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17:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Calix Karras

This thing all things devours;
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats mountain down.
~ Time ~
Name: Calix Karras (Pronunciation: Kay-lix Ka-ross)
Nickname: Cal, Kay/K
Age: Timeless, appears to be in his early 30s (most days)
Weight: 180lbs
Height: 6'2"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Ranges from green to blue, due to sectoral heterochromia.
Distinguishing Marks: None.

Physical Description: [mmc787, Benedict Cumberbatch]
Calix is fairly tall and seemingly lanky. Though he has a very wiry musculature, it is not very defined or noticeable under the jacket he often wears.

He often wears a dark jacket, black or grey. Calix tends to dress casually, though he does keep a few suits and tuxes on-hand for special occasions.

Aion/Aeon, Greek primordial deity of Eternity/Cyclical Time

Personality: Calix is quite relaxed, laid back, though he can seem odd at times. Sometimes, it is difficult to tell what time line, what year he is in without blatantly asking someone. Due to the confusion this causes, he can easily come off as crazy at first. Though Calix is quite British, which is obvious due to his accent, he has developed a taste for American slang over the years.

He is stronger than he looks and is quite intelligent, having an eternity worth of information to tap into as he sees fit. Calix generally carries a 9mm pistol for protection, though it is a little unnecessary, and is quite skilled in its use.

Though it can be seen as a gift, Calix sees his timelessness as a curse. He does not age normally and cannot die - he is always reborn, similar to the life of a phoenix. Eternity is lonely, to say the least.

Living forever.
Losing the war, whichever side he ends up on.
Getting lost in time, unable to control his powers.
Creating time paradoxes that lead to the deaths of his few friends and loved ones.
Destroying timelines and creating new ones.
Driving people away from him.

To find a way to 'cure' (get rid of) his timelessness.
To win the war for whatever side he ends up on.
To die, eventually, rather than living forever.


Inherited Godly Powers:
Though he is powerful, Calix's abilities do not even begin to touch the strength of his father.

⧖ In The Nick Of Time ⧖ ~ Calix is always on time. He is never early or late. He always arrives precisely when he is needed (much like Gandalf). Sometimes this results in him being dragged through time, unwillingly, to get where he needs to go. While traveling through time, if Calix allows himself to be spotted by his past or future self, he will create a paradox and possibly another timeline. These paradoxes can have disastrous effects on the current timeline he is living in, causing issues for everyone around him.

⧖ Decay and Revive ⧖ ~ Calix is able to, on a small scale, manipulate time on specific objects (humanoids included, himself included). For instance, he could take a brand new car and age it into a rusted piece of junk. He could also take that same rusted piece of junk, and age it backwards to when it was brand new. He can do the equivalent on humans, animals, and to a lesser extent demigods and monsters, and even himself if he wishes. Although he can age people and objects, he cannot kill with this ability, he must let time take his victim - or finish the job with a weapon. While this ability cannot be used to kill, it also cannot be used to heal. This ability is reliant on touch. He cannot manipulate the time of an object/person, unless he is in physical contact with them. On demigods, the decaying effects are temporary, and wear off from anywhere between 10 minutes to 24 hours of breaking physical contact with Calix. It all depends on the demigod. Extended touch further advances the decaying effect. This ability can only be activated intentionally - he cannot decay people or objects on accident.

⧖ Timeless ⧖ ~ There are only two ways that Calix can age: forcing himself to with his Decay ability, or approaching the end of one of his Cycles.

⧖ Rebirth ⧖ ~ As the son of the primordial god of cyclical time, Calix has lived countless lives. Over time, things tend to repeat, as he does. Each life lasts one century. At the end of each life, like a Phoenix, he dies and is reborn. He is not reborn as an infant, he is reborn as a man in his late 20s to early 30s. Calix cannot be 'killed,' per se, but he can be forced to restart his cycle through magic or mortal wounds. He is halfway through his current cycle. At one point he kept count of his cycles, but he lost that count several millennia back. Towards the end of each cycle he begins aging rapidly.

Basic Skills:
He speaks many languages, including several dead ones. With a mix of Hyperthymesia, an Eidetic Memory, and being hyper-observant Calix never misses or forgets anything. Calix is a master violinist, and an accomplished martial artist. He is quite adept at using past, modern, and future amenities, vehicles, and weapons due to his extensive travels through time.

As most immortals do, he has collected a massive amount of wealth. Though he often loses it, when being thrown through time unexpectedly.

You want to know the history of Calix, son of Aion? Well, that depends on which timeline you wish to venture through. There are countless timelines, countless Calix's, countless Earth's to explore, to study.

The most common, the most linear timeline that I can think if is quite boring, really. The real stories come from the paradoxes, the splintered and fractured timelines that the 'original' Calix caused. Fractured time...the time/space continuum shattered on multiple occasions... that's what happens when the son of a primordial god of Eternity is not trained to control his powers properly. Aion always was one to abandon his children in their time of need, to through them in the deep end of the pool to see if the would sink or swim - which is exactly what he did with Calix.

The 'original' Calix was born to a British woman, a diplomat (we won't name names, she isn't important in his story) during some timeline similar to the current one, and Aion/Aeon whichever you prefer.

Though most demigods come into their powers when they hit puberty, Calix was an early bloomer. Very early. That tended to happen with some of the primordials' children.

He started tapping into his powers at the age of five. Hide the cookie jar on top of the fridge? No, he'd rewind its time to when it was on the counter, and take as many as he wanted.

After a while, his mom caught on. She noticed his abilities, and sent him to live with his father. Where Aion lived was anyone's guess. Somewhere in time, somewhere on Earth.

Calix and his father grew close, for a time, but drifted apart when he truly started his first cycle at the age of 25. At that time, with little to no warning, Aion launched Calix through the time stream.

For a century or two, he was lost, floating through time and space, hoping somebody or something would find him. He could not find his way back to reality. He was stuck in a time before life, when there was only Chaos.
While he was there, he spoke to Chaos, the first of the primordials, and learned many things about himself, about time, about the future, about life in general. After a time, Chaos took pity on him and launched him back into the future, where he learned to control his powers, to expertly control time.
Calix has lived countless lives, fought in countless wars, and read countless books. He has traveled the world in the past, the present, and the future. He has gained an unimaginable wealth of knowledge, as well as money. However, all points in time, good and bad, lead him back to this moment, this year, this minute in Rhodes Town, Rhodes. The Gods and the Titans, the demigods and the titanspawn.

Out of all of the pivotal points in time, this is where he is needed most.

A 'Time Journal' (his Captain's Log, if you will) passed on to him by his father when he was young, to help keep track of his travels, and his notes. Aion used this journal himself, at one point, and it contains some of the primordial's own accumulated knowledge. The journal is magically sealed, and will only open for Calix or Aion. It never runs out of pages (though he has written in it for several millennia at this point), and comes with a pen that never runs out of ink. It magically returns to him whenever it is lost or stolen, which has happened on several occasions. Due to enchantments placed on the journal by Aion himself, it is an indestructible well of knowledge. It is immune to fire, magic, and anything else that could possibly hope to harm a journal.
"CK" is engraved on the bottom right corner of the front of the journal. An infinity sign is engraved in the top right corner of the front of the journal.

Gods, Titans, Humanity, whatever side Time would have him help.