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21:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Amir Alassel

Name: Amir Alassel
Nickname: Ass (but only to Lexi)
Age: 23
Weight: 140lbs soaking wet
Height: 5'6"
Hair Color: Brown, though it tends to get strands of blonde, if he spends too much time in the Sun (which he does).
Eye Color: Different shades of gold - varies with the time of day and weather, in keeping with the sun.
Distinguishing Marks: a large Eye of Ra tattoo on his upper back, and a tattoo of the sun on the left side of his neck - each glows golden when he is utilizing his powers. Some would find it comical that his facial features, though he is quite attractive, are sharp and bird-like, with his father being depicted as a man with the head of a falcon.

Physical Description: Amir is fairly short, lanky, with no defined musculature (though he is stronger than he looks). If seen without his shirt, one would see that he is healthy, just small and seemingly twig-like at first glance. His beard varies in length, though he is rarely clean-shaven.

Lineage: Son of Ra

Personality: As a demigod of creation, he is very laid back.

Strengths: He is very intelligent (wise, well beyond his years), a strategist of the highest caliber. Amir is very diplomatic in nature, knowing what to say and when to say it to keep tempers in check.

Weaknesses: His wish, no, need to be relaxed and laid back often makes him seem lazy and a procrastinator - which he wouldn't disagree with. Amir is fairly weak (physically) for a demigod. He is right around the average human strength, though his physique suggests he would be weaker.

Fears: Losing the war to the Titans, losing his father, or losing his life.

Hopes: To defeat the Titans, save Zeus and his brothers, and hopefully mend relations between the Egyptians and Greeks. If he can mend relations with the Norse as well...hell, that's a bonus.

Inherited Godly Powers: As the foremost, favored son of Ra, the Egyptian god of the Sun and Creation, itself, Amir's powers are quite versatile.
[Passive Powers]
-Sol Power: Amir is most powerful when in direct contact with sunlight, passively absorbing the Sun's energy to fuel his powers, making them more potent. I mean, who would willingly fight a demigod of the Sun, when in direct contact with sunlight?
[General Powers]
- Let There Be Light!: He is able to light a dark room, by making his skin glow. It does tend to attract nearby monsters (the light itself is a lure to monsters, not simply because it is bright but because there is a hint of creation leaking into it, drawing them) and give away his position, but if he's desperate enough, he'll use it.
- Force of Nature: He is able to utilize creation magic, inherited from his father, to create small animals to fight by his side or scout ahead/report back to him (nothing larger than a wolf, and only one at a time, or two when Sol Power is in effect). Creating the creatures is effortless, as it should be for a son of Ra, but making them do his bidding and sustaining the connection between him and the creature is draining.
- Fire Control: As the son of Ra, the god of the Sun itself, he is immune to burns (i.e. fire does not hurt him), and is able to create/manipulate fire on a small scale. For example, he can form/throw a ball of fire, but he cannot start a raging fire on a whim. This fire is the fire of creation itself, it burns hotter and does not stop, unless he wishes for it to - it cannot be doused by normal means, it may be able to be doused by magic. However, sustaining this Fire is horribly draining, he cannot do it for more than ten minutes max, without passing out. He tends to only use it in the most dire of situations.
- Primal Generation: As a demigod of creation, he is fairly adept in healing. He is able to create new cells out of nothing, healing others or himself. Generally only minor wounds, but when Sol Power is in effect, he may be able to heal some larger wounds at the gm(s) discretion. This ability requires a massive amount of concentration and is physically draining - not quite as draining when Sol Power is in effect, but still draining.

Basic Skills:
Persuasion: As stated before, he is very diplomatic, very calming and persuasive.
Deception: Lying comes naturally to someone who is naturally persuasive. Lying well, after all, is simply persuading someone to believe something that is not true.
Mediation: Amir is a wonderful mediator, and is able to objectively look at the opinions or arguments of each side of a debate/argument, without letting his emotions getting involved. This objectiveness is useful in many situations.

Backstory: Unlike most demigods, Amir was raised and loved by his godly parent, Ra, but rarely got to see his mother. He grew close to Ra, as one would expect, but never had the chance to develop a real relationship with his mother (due to her working as a diplomat in the Egyptian government).

Although he did not develop a relationship with her, he did develop her talent for persuasion, deception, and mediation.

Ra raised Amir as a scholar and a gentleman, sharing his own endless supply of knowledge with his son. He was raised to respect others, to respect life, and to only end a life when absolutely necessary (as is befitting of a demigod of creation). He was taught to cherish even the smallest, most insignificant of creatures.

Amir traveled the world with Ra, seeing the sights, meeting the people, and being introduced to other pantheons, as the heir to Ra's throne. He was groomed as a prince, though he was not coddled as one. He knows hard work, and has faced many dangerous foes in his short life. Amir will one day be granted full godhood by Ra, and will ascend to the throne of creation. Until then, he must learn how the world works, how creation can be chaotic as well as orderly. He must learn to only meddle in human affairs when absolutely necessary, and keep peace with the other gods.

When the Greeks came calling for aid, Amir was a clear choice, and one of the first to agree to go. He has been in Rhodes for a year, now, though the Gods have kept his presence a secret. Ra agreed to send his son under one condition, that he would observe the Greeks for one whole year, and decide whether they truly needed the help of the Egyptians. Upon reaching the one year mark, Amir sent word to his father that he would be staying, that the Greeks truly did need help. He informed Ra that this Titan War was more of a concern that they had initially realized.

The Greeks and Egyptians have quarreled countless times over the last few millennia, but as Prince of the throne of creation, Amir wishes to end these pointless disagreements. He is helping the Greeks, in hopes that when he takes the throne, there will be peace between the pantheons.

Relic: None.

Alignment: Gods