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22:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jackson Devereaux


Name: Jackson Devereaux

Nickname: Jack, Jacks/Jax

Age: 22

Birthplace: Fort Scott, Kansas

Sexuality: Heterosexual (not looking for a relationship)

Play-By: Tom Welling

Year: 2nd year student

Discipline: Psychic

Specialty: Traveling


Physical Description:
Jackson is fairly large for a man, clocking in right around 6'3" and 210 pounds.

He has an athletic build with a nicely toned musculature - though he does have a lot of strength in his arms, shoulders, and back due to years of working on the family farm.

Jackson has blue eyes, shaggy dark brown hair and either sports a short, trimmed beard or goes clean shaven.

Distinguishing Features:
Jackson has a fairly bold, long scar on his right side from an accident with some farm equipment in his early childhood.

Other markings include many smaller, almost unnoticeable, scars littering his body gained from hard work, fighting with his five brothers, or blatant stupidity on his part.

He sports several tattoos, one of which is a half-finished anchor tattoo on his right forearm.

If it were to be finished, it would make his traveling abilities null, anchoring him to one place. The fact that it is there, even though it is unfinished, shows that he (at least in the beginning) had doubts about his abilities, and was possibly scared of them at first.

Jackson also has a set of tattoos on his knuckles that act as a Traveler spell. These tattoos allow him to take others with him when he travels.


Personality Description:
Jackson is a very polite man. He was taught at a young age to mind his manners and show others respect.

Growing up on a farm with six siblings and parents who didn't tolerate any kind of disrespect from their children, he learned his place very early in life.

Though he is, above all else, respectful of others, he is quite outgoing and friendly. Jackson is a people person through and through.

With an obvious love for social interaction and a well-known knack for making new friends quite easily, he has been dubbed the welcome wagon for the Psychic Kids.

As one would expect, the responsibility of showing new people the ropes comes with plenty of advantages and disadvantages alike.

For example, one can easily make new friends, but one can just as easily become the target for thousands of questions from each new class.

Though he doesn't mind helping the new students out, he is only a second year student himself.

He knows quite a bit about the campus and gets along famously with the dean and professors.

The overall friendly nature of Jackson Devereaux comes in handy more often than not, especially when he loses control of his Traveling abilities and winds up in some random town with people he doesn't know.

Although he has come a long way in his training, and is able to control his abilities much more easily at this point, he is not a master Traveler. He still has a lot to learn, and plenty of room to grow as a Magician, and a person for that matter.

On the outside Jackson always seems to be in a good mood and happy to help anyone, but those close to him can easily pick up on his mannerisms and quirks when he is in a bad mood.

What are Jackson Devereaux's goals? Well, that is a loaded question if there ever was one.

With the ability to Travel between worlds, he has quite a few plans for his future.

First of all, he plans on mastering his abilities and becoming a Master Magician/Master Traveler.

He has never put a lot of stock in grades, but he knows he needs to study hard, and read any and all books he can that were written by Travelers.

Perhaps he'll even create his own Traveling spells some day.

Though this goal will most likely take several decades to accomplish, it is at the top of his bucket list.

While he masters his abilities, he plans on exploring the universe.

There are countless worlds out there, and he wants to visit as many as he possibly can.

He has spent a good amount of time in the Library in the Neitherlands, but hasn't gathered the courage to read his own books. There are many.

While he wishes to one day read his own books, he doesn't want to be disappointed with how they turn out.

All in all, he wants to become a renowned Traveler. One who creates his own spells, meets countless people on countless worlds, make some good friends to Travel with, perhaps meet a god or two, and hopefully make some kind of difference in the future of Magic.

He is quite ambitious and wants to make the most of his abilities.

In all honesty, it is difficult to narrow down just a few 'likes' of a Traveler.

At the top of his list of 'likes' would most likely be a hot shower. In the past he has accidentally Traveled into volcanoes (he was lucky to get out of that one alive), swamps, sewers, and even weird bogs on other planets. Nothing beats getting all of the grime off of you after nearly burning to death in a volcano.

A close second would, of course, be Traveling in general. When Jackson was little all he ever wanted to do was leave the Devereaux family farm and see the rest of the world...and now he can. He's seen his fair share of earth and several other planets, some for longer periods than others.

Jackson enjoys meeting new people and making new friends, to an extent. While he can certainly be classified as a 'people person,' he does enjoy the little alone time he gets.

While Jackson definitely likes Traveling alone, he loves Traveling with friends. Telling someone about a weird planet is not the same as showing them that planet.


Anyone who treats others like shit.
Traveling into a volcano.
Traveling into a sewer system.
Traveling into a swamp.
Traveling into a world without oxygen.
Traveling anywhere that he does not expressly wish to go.
Assholes who abuse their Magic and intentionally harm or subjugate others.
Professor Mayakovsky. Mayakovsky's talented, of course, but he's definitely a prick.


Characters History:
Jackson Devereaux was born on the outskirts of Fort Scott, Kansas into the Devereaux family of Magicians. The Devereaux's aren't a renowned family, but they are known for birthing a lot of magically-inclined children.

Jack and Amelia Devereaux, Jackson's parents, were Brakebills alumni. They were quite talented in their own right. Jack was a Physical Magician while Amelia was a Psychic Magician.

Jackson inherited his looks from his father, but inherited his Magical talent from his mother.

Born the eldest of seven children (five brothers and one sister, all of which were magically adept), Jackson had a lot of responsibilities dropped on his shoulders at an early age.

On top of learning to tap into his magic, he had to learn the family trade - farming. By the age of ten, he knew how to run the farm on his own but was not able to utilize magic. By the age of ten, his six siblings had been born - one each year. For a while, he thought he was going to be the only one of his siblings that couldn't use magic.

His life went on like that for ten more years. He did very well in school, and even joined the baseball team for a few years. On top of running the farm with his brothers and sister, he was a star athlete and became the valedictorian of his high school class.

At the age of twenty he had nearly given up hope on becoming a Magician, while his siblings were already well-acquainted with magic and preparing for their summons to Brakebills.

However, one day Jackson stepped through the front door of his house and wound up on the Brakebills campus. Having heard countless stories about the school from his parents, he knew where he was, what it meant.

Knowing that he would immediately be forced to take the exam, he stressed over it until the test was in front of him. Oddly enough, he passed, though he had never used Magic once in his life.

He was classified as a Psychic Kid and was moved into their house. Though he had lost hope on becoming a Magician, he still wanted to study Magic in general. He was a quick study, and frequently visited the library.

Two months into his first year at Brakebills, his Magic revealed itself in the form of an unplanned trip to the wilds of Australia (NOT A PLEASANT TRIP). He barely got out of it alive. Dean Fogg brought him back to Brakebills and he immediately began training under another Traveler named Penny.

During his training Penny offered to lock down his abilities, and teach him Astral Projection. Jackson agreed, but backed out halfway through getting the tattoo that would anchor him to earth.

While he was scared of his power killing him, he did want to explore it before taking it away entirely.

Over the last year, Jackson has explored countless places, including other worlds and the Neitherlands.

At this point in time, he is considered the welcoming wagon for all first year Psychic Kids - though sometimes he is too busy to greet them, due to being elsewhere.