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19:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dion Anthes

Name: Dion Anthes
Nickname: D, Dio, bartender, hey you, etc.
Age: 24
Weight: 220lbs
Height: 6'6"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: A deep, beautiful shade of purple.
Distinguishing Marks: He has a tattoo on his left pectoral.

Physical Description: Dion is fairly lanky, clocking in right at 6'6" tall and 220lbs. He has a well-defined musculature, but he always looks like he should eat more. He has brown hair, beautiful purple eyes, and alternates between clean shaven and a neatly trimmed beard.

Lineage: Son of Dionysus

Personality: He is very laid back, and just wants to have fun. Just like his father, he has a temper on him.

Strengths: He is charismatic, fun-loving, and likable.

Weaknesses: He would rather drink than fight or train. He is a bit of a slacker.

Fears: Death, and the loss of all alcohol. Not always in that order.

Hopes: Unknown.

Inherited Godly Powers:
- He is able to create and manipulate grape vines, in a casual or violent setting.
- He is able to create wine, grape juice, or anything grape-based out of thin air.
- As the child of a god of ritual madness, he is able to inspire a little madness in anyone who pisses him off - causing them to see things that aren't there, or causing them to panic slightly. He uses this defensively, to avoid physical altercations. Though he may use it to mess with his friends, on occasion.
- He can hold his liquor. It takes quite a bit to get him drunk.
Basic Skills: He can pour a damn good drink, alcoholic or otherwise. As a bartender, he is very casual therapist.

(One of the many times he was photographed while drunk (before getting his tattoo))
Backstory: Dion grew up in Rhodes Town, Rhodes, and was there long before the Olympians decided to use it as their base of operations.

In his early years, Dio had the honor of meeting his father, and spending a day or two with him every few years. They were fairly close. Dio definitely took after his father, more than he did his mother.

Once Dio hit puberty, he went through his 'Ascenscion,' as his father had told him he would. He began to develop powers. He could manipulate and create grape vines easily enough, and eventually learned to mess with the minds of people around him, though it did not come as naturally as the vines.

Dio garnered a taste for wine in his early teen years, and the love for it only grew as he grew older. Once he turned twenty one, and didn't have to make his own wine and was able to buy alcohol, he branched out and tasted all kinds.

On his 21st birthday, he applied for a bar tending position in a local pub. After being granted the position, he began to learn and love the job. Any occupation that kept him within arm's reach of alcohol was one he would never quit.

He grew close to his boss. The man had no family to speak of, and needed a friend. Within a few months, they were like brothers, and Dion was managing the entire pub, rather than just tending bar.

Just after his 23rd birthday, the previous owner of the pub passed away and left the pub to Dion in his will.

After being given the pub, Dion changed the name to The Grape Vine, in honor of his father. Humans are carded, demigods are not. Dion doesn't care how old you are...if you're fighting in the war, only the Fates know if you'll live to see tomorrow. He won't deny a drink to someone who may not live to have another.

The last time Dion saw his father was on his 24th birthday. They went on a three day bender together, to forget the loss of some relatives (Ares, Artemis, Hephaestus, and Athena).

Godly Relic: Dion does not have any godly relic gifted to him by his father, but he did make a necklace out of the bottle cap from the first time he shared a beer with Dionysus. It has no abilities, but Dion will protect it with his life. It has sentimental value.

Alignment: Gods, though he is borderline neutral in the essence that he is not a fighter. He'll fight, if his father asks him to, but it would take a bit of coaxing.