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19:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


The Basics

Name: Aerelus (Aer) Cerulean
Nickname Known Aliases: None. He keeps his business under wraps.
Species: Valerian Elemental
Gender? Good question. Most often appears to be male, but Aer is technically an amorphous being.
Age: Aer doesn't keep track anymore. Several millennia, at least, at this point. Most often appears to be in his early to mid 30s.

The Physical

Height: 6'2" in his preferred form
Weight: 210lbs in his preferred form
Hair Color: Varies. Currently brown.
Eye Color: Varies. Currently blue.

Distinguishing Features:
The Mark of the Assassin is a tattoo, a symbol, of the Guild of Assassins (or Assassin's Guild, it has been referred to as both).

Upon initiation, the Mark is received. The Mark is given by a high-ranking mage in the Guild.

It is infused with magic, magic that allows the Assassin to come and go as they please through the Guild doors.

Those without the Mark are unable to enter, and will trigger the Guild's outer/inner defenses (extremely potent poison mists, death pits, fire get the point), if they try to force their way in.

Regardless of what form Aer takes, this mark appears on his body somewhere. He bares the Mark proudly, and visibly, more often than not. Although, the magic infused in the Mark allows the barer of the Mark to will it to be visible or invisible. When undercover, Assassins are required to keep the Mark hidden, as to not give themselves away to those who know it.

Physical Description:
While Aer, as an Elemental, does not need to take a physical form, he prefers to. His physical form varies, when going under cover or taking on a job, but he is very distinguishable to his closest friends in the Assassin's guild, regardless of the shape he takes. The aura he gives off, and the attitude, tend to give him away.

In Aer's amorphous form, he appears to be a shimmering mass of ever changing magic. While he can't speak in this form, his powers are much more potent. As one of the few Elementals who actually enjoy company with other people, he rarely takes this form, preferring to remain in his humanoid body.

The physical form Aer most often takes is that of a fairly tall humanoid with a lithe, yet muscular build. This form retains the muscles and muscle memory built up over countless years of training with his preferred weaponry.

He appears to be a half-elf at first glance. Pale skin, darker than the Woodland Elves but much lighter than the Drow. Slightly pointed ears, more so than humans but not nearly as pointed as Elf/Drow ears. Some humans he has come into contact have mistaken him as one of their own...unfortunate on their part.

Aer keeps his hair at shoulder length, while sporting a beard that accents his handsome, rugged features.

More often than not, when he is in Vreigh, he is seen with various members of the Guild on his heels.

Species Description:
The Valerian Elementals are a minor race on the world of Valeria, but a powerful one. Much like the Ethereals, they are closely connected to magic itself. Being more magic than man/woman, Elementals do not have to take a physical form.

Elementals are, after all, meant to represent aspects of nature. Unlike traditional Elementals, the Valerian variety is not restricted to one element. Each Elemental is able to manipulate earth, air, water, and fire - each to varying degrees. Of course, each category has its specialists, masters of the manipulation of their preferred (but not only) element.

Most Valerian Elementals, as a rule, prefer to stay out in the Wilds, in nature, tending to the beasts and the plant life. It is extremely rare to see one in physical form (whichever form that may be).

Valerian Elementals are a very reclusive race. In general, they do not play a part in politics. They do not control any towns, cities, or tribes. They are wanderers at heart. While some do interact with the other Valerian races, these interactions are few and far between.

Since the war with the humans began, the Elementals have largely avoided the conflict, preferring to take care of their little pieces of nature, rather than assist in the senseless slaughter of other life forms.

Under The Hood

Aer is a rare and odd Elemental, which is shown by his day to day interactions with the other races of Valeria, as well as the humans when the need arises. Elementals, in general, shy away from civilization, while Aer thrives in it. He is a people person, through and through. He finds the beautiful nature that the other Elementals in habit droll and boring.

Whether he is defective, or perhaps evidence of Elementals adapting to society as a whole, he is different at his core. Aer has never gotten along with the other members of his species, so he tends to avoid them when he can.

