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Welcome to [SotM] Sentinels of the Multiverse

16:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


The Parsons family represents one of the United States’ most enduring traditions. Ever since Joseph Parsons spotted British soldiers, making possible Paul Revere’s famous ride, the Parsons family has been protecting the United States from threats both near and far. Joseph himself had limited powers, but each generation of Parsons has inherited the powers of their forefathers and also developed a new power. Joseph had the power to sense danger. His son Paul gained that power, and also had increased strength and durability. Over the following generations, each Paul Parsons grew in strength, speed, and stoutness, until the Paul Parsons who fought in the first World War. He had the power of flight, and was the first to take up the mantle of Legacy.

Paul Parsons the Eighth is the latest Legacy, the founding member of the Freedom Five, and just as every Parsons before him, he continues to fight the forces of evil in the name of liber ty and the common man. He has been Legacy far longer than his father or grandfather were, and his array of impressive powers are secondary to the work he’s done as a leader for many heroes, and an inspiration for all.

Over twenty years ago, a daughter was born to Paul Parsons and his wife, Senator Emily Parsons. As the first child of the Parsons line had been named Paul for so many generations, they named her Pauline Felicia Parsons. As she grew older, she learned of the legacy she would uphold. She took to it readily, though she goes by her middle name. Her father started training her before her powers developed, so when teenaged Felicia began shooting beams of energy from her eyes, she was startled but ready to deal with the responsibility of being Young Legacy.

Recently, the Freedom Five fought alongside all of the heroes of Earth and beyond against a foe that threatened all reality: OblivAeon. The fight came to the Freedom Five’s home city of Megalopolis.There, OblivAeon destroyed FreedomTower with Legacy trapped inside.The rest of his team fought back against the forces of OblivAeon, and Young Legacy joined the fray. Legacy was later rescued from the rubble, but only after the defeat of OblivAeon.

Now, Legacy and the Freedom Five are working to restore Megalopolis. However, Paul Parsons is starting to think about hanging up his cape. His daughter is a powerful hero in her own right, and his team is strong, even without him. He is proud of his heritage, but also knows that he must step aside to make room for a new generation of heroes.That said, it will be hard for him to do so, as long as evildoers still threaten the citizens of this world.