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17:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


The Basics

True Name: Zarael

Alias: Rath

Species: Nephilim

Gender: Male

Age: 97

The Physical

Height: 6'7" (above average for 1st gen Nephilim)

Weight: 265lbs

Body Type: Muscular/Athletic

Hair Color: Brown, though streaks of light brown and blonde can be seen throughout during the summer months

Eye Color:
One is blue, while the other is brown. It sounds like an odd mix, but it is quite entrancing. His eyes glow a rich, warm shade of gold when he is angry, wrathful, when his righteous side comes out - it is a telltale sign of his lineage, one he cannot hide due to his wrathful nature...thanks to his father's blood pumping through his veins.

Distinguishing Features:
Distinguishing features? Other than the sheer size of the 'man'? Rath's flesh hosts a couple tattoos. A depiction of angel wings on his back, in honor of his angelic blood. A depiction of the sun on his chest, as a symbol of hope, as a reminder that there will always be another day.

Physical Description:
Rath is a very well-built and muscular man. He towers over most, clocking in at a hefty 6'7" and 265lbs.

He is an attractive man, sharing an uncanny resemblance to his deceased, angelic father - Rathaim.

Rath keeps his hair long on all fronts, on his head and on his face. He hosts a very rugged, handsome look that tends to convey the message of "don't fuck with me" at first glance.

Under The Hood

Rath's personality is much like his appearance - rugged yet endearing. He is a warm soul, always happy to lend a helping hand, when he has the time to do so.

He tends to hop the fence between optimist and pessimist, mostly depending on the situation, the topic. He doesn't have a very good outlook on the controversies between angels and demons or humans and magic. They are simply things that should not mix, in his opinion. However, he will be the first to admit the skill of a powerful human mage. He's not the type to shun skilled help, simply based on race or affiliation.

Rath is very open minded, not caring to discriminate due to race, religion, ideals, etc. he prefers to keep his thoughts to himself, unless they directly effect the situation he is currently in, in a big way.

While he is generally a nice, easy-going guy, he isn't called "Rath" for nothing. He has a hot temper, one that can be manipulated by those with the intent to do so. While he does lose his temper fairly often, he does not harm those he deems as innocent.

The same cannot be said about those that harm the innocent.

Rath has a lax view on petty thievery and really any criminal act that does not reach the level of filth required for murder and rape. He is not the type to call the authorities every time he catches a pickpocket, and generally tends to let the thief get away - assuming that if they're forced into pickpocketing on the streets, they probably need the coin more than he does.

More often than not, Rath can bee seen wearing his armor, with either a sword or a mace on his hip and a shield on his back.

Strengths: TBD

Weaknesses: TBD


Mundane Skills: TBD

Powers: TBD

The Juicy Bits

Zarael is the half-breed son of an Archangel and a human woman. Rathaim, Zarael's father, was not an Archangel, he was THE Archangel. He was the embodiment of Justice and Righteous Wrath. It has been said countless times that Zarael inherited his father's looks and wrath, and his mother's sense of humility and morality.

Rath's early life was uneventful, in comparison to the stories told of the life of his father - Rathaim, the Right Hand of the Almighty, the Flaming Sword of the Gods, the General of the Angelic Host, the Divine Executioner. All of these titles were given in equal measure, in respect for his prowess in battle and in the political hierarchies of the Host. While Rath has heard these names, he does not know why they were given, what they mean. His father has always been shrouded in mystery, his face hidden in the dark of Rath's repressed memories.

Raised by his mother in a middle class household, Rath never hurt for money, but he wasn't wealthy. He had enough to get by, enough that he and his mother weren't desperate.

Early on, he took odd jobs in his home town, earning money, saving up a contingency fund for them, in case something went wrong and they had to leave. Luckily nothing, up to this point, has happened, nothing that has forced him to use the fund.

Around his 20th year, Rath first picked up a blade, helping the local blacksmith forge weaponry for the local militia. As payment for his help, Rath accepted lessons in swordplay, eventually becoming a skilled swordsman.

Having grown up hearing tales of his father, of his exploits in the Host's ranks, of his fall from Grace to start his own family...Rath had always aspired to be like his father, to grow into a warrior saint, a Nephilim of the highest caliber.

(An account of the Archangel Rathaim's fall from Grace (0:35-2:20):

"You cannot judge me, I am Justice itself! We were meant for more than protect the innocent! But if our precious laws bind you all to inaction, then I will no longer stand as your brother." - Rathaim, rumored last words to the King of the Host before his fall from Grace, a quote that Zarael holds close to his heart

However, he only knew what his mother told him, and she only know what the angels had told her - that Rathaim had wished to live a life with humans, to start a family, to help others, to bring Justice and Righteous Wrath to the world of men and mortals. Maybe it was true, maybe it wasn't. The uncertainty of it all had always bothered him, and he intends to find out the truth, one way or another.

Years after acquiring skill with a blade and shield, Zarael set out on his own, taking 'Rath' as an alias, in honor of his father. Zarael was a telltale Nephilim name, giving away his race, his lineage. Hoping to avoid the prejudice and suspicion cast on Nephilim, he took to using Rath.

Over the years, Rath did a lot of mercenary work for humans, angels, and every race in between. He is a well-known mercenary, renowned and skilled in equal measure. However, with that renown cam infamy. Not among civilians, but among various mercenary groups he had worked with in the past.

Rath had always been careful not to take jobs that required harming innocents; however, every now and then he would slip up, agreeing to something he should'nt have, something he knew he couldn't go through with it. In the end, he sabotaged several missions, ending in the deaths of several overtly violent mercenaries, and a price on his head. Though it has been over fifty years since the bounty went out, he is still being hunted by those who wish him dead - or their descendants.