Overall, Aer is a decent person...for an Assassin. He doesn't kill for fun, and he doesn't allow those who do into the Guild. He has a very strong, and sometimes annoying, sense of morality. While he will kill upon request, he will not kill innocents. He will research the mark endlessly, before accepting a contract. If he does not deem them 'evil' enough to kill, the Guild will refuse the contract.

Assassins with a sense of morality...a strange concept, but one that has grown on the royalty of Valeria. Very few come to him offering work that he will not accept, these days. Having been the head of the Guild for over a thousand years now, the people have learned his ways, the way he will and will not do things.

Aer is a good guy. Fun loving, but sometimes moody. Generally calm, but he has a foul temper when he is irritated to the point of losing it.

Very little is known about him, other than his contract preferences. He is a very private person, keeping his personal business to himself, only sharing it with close friends.

Aer has never had the want, need, or even the aptitude to form romantic relationships. However, once his trust is gained, he is a wonderful friend to have.

Strengths: Extremely Intelligent, Renowned Leader, Accomplished Scholar

Weaknesses: Stubborn, Prideful, Blasphemous (he doesn't have a good relationship with the gods...he blasphemes regularly, and it tends to come back and bite him in the ass)


Mundane Skills:
Battle Master - Aer is skilled in all forms of Valerian weaponry, and even some of the known human weaponry. He prefers blades and bows, but he is a proficient sniper when utilizing modern guns. On top of his weapon mastery, Aer has practiced his hand to hand, grappling, and countless forms of martial arts over the millennia. He is a force to reckon with up close, or at a distance, with or without weapons. Due to his extensive training, he is very fast and agile in combat, and his reflexes are well above average.

Master Assassin/Spymaster: Aer is a master of the art of stealth and subtlety. If he doesn't want you to see him, hear him, smell won't. Over the years, he has developed a keen sense of hearing and lip reading. He is very talented at eaves dropping, when he wishes to do so. Aer knows all of the vital areas and organs of the Valerian races, as well as humans from Earth - having studied them during his research on potential marks.

Manipulation - While lying is a common skill, Aer has mastered the art of manipulating people in whichever way suits him. He is a very talented speaker, public or otherwise, weaving various lies into half truths, easily making them believable.

Tech Savvy - Aer's network of spies and assassins spread around Valeria have studied and even stolen human technology, hoping to understand it. It is much more advanced than anything the Guild has at its disposal. After years of studying and dissecting the various tech, Aer has a grasp on how to use most human weaponry, vehicles, computers, and spacecraft.

Assassin's Guild: Aer commands a guild of assassins, and the funds that guild has at its disposal (on top of his personal fortune), giving him a bit of power in the city of Vreigh. He is currently considered at the status of a high-ranking Noble, but not quite a royal. While his assassins are mostly in the background, taking orders and observing, one or two may show up every now and then. The guild is located in Vreigh, the Ethereal capital. Though nothing is out of the guild's reach, when Aer is outside of Vreigh, the assassins do not follow. When inside Vreigh, they watch his back - knowing that the other guild masters and some of the royals from various countries wish him dead. If a fight is started with him within the city limits, Fen will show up and help. Fen is a Woodland-Elf-turned-assassin, Aer's second in command and his personal guard. After failing to tame her Dire Wolf, she was exiled by her clan, and then made her way to Vreigh, where Aer recruited her knowing the skill of the Elves was hard to match. (she is depicted in one of the pictures above)

Spy Network - Aer has a network of spies (made up mostly of some of the most talented and stealthy assassins under his command, as well as some past acquaintances and hired help) dispersed across the world of Valeria and among the Alliance army. He hears things. Lots of things. Secrets are easy to find, regardless of how well they were buried, if one digs hard enough in the right place. Aer does not sell secrets, but he does use them to gain an advantage over enemies and competitors whenever possible.

