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19:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jack Stone

The Basics

Name: Jackson (Jack) Stone
Nickname: Stone; General
Alliance Rank: Brigadier General
Species: Human (Praetorian Hunter)
Gender: Male
Age: 87

The Physical

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Distinguishing Features:
Various faded scars on his arms, legs, neck, torso, and near his eyes from cybernetic enhancements received over the years.

Physical Description:
Stone stands at an average height of 5'10" with the muscular build of a career soldier.

He prefers to keep his hair buzzed on the sides and in the back, and a little longer on top, with a neatly trimmed beard to match.

When going into battle he will generally wear his camo fatigues equipped with several grenades and a hunting knife, or his Hunter Armor.

In his down time, or when undercover, he dresses very casually in t-shirts and jeans, or whatever type of clothing fits the civilization he is infiltrating.

Species Description:
While Praetorian Hunters are technically classified as humans they should be put into their own category, having been under the knife enough times to no longer share the anatomy of the creatures that birthed them.

Each Praetorian Hunter has undergone countless surgeries to enhance their physical and mental prowess, which in turn stops them from aging as humans do - extending their lives well beyond the lives of the average human of Earth.

Between enhanced speed, strength, mental capacity, and endurance, they are a force to reckon with on the battlefield.

Praetorians are the elite of the Alliance military. The Praetorian Hunters are the elite of the elite, not quite at the level of Praetorian Officer, but having some of the most skilled Praetorians in the Alliance among their ranks.

Hunters are aptly named such, due to their overall purpose. While Praetorians are meant for brute force and overwhelming strength, Hunters are meant for finesse and subtlety.

The Alliance does not look kindly on deserters. When a soldier goes AWOL, or is missing in action (MIA), the Hunters are sent to hunt them down. They are given permission to terminate on sight, or bring the deserter in. In the case of an MIA soldier, they are expected to go above and beyond to bring the soldier in question back in one piece, and destroy any intel revealed during interrogation, as well as to dispatch potential interrogators and witnesses.

Under The Hood

Having undergone countless hours of training in developing his people skills, Stone has grown to be very personable. He has an endearing personality, and a good sense of humor.

Overall, Stone is a very approachable man with kind eyes and an inviting, warm smile.

Discipline; Leadership; Stealth; Social Chameleon

Strong Moral Compass; Stubbornness; Occupational Pride; Dedication To A Fault


Mundane Skills:
[Elite Weapons Training]
Stone is trained in a plethora of weaponry. He is particularly talented with sniper rifles, submachine guns, and knife fighting techniques.

[Elite Hand-To-Hand Training]
Praetorian Hunters are among some of the most skilled hand-to-hand combatants across the dimensions.

[Technological Adaptation]
Due to a lifetime of utilizing overly advanced Alliance technology and weaponry, Stone is generally able to adapt to using anything below the level of Alliance tech with ease.

Stone is quite skilled in hacking into even the most encrypted files, able to make short work of the process, with the enhancements that he has received over the years.

Stone's overall molecular structure has been altered and strengthened, making his bones and skin much more dense and damage-resistant. While bullets, swords, arrows, and the like may pierce his skin, most just cause superficial wounds. High caliber rounds will cause significant damage, as will a blade swung by someone with enhanced strength.

The revamping of Stone's anatomy did not stop at his skin and bones, but eventually continued on to his white blood cells, causing them to produce at an ever-increasing rate, causing wounds to heal quickly, while illnesses no longer affect him.

While his muscle mass has not been increased, each and every muscle on his body has been altered to incorporate cybernetic enhancements that boost his physical prowess. He is able to life cars and move boulders fairly easy, while also being able to take a lot of damage, as was mentioned in [Endurance].

As the structure of his leg muscles was reworked to fit the enhancements, his speed was improved significantly. He is able to move with the stealth of a predatory cat, while also running up to 75mph (the general max speed of an Earth cheetah) when at top speed in open terrain.

