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Welcome to Beyond 2012

14:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


An'teela: An'teela always wanted to fly but it more than the simple need to strap into a cockpit and make for the black. She wanted to fly. But until such thing was a possibility she joined the military and due to her deadly prowess in combat and flight it wasn't long before she was tapped for the Angel Elite. Victory after victory in ground combat and flight earned her medals and acclaim, especially for one so young.

The fact is she hates rebel angels and demons and would kill them for free. That she can do so as a career is a bonus.

She never forgot her desire to fly..

Teela is fast, even for an angel. When she moves she is liquid grace and pure death. She is also young, at a tender 205. She moves with the dancer's economy of motion, always looking like a hunting cat seeking prey. Her skill with blades is becoming legend.

Teela is tall as befits her people, possessing a golden tint to her skin, silver irises, and long hair so black as to appear almost purple in certain lighting.

Some years ago she was struck with something that she thought would give her and others an edge in the war. She reasoned that races that evolved with no airborne predators would tend to think in two directions, not looking up. She took her idea to Command and spent the next four months fighting for her idea. Eventually Command agreed and she underwent a cutting edge procedure in picotech, genetic engineering, and bio-organic implants.

The result - a pair of achingly beautiful wings of deep black with silver streaks that measure 16' across.

After recovery she has spent every day she can practicing flight. The tech used to create the wings allows her to fold them in enough to get into a cockpit and she uses modified armour.

She has a variety of uses now: Death From Above, scout, Rapid Response and Attack, sniper.

The revulsion she experiences from her own people doesn't phase her. She's fulfilling a life long dream and determined to see this project work and possibly expand.

When people see An'teela they get the impression of barely controlled speed that wants to break out into aggression. They see a warrior-born which tends to make people uncomfortable around her.

They see a predator.