Friends In High Places - While appealing to the royals of Valeria may not be a skill per se, Aer has many friends among the Valerian council, as he has completed contracts for them in the past. He has favors he can cash in, if the need arises. Since the beginning of the war he started, he has been at the beck and call of the Valerian Council...night and day. While he appreciates the business, the coin it brings his subordinates, he has not had a moment to himself in quite some time, always having to run about fixing things and breaking others for the Council.

Elemental Manipulation - As an ancient Elemental with vast knowledge and countless hours of study and practice, Aer has become a master of the elements. He is able to utilize fire, earth, air and water in equal measure - as long as the element is present. He cannot create the elements, only manipulate what is already there.

Assassin Of Air - Aer, as one could guess based on his name, prefers the use of Air over the other elements. He has mastered the use of air as a vicious weapon, one that can be used to kill without leaving a trace. Aer is able to suck the oxygen, the air, out of a being's lungs and cut off their air flow, causing them to suffocate regardless of if they're in an airtight room or out in the open expanse of the Wilds. This is his preferred method of assassination.

Guild Master's Mark - Aer bares the Mark of the Assassin. The first Mark. The Mark of the guild master. This Mark is transferred from guild master to guild master, as they begin and end their reign over the Assassin's Guild. The Mark provides control over the other Assassins as well as their guild hall, which is located in Vreigh. Those that join the guild make a pact with the current master, signing their life over to the guild. Those that try to back out of that pact, betray the guild, or refuse to go through with contracts assigned to them may do the cost of their life, or at least a measure of pain that would knock out a Giant. The Mark is forever, and all consuming. It cannot be given up, until the conditions agreed upon when making the pact have been completed. For those just joining, they are required to work with the Guild for five years. After the time has passed, they have the choice to re-up their pact (if the guild master wants them to stay), or go their own way. Most choose to stay with the guild - mostly because of the sense of camaraderie, but the ridiculous amount of money that can be made is also a nice allure

Shapeshifting - As an Elemental, Aer can shift his body into whatever form he wishes. He rarely (almost never) uses this ability. Due to his lack of need for a physical form, physical wounds he takes cannot kill him, they are superficial. However, if he takes enough damage, he will have to give up his physical form and regenerate in his magical state. These days the only forms he takes are his current human-esque form, and his magical form.

Notable Equipment:
As the master of the Assassin's Guild, he always expects some sort of violence or another. Whether it actually comes is unimportant. More often than not, he is armed to the teeth.

Hidden Blade, Dire Wood Bow (with quiver of arrows), Throwing Knives (2)

Lightweight Valerian Steel Armor, Alliance Dagger, Alliance Sword

Aer picked up the Alliance weapons he carries off of the corpse of a seemingly important human, during the Summit, during his first meeting with the Alliance. These blades are very high quality Alliance tech, each made of a nearly unbreakable Earth alloy.

The dagger is fairly large, nearly the size of a short sword but not quite. It rests in a makeshift sheathe on his right hip. When using the dagger, upon impact with whoever he may be facing, the blade will send out an electromagnetic pulse, temporarily (usually for just a minute or two) shutting down all non-calibrated tech within twenty feet of himself. The sword, which has been calibrated along with the dagger's interface, will not be affected by the pulse.

The sword is long, several feet in length. It rests in a makeshift scabbard on his left hip. The sword, when used, is able to block energy weapons - whether it be a laser from a gun or an energy sword, if he is fast enough he can block it.

The Juicy Bits

~ Q and A Section ~

What is an elemental?
The answer isn't complex. It's actually quite simple. Elementals are, essentially, pieces of nature, of magic, itself given sentience. Nature isn't complex. There is an endearing simplicity to it...something that draws the eyes, the ears, and the heart. It's easy to fall in love with the beautiful sights and hidden places deep in the Wilds. Aerelus was born in such a place, in a lost and forgotten sanctuary among the protective trees of the Dire.