Stone's sense of sight, smell, and hearing have been greatly enhanced. His eyes have been altered to allow for x-ray and night vision. His hearing has been amplified, allowing him to hear radio frequencies, and pick up even the quietest of noises up to 50 yards away. His smell has been amplified to match that of an Earth bear, allowing him to pick apart the various scents within his immediate area and pick up on any alien/strange scents that may permeate the area.

Stone is, in spirit and body, a super soldier. His entire body has been enhanced for the most efficient and effective combat and stealth capabilities, with the weapons to match. As such, weapons have been genetically implanted into him. There is a chip in each of his wrists. They are miniature 3D printers that allow for the immediate printing of various types of guns. He currently only has three weapon schematics available to him.

[Alliance Optical Interface/HUD (A.O.I.)]
The AOI, implanted into both of Stone's eyes, is an optical interface, a HUD (Heads Up Display). Activated by simply thinking about what he wants done, he is able to store notes, access the Alliance data archives, access his mission objectives, contact his Alliance handler and others with an A.O.I. implant, record what he is currently seeing, and store intel he has gathered.

[Physical Cloaking Technology (P.C.T.)]
This device, fixed into the back of Stone's skull, is not the traditional 'cloaking' technology seen in works of fiction. It does not make him invisible. Instead, it allows his body to shift and immitate the outward appearance of other races - providing optimal stealth and subterfuge capabilities. While the device cannot accomodate extra limbs or tentacles, it is able to very accurately portray the appearance of other humanoid species, allowing Stone to blend into a crowd on an alien Valeria.

[Mach 7 Tactical Sniper Rifle (M7T)]
The Mach 7 Tactical Sniper Rifle is top quality Alliance tech, as are Stone's other weapons. It is able to shoot a variety of rounds from plasma to 50 caliber bullets to highly advanced tank-piercing rounds, all of which are readily available upon the printing of the weapon.

[BRA P90 Submachine Gun]
The BRA P90 smg relies solely on energy cartridges which are provided by the 3D printers in his arms, reloading the weapon automatically as the clip empties. The weapon is used mainly for medium ranged combat, having a very strained accuracy rate beyond twenty yards or so. It shoots energy rounds, stunning and potentially burning the skin of whoever the rounds connect with. If suffering from prolonged and concentrated fire, the rounds could easily burn a hole through the target's body.

The Reaper is used for medium to short range firefights, having a pinpoint accuracy of up to 15 yards. This futuristic revolver, when discharged, sends an armor-piercing bolt of energy at the target. While it does not have the high fire rate of the submachine gun, or the tank-killing rounds of the sniper rifle, it is deadly and effective in a tight-cornered situation.

[Hunter Armor]
While there is nothing terribly special about this armor in its level of durability, it does allow the wearer to blend into his surrounding area like a chameleon. The armor lives within the 3D printer, as his weapons do.

The Juicy Bits

To be revealed as the story plays out.

Potential Plot Points:
[Brothers And Sisters In Arms]
Stone has many old friends among the ranks of the Alliance. While most have died of age, or wound up dead at the hands of Valerians or other alien forces, some of his old squadmates may yet live.

[Rescue Mission]
Stone may, at any time, be sent out on a rescue mission, in hopes of saving a captured Alliance soldier, informant, or ally.

Stone is a skilled spy, one that has years and years of experience in remaining hidden. If he is found out, his identity revealed, everything could go to hell, if the one who learned who he was is not silenced...bribed or silenced in a more violent and decisive manner.

Stone, as previously mentioned, is a spy. He has gained intel on countless people across the expanses of Earth and Valeria alike. He knows things...things that could turn either of the massive powers on their heads.

While Stone is an Alliance Praetorian, he does not condone everything that they do. He is, at times, unpredictable. If he sees alliance troops preying on the weak or innocent, he will step in and stop them, potentially causing trouble for himself with his superiors and possibly gaining friends/allies in the Valerian forces. These friends may be able to sway him to join their cause, to abandon the Alliance and help the Valerians retain their freedom, their planet. A Praetorian Hunter is a good ally to have in any combat-related situation.