie court. During their service it is seen as a badge of office, afterwards it is seen as a trophy, a medal, a reward for their dedication - along with a handsome sum of gold, cash, whatever the current form of currency is.

Though there are many conflicting stories regarding the birth of Romulus and his brother Remus, Romulus is the only one alive to this day that knows his true history. As the myths suggest, they were raised by wolves. This was due to their father being a werewolf. While Remus inherited the wolf trait, Romulus did not.

He has a tattoo of a howling wolf on his upper left arm (as well as one other tattoo) - one can only assume that it is in honor of his fallen brother.

Romulus and Remus founded Rome together, fighting countless barbarians and invaders along the way. It was a long, arduous journey, but one that was successful in the end.

History holds that Romulus killed Remus in a fit of passion, but history is wrong. The fact that Remus was a werewolf was found out by the neighboring nations, and he was hunted down. The barbarians and brutes attempted to cut Remus down with silver, but the wolf made it out alive, and fought his way back to his brother.

Even with Remus' inhuman healing, he was too gravely wounded to recover. Taking pity on his brother, Romulus put him out of his misery.

Afterwards, Romulus waged war against the surrounding nations and villages, slaughtering any and all who had acted against his brother.

Romulus ruled Rome for 37 years, and was on his death bead at the early age of 75, due to a life of war and bloodshed.

In the midst of his death throes, Queen Titania appeared before him, offering the proud warrior, one of the greatest conquerors the world had known, a spot in her court. She offered power and longevity. In Romulus' moment of weakness, he accepted the position, and took up the mantle of the Summer Knight.

After his initiation into the court, the Seelie took to calling him 'Roman'. The nickname stuck, and he now uses it as an alias.

He has served for nearly three millennia. Romulus has taken contracts, executed assassinations, acted as an ambassador, and has fulfilled countless other duties given to him by the Seelie Court. He knows each of the royals by name, in both courts, and they know him. Romulus has gained many contacts throughout Earth and the Fae realms, as well as many friends to match.

Throughout the years, he thought about giving up the mantle, about becoming mortal once again. He thought about death, and the peace that it would bring, but held onto the Mantle for his brother. Remus would have wanted him to hold on as long as he possibly could.

Over the years, Romulus took many lovers, but only truly loved one - a royal Sidhe of the Seelie Court named Trish (not her true name, of course). They were nearly married, when she was killed during a small battle with the Winter court - the Unseelie.

After her passing, nearly three centuries ago, he decided that he would retire soon, and let death come throughout the years.

Romulus has come to Sanctuary in search of a place to settle, though he may be called away at a moment's notice to heed the call of Queen Titania.

He is still on active duty, but is looking to retire. He has not given up the mantle, yet, but he plans to in the near future. It is difficult to let go of so much power, so he keeps putting it off.

After working for the Seelie Court for over two millennia, saving his money, Roman has accumulated a massive fortune - one that would rival the wealthiest of royalty.

He has recently bought a large house on the outskirts of Sanctuary.