If elementals are amorphous, genderless beings, how do they give birth?
In truth, they don't, though this is only known by the elementals and a the Woodland Elves. There are no true 'families' among the elementals. These beings are born of nature, of the need for a guardian. They are born of magic, not of reproduction. It is quite simple, if you put it into context. The Dire, and the other wild places of Valeria, think for themselves. They have their own needs and desires. Elementals are born of the magic flowing through the world, of the wants and needs of the land itself.

If elementals are not related, then why do they refer to each other as family?
Elementals are an odd sort. 'Family' simply means clan, tribe, or group to these creatures. Any elemental born within the Dire are considered to be part of the Cerulean 'family' of elementals.

~ History ~

Aer was born in the depths of the Dire in a beautiful, untouched clearing. As elementals are not ones for wasted time and idle chatter, he was quickly introduced to the local elementals, Elves, and creatures, then told of his purpose. He was meant to take care of the provide rain, a nice breeze, whatever was needed in the moment.

It was a destiy, a role, that he accepted for a long time. His early life was very...uneventful. Boring. Droll. He hated his 'job,' always hoping that there was more to do and to see in the world, than his birthplace. Though he wanted to leave, he forced himself to stay for a long time, giving into the status quo, following the lead of the other elementals.

Eventually, after several millennia, Aerelus grew tired of the same old same old. He was unsure why he couldn't just be happy with the lot he had been given in life, but he just...wasn't. He wanted to leave the Dire, to see the world in all of its splendor.

Deciding as much, much to the dismay of his 'family,' Aer left home, leaving behind everything he had ever known...

Lost and alone in the world, he had to learn to make his own way, to become strong. Eventually, he learned how to take a physical form and to sustain it. Deciding that he liked that form better, he remained in it, changing his appearance every few centuries or so.

Aer traveled the world for countless years, taking in the sights, the smells, the people. He explored the globe, the civilizations, the drastically different culures.

Over the course of his journey, he picked up many skills that would help him survive on his own: stealth, martial arts, manipulation, so on and so forth. After centuries and centuries of practice, Aer became a ghost, his presence only known when he made it so.

As his journey came to an end, he ended up in Vreigh, the Ethereal capital. Decided it was as good a place as any to settle down, he rented a room in the Iron Maiden Inn and stayed there. After getting a job as a City guard, he spent many years protecting the locals and honing his skills with various weapons.

Over the years, he rose quickly through the ranks, until he was named Captain of the Guard. For years, he was in charge of the Guard. Several years after getting promoted, Aer was approached by a strange, hooded man, and was offered a job with the Guild.

At first, for years, Aer refused the position...but the assassins kept coming back. They were as persistent with recruitment as they were with pursuing their marks. A capable, potential recruit was simply another mark, after all. A mark that needed to be persuaded, rather than permanently silenced.

In time, they wore him down, driving him away from the guard and into their open, welcoming arms. He joined the Guild and abandoned his place among the guards, much to the surprise of the city's nobles. Never had Vreigh lost a guard captain to the Assassins. Never had they had a warrior of his calibre leading the guard. His decision was looked on with disdain, to say the least.

Giving up his life as a guard, he moved into the guild hall, and lived there for years to come. Aer quickly rose through the ranks of the guild, garnering the attention of the guld master and the envy of the other assassins.

Over time, Aer was promoted to second in command. And when the guild master (an elderly human) passed away, the guild master's Mark was passed onto him. This happened nearly a thousand years in the past.

Aer's reign over the guild drove it into a golden age, bringing in more coin and more contracts than they could handle. As the guild grew in popularity and strength, Aer's reputation and status grew in the city of Vreigh. He rose to the rank of a noble, one of the few in the city that had earned the title through merit, rather than birthright.

~ Present Day ~

Due to the actions of Aer and his assassins at the first summit between the Valerian royals and the generals of the Alliance, he is seen as a warmonger.

Having struck the first blow against the Alliance, he is attributed with starting the war between the two worlds.

Although it is technically true, he certainly had his reasons.

