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20:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Miles McCreedy

Name: Miles McCreedy

Nickname(s): None, but he's not opposed to gaining a few.

Age: 32

Story: Beauty and the Beast

Miles' story takes place after the end of the original Tale, but he is the eldest son of Beast and Belle.

Magic Bean

Length of Time on This Side: One Month

a silver signet ring bearing the crest of his father's family, and an old pair of glasses from his childhood (though he rarely wears the glasses, his sight having been corrected in his late adolescent years)

Physical Description: (mmg330)
Miles clocks in right at 6'1" and 180lbs. With a lithe yet muscular build, he appears to be quite fit.

Preferring short hair, his tends to remain neat and trimmed, as does his beard. Though he rarely goes clean shaven, he never lets it grow out more than an inch or so before trimming.

Miles prefers to wear casual clothing, including sarcastic or ironic tees, comfortable jeans, and a nice pair of running shoes. Though it is rare to see him dressed up, he does clean up quite well.

Though he dresses casually and does not seem to fit the stereotypical shoe of one with royal blood, there is a royal elegance to the way he walks and talks - something he loathes having pointed out to him.

With piercing blue eyes and a muscular form, Miles could certainly be considered attractive.

Distinguishing Marks:
Two scars on his right side - an entrance and exit wound from a sword.

Miles, having been raised by royalty (at least on his father's side), has impeccable manners. Despite his flare for sarcasm and profanity, Miles is a gentleman through and through, his mother and father having drilled it into him throughout his childhood.

Having a very dry and blunt sense of humor, he can be off-putting at times.

Why Did You Come Through The Rift?:
Miles only remembers bits and pieces of his venture through the rift, the experience fading more and more the longer he is on This Side. He can remember running endlessly, darkness closing in. He can remember being separated from his family at the last second as he stumbled through the rift. Anything beyond that is lost to him, though it may or may not come back in time.

Miles was born into royalty, into wealth, inheriting royal blood from his father - referred to as Beast in the commonly known Tale.

Throughout his childhood, Miles grew close to his parents - his mother more so than his father. Beast was always a little distant, showing love to Miles when needed or requested of him, but always caring more for Belle than their child. Those who knew the story of the two lovers would understand the love Beast had for Beauty, having saved him from the curse and all.

It was understandable to onlookers and family friends, but Miles never understood. He grew close to his mother, being taught under her. He accumulated a vast amount of knowledge under his mother's tutelage, utilizing his father's massive library to aid him in his studies.

While his mother taught him in the ways of the scholar, his father taught him the ways of the blade. In hopes of Miles being able to protect himself when he struck out on his own, Beast taught him everything he knew about swordplay, forging a master swordsman in the form of his son.

All in all, they were a fairly happy family, but Miles always wanted to get away, to discover who he was going to be in life, apart from his parents. With this wish in mind on his eighteenth birthday, Miles set out across the wilds of The Otherside.

Over the years, he explored the vast expanse of the various kingdoms, nooks, and crannies of the Land of Make Believe. He met countless Tales, making several friends and a few enemies along the way. Miles helped where he could and did his best not to hinder those he met.

Though he traveled far and wide, Miles went out of his way to avoid getting involved in the major Tales. Being the center of attention wasn't really his style, being obvious, him having walked away from his royal lineage.

Fourteen years after he set out on his journey, Miles returned home to the castle and his parents. Upon the night of their reunion, the darkness came and Tales began flooding through the Rift.

Ever After:
Miles hasn't really done anything productive since traveling through the Rift, relying on the Thalers he brought with him to get by. Having traded some of his inherited wealth for mundane money, or 'dollars,' he was able to rent an apartment for himself.

Miles has explored the town, meeting some of the locals and running into some of the other Tales, mostly Nameless Magic Beans like himself.

He hasn't been on This Side for long, but the stress of the transition has been hitting him hard since coming through the Rift. Shortly after his arrival, he was introduced to something known as 'nicotine' by some of the Nuh-uh's he met early on. Though he hasn't been there long, the humans have already gotten him hooked on cigarettes.