Regardless of his infamy, Aerelus has become an important part of the war effort, utilizing his personal skills and those of the Guild to help the Valerian Council accomplish their goals.
And the rest is history...

Potential Plot Points:
The Circus Eternale - It is rumored that members of the Assassin's Guild have infiltrated the troupe of the famed Circus Eternale (which has recently traveled to Earth), in hopes of taking out several of the Alliance's Generals. Whether it be true or false, the head of the Guild would certainly know. (Wanted: Valerian Assassin character(s) or NPC(s))
--- Note From The GMs: This plot has the potential to play into the overarching plot of the game. ---

Family Ties - If the Elementals did have a royal family, it would be the Ceruleans. They are rumored to be the most in tune with nature, the most powerful of the Elementals. The Ceruleans live in the depths of the Dire, taking care of the creatures, plants, and Elves alike. However, recently, they have been disappearing, and the Dire has been lashing out in anger at the loss of its caretakers.

The Past Is The Past Aer is an Assassin by trade. Not only is he an Assassin, but he is the head of the Assassin's Guild There is a lot of bad blood between the Guild and the families of past marks. Put simply, the predator has become the prey...or so the ones hunting him believe. Never underestimate a Cerulean.

Spy Network - Aer controls a vast spy network that blankets the world of Valeria, as well as bits and pieces of the Alliance's forces. There are countless reports coming in daily regarding important events spanning the dimensions. (has plenty of potential for other characters to interact as one of his connections)

Writing Sample/Major Plot Point:

Why did all good Valerian stories have to begin or end in bloodshed?

The short answer: They didn't.

They didn't have to...but it happened anyway. There was always someone or something that made tempers flare and lead fly. As far as Aerelus was concerned, Valerians weren't violent, in general, but war and strife plagued their world nonetheless. The Ethereals were pacifists, so they certainly weren't the issue. The Orcs and Drow were expansionist, but that didn't necessarily mean they were violent. They view war as a tool, not a pleasure or an addiction. The Elves kept to themselves mostly, so they couldn't be the problem. And, well, the minor races didn't have enough pull to influence Valeria as a whole, as the others did. It was a riddle, one that he couldn't decipher, despite how hard he tried.

Try and try again as he might, there was no figuring it out. There was just something...some unseen force, perhaps karma or simple bad luck, that seemed to be torturing Aer's home world. It was something that irritated him to no end.

Aer stood on one of the Guild's many balconies high above the city streets, arms crossed, gazing over the expanse of the city of Vreigh. His hood ever present and visible at the edge of his peripherals, as well as from above, shifted slightly with the pleasant breeze that traveled through the city as the day wore on. His eyes moved up to the sky, studying the position of the sun and calculating how much daylight he had left. His eyes then trailed down to the Market District below, flitting over the busy Valerians going about their business.

Dropping his arms to his side, he took a step toward the railing of the balcony, placing one hand on the cold stone. With a little effort, he propelled himself up onto the railing, his sword and dagger scraping against the stone, and rested there comfortably, entwining his legs in the slats in hopes of steadying himself.

One hand still on the railing, Aer moved his other up and ran it through his beard, scratching an itch on his left cheek. As he scratched absentmindedly, his eyes moved slowly over the Market, locking onto a familiar face here and there before moving on to another.

His head turned slightly to the right, perking up, as he heard a faint sound behind him. Someone had entered his office and was walking toward the balcony. "Fen-" He greeted her, knowing the elf's walk, her gait, by heart and sound. She was heavy footed for an assassin, with a slight limp to her left leg from an old wound, a memento gathered from her first mission for the Guild. He still felt a little bad for the injury, but it had healed well enough that it didn't hinder her terribly.

The tall, elegant elf joined him on the balcony without a word, hopping up onto the railing and resting to his right. She wasn't the type to waste her breath on pointless chatter, but she was a master of picking up on social cues and body language, as well as sensing the distress that permeated his aura when he was thinking about past missions and experiences. She was always a welcome sight, an anchor that he had grown accustomed to over the years. She was always there when he needed her. She was the only constant aspect of his life in a world that was perpetually changing, evolving, warring, and doing anything and everything other than taking it easy.

Fen, being one of the eldest Assassins, second only to himself, had been serving the Guild for over six hundred years. Although, she didn't look a day older than when he had first recruited her. Aer had found her begging on the streets, and picking pockets. She was skilled, stealthy, and it drew his attention as a guild master and a purveyor of the fine arts of subtlety and sleight of hand. He had taken a personal interest in the young elf, and had decided to train her himself. She was his star pupil, his apprentice. He had decided centuries ago that she would be the next guild master, if she survived long enough for him to retire. He was ready. He truly was. But he couldn't. Not yet. Not while Valeria was at war with the humans, the Earthlings.

Aer's gaze moved to the elf beside him for a moment, his eyes saying 'thank you' while his expression remained blank, solemn. Not letting his eyes settle long enough to stare, they soon moved back down to the Market below, trailing over the thousands of Valerians bartering, stealing, and stabbing each other in the back. That was the way of the city, of the the world no less. A friend offers a handshake, but they hold a poison coated blade behind their back. There was no stability, no order. Which was fitting, of course, as the Elder of Order was rumored to have been murdered or locked away by the humans.

Having always believed in the Elders, but never worshiping them, the rumor that had passed around hadn't really bothered him too much. Valeria had always been chaotic. He was unsure that its death or capture would have any effect on the world. As thoughts of sneaky elves and dead elders crossed his mind, his eyes slowly moved over the locals. As he caught the sun glinting off of the helm of a city guard, his brows knit together in thought, in worry. There was something familiar about what he was seeing. It was an odd sense, as if he had witnessed it before. What had the humans called it? Deja vu, that was the term.

[Many Years Prior]

The elven outcast watched with unblinking eyes, from the smoldering ruins of a large church that had recently suffered a fire.

It wasn't the best vantage point in the immediate vicinity (the best being a large tower), but she preferred to be closer to the ground, in case the Summit went sideways and her assistance was needed.

Fen watched as the human ambassadors, generals, and their guardsmen marched into the Summit, which was being held in the city's central square.

She studied their arms and armor, squinting her eyes for a better look.

The humans were rumored to be technologically advanced far beyond the likes of the Valerians, but Fen spotted no tech.

It was obvious what had happened. Of course they wouldn't have been allowed into the city with weaponry that outclassed the weaponry of the current ruling body.

It was too dangerous, too reckless to allow a foreign power to enter the Ethereal capital with energy weapons that could bring the ruling class to its knees.

Judging by the appearance of the guards, they had most likely been outfitted with, by human standards, ancient equipment - swords, bows, plate or leather armor, and the like.

At a distance they looked quite similar to the city guard that watched over Vreigh.

As the humans reached their destination, a harsh whistle escaped the elf, traveling to the bird flying high above her.

As the whistle reached the bird, it banked to the right and headed back towards the Guild Hall.

Returning her attention to the humans below, meeting and greeting the city's elite, as well as royalty and nobility from the many countries of Valeria.

Knowing that Aerelus would be late, as he tended to be at these events, she simply sat, watched, and listened.

Her elven ears could easily pick up the chatter taking place in the square between the pretentious bastards on both sides of the Summit.

Meanwhile, across the city, Aer watched the skies, watched for the signal.

He loathed attending events like these, but his status in the city required him to do so.

Preferring to be late, whether it be fashionably or otherwise, he chose to wait until the humans had arrived, leaving Fen to signal him and the other assassins when they showed up.

Aer's gaze soared the eyes as the bird did, locking onto the majestic creature as it flew toward the guild.

After releasing a long sight and taking a deep breath, he looked to the three men behind him. With a smirk playing at his lips, he said, "Let's go."

With that said, Aer and his guild mates launched into motion, jumping from the guild roof  onto a nearby building. The slant of the building sent them downward at a dangerous speed, one that would've sent anyone unsure of their commitment to the movements plummeting to their death on the street below.

Sliding down the roof, they jumped and landed gracefully on clothes lines leading from that building to another. After swiftly tightrope walking their way across, they free climbed their way to the roof and then continued their trek through the city.

Some time later, roughly ten minutes or so, they approached the tower on the outskirts of the square. Aer could hear the ruckus in the square, as he approached. He came to a stop at the edge of the building and peered down at the crowd.

Frowning as he spotted some old enemies among the royals, he turned to inspect the human forces. He didn't trust them, regardless of the fact that they had clearly been downgraded from the tech they were rumored to have. Losing interest quickly, as was to be expected, he turned and looked toward the building where he knew Fen was watching from.

He offered his old friend a nod, before turning back to the Summit. Seeing how it was going so far, it was clear that being a part of it did not interest him. Aer watched and listened closely to what was going on below, but quickly decided he didn't care enough to make an appearance.

Turning away from the Summit and toward the nearby tower, he made his way to it, leaving the other assassins to watch from the roof he had previously been on. Taking a running jump, Aer manipulated the air currents around him to send him higher, propelling him a good twenty feet up the tower in a single leap.

After free climbing up the tower, he perched on a ledge near the top. Looking down below, he manipulated the wind once more, bending the currents to his will, utilizing the breeze to carry the voices down below up to him. Aer listened to the conversations going on in the square, as he let his legs dangle from the ledge.

Aer listened closely to the proposals being made and accepted between the two civilizations. The Ethereals and the royals had agreed to take in some of the humans as refugees, while they looked for another planet to inhabit. It was reasonable, giving them a temporary home until they found their own. The Summit seemed to be going well.

It was then that the first mistake was made. Aer narrowed his eyes and focused on the human ambassador as he shook his head at the offer of temporary refuge. "It can't be temporary." The ambassador commented. "This planet is massive. It has the potential to host billions of our citizens." He said, the tone of his voice losing its friendly allure.

Though it was hard to make out from that high up, Aer could see the uneasiness of the royals as the man spoke. "We don't want any trouble from the races that live here, but we're going to have to stay. Permanently." The last word, 'permanently,' caused the hair on Aer's arms to stand up. Regardless of all of their manners and niceties, they weren't asking, after all...they were warning.

Aer looked over to Ren's building, and then to the assassins on the building below. "The royals won't accept this. Prepare yourselves, this is about to get bloody." He warned, having the currents carry his words to his subordinates, his back up. With that said, Aer stood up, preparing to descend the tower, if he was needed. Hearing the royals bicker among each other, and then refuse the human's assertion outright, Aer prepared himself. He didn't see any possible <i>good<i> outcome of the Summit, only damage control. Aer prepared to jump, but stopped himself, letting the scene below him play out a little more, before he would join in.

"We wanted to do this peacefully." The man explained. "Starting a war is not our intention, but..." As the man spoke, Aer's eyes locked onto the generals and their guards. He could see each of them reaching into their armor and the bags they carried. As he watched, he spotted some kind of blade that seemed to be glowing. With magic, perhaps? He squinted in hopes of seeing better, inching toward the edge. No, not was some kind of energy sword. His eyes widened as he studied the other guards. Some were pulling out guns. "...if you will not allow us to settle here permanently, we'll have to make our own way." He couldn't see them very well, but they didn't look like any that he had ever seen among the Drow tech. The humans had smuggled in weapons. 'How' was an important questions. Maybe they had bribed the city was possible, and the most likely explanation. As he spotted the weapons, Aer dove from the tower.

As he fell, his eyes locked onto the ambassador. Once he was roughly a hundred feet from the ground, he flipped to where his feet were down, and his descent slowed.

Aer was bending the air around him to catch him, to break his fall. Judging by how far he had jumped out when he dove from the tower, he would land approximately on top of the ambassador who had been speaking. Good...

The fall seemed to take forever, countless thoughts running through the assassin's head. Was he...starting a war? Striking first in a volatile situation, one that would launch the whole of Valeria into yet another war.

This one...perhaps one they couldn't win. The human had begun to threat the royals, and he knew that would not have ended well.

Aer chose to look at his strike as damage control, protecting the Valerian elite from the horrifying technology of the human Alliance.

Growing ever closer to his mark, Aer drew back his right arm and bent his hand upwards, causing the mechanism in his hidden blade to activate, sending the blade out roughly six to eight inches from his wrist. Upon impact, the ambassador crumpled to the ground with Aer on top of him as the blade sank into the man's neck.

With a flick of his wrist, the blade retracted. As Aer hit the ground, he rolled gracefully, expertly avoiding the potential for a bad landing, and ending up back on his feet in a defensive stance.

Death from was an extremely effective shock and awe tactic, which was evident in the courtyard that had gone dead silent.

Few people could recover quickly from seeing a man fall hundreds of feet to the ground, crushing another man beneath him, leaving a bloodied and broken corpse in his wake.

Knowing the surprise would fade quickly, Aer's eyes flicked from human to human, taking stock of the weapons they had drawn, some blades and some guns, all of which were much more advanced than anything he had seen before.

He needed to move quickly, if he wanted to keep the advantage.

As he prepared to move, he heard three soft thuds on the ground behind him.

Knowing who it was approaching, a corner of his mouth curved upward to form a somewhat smug half-grin.

The three assassins who had accompanied him to the Summit gathered around him, each wielding their preferred weapon.

Aer, prepared to launch himself into battle, dug his feet in the ground, getting ready to dash forward.

However, he was beaten to the punch.

He, his assassins, and the other people in the courtyard watched wide-eyes as the outcast, the elf dropped down in the middle of the large group of guards.

Not giving them any time to react, she activated the hidden blade attached to each of her wrists.

The tall, lithe elf made quick work of the unit, leaving several bodies in her wake, as she spun through the squad with agility and speed that only comes from centuries and centuries worth of training, leaving her blades dripping with blood by the time she had finished.

Aer smiled as he watched his apprentice work, masterfully executing her targets with precision and grace. Utilizing her strength, long limbs, and speed to keep the enemies at arm's length, rather than letting them get close.

The battle was over, before Aer had a chance to jump in. Fen had left one female human alive. One of the generals. The elf grabbed the woman by the hair and dragged her to her feet, blood dripping from a gaping wound on the human's right shoulder. Judging by the way her arm was hanging, Aer assumed it had been been broken, or the muscles and sinew that were utilized for controlling the limb had been severed. Most likely both, knowing how Fen worked.

After granting the human use of one of the Guild's steeds, he whispered something in the woman's ear. His intention wasn't to entice the human to return, but to warn her that they would just get more of the same if they tried to invade.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Come back if you dare. I'll be waiting.

He then sent the woman on her way. She was escorted out of the town and back to the rift she and the others had come through.

Shortly after the battle had finished, the Summit launched into chaos - some royals agreeing with what the assassins had done, some calling for their heads on pikes. Choosing not to fight, Aer and Fen gave themselves up in hopes of receiving a fair trial, while the assassins who had not spilled blood were free to leave. Aer ordered them to return to the guild hall and await further instruction.

With that done, the guards fetched the executioner, and they tied the two assassins to poles on a wooden stage in the center of the square.

*Skip Forward* They were given a fair trial in which some royals spoke for them, and some against. In the end, they were seen as innocents, doing their duty to protect Valeria and the royal/noble families.

Of course the human general had not told her her fellow humans the true story, what exactly had happened. The woman had told her fellow Alliance members of an group of Valerian assassins ending the lives of her comrades for no reason at all, having not been provoked in any way.

With that in mind, Aer turned his eyes from the guard's helm, and toward the sun instead. There was something comforting about the star. Something that drove the memories from his mind and just let him think.

The future had a lot in store. He was going to end the war the he was attributed with way or another.