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22:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tom Doe

The Basics
Name: Thomas Doe
Nickname: Tom
Age: early to mid 40s
Species: Human

The Appearance
Weight: 195.5lbs
Height: 5'9"
Physical Description: Tom has fairly short red hair, pale skin, and a neatly trimmed beard. He comes in at an average 5'9" and 195.5lbs, meeting the exact average height and weight of an average male. There is very little that sticks out about Tom. He could be considered attractive, but in a town like Sanctuary, chock full of supernaturally beautiful people, Tom is very average or under par, when considering the flawless facades of the gods, demons, and whatnot that live in the city.
Distinguishing Features: His hair makes him stick out a little, but not enough to be noticed. He really has no distinguishing features. He's as plain as they come.

The Human
Personality: The first thing that comes to mind when meeting Tom for the first time is that...well, he's forgettable. He's not terribly funny or intelligent. His looks are average at best. He's not horribly ambitious. He is a very forgettable face.

Tom is an average, forgettable man in what he believes to be an average, forgettable town. He was born and raised in Sanctuary, but is unaware of its supernatural presence. He is unaware of anything supernatural, having always believed the world was just as bland as himself. He often feels out of place, or unimportant, when at any kind of social gathering. Even just taking a trip to the coffee shop, he feels as if he's bothering people by just being around them when, in reality, most times they don't even realize he's there.

Depression is a very real and dangerous concept for people like Tom, people who feel like they're unnoticed, invisible, unloved by the rest of the world, people who feel like they're useless, unwanted, forgettable. It has always eaten at Tom, but he never lets it show.

Mundane Skills: He is average in everything human, but great at nothing. Average grades, average looks, etc. For example, he knows his way around a computer, but wouldn't be able to fix one. If his car breaks down, he can tell you what's wrong, but he wouldn't be able to fix it on his own. He lives life knowing when something is broken, knowing exactly how it should be fixed, but never being able to fix it himself. Overall, he has the accumulated knowledge to be a jack of all trades, but he simply doesn't have the skill set or the ambition to do anything with that knowledge.

Occupation: None. He is currently in between jobs.

The Not So Human
Species Description: He is a squishy mortal. Human is pretty self-explanatory.
Powers and Abilities: He has no abilities that he is aware of; however, he is what the supernatural community would call a 'perfect vessel'. Demons and those who possess humans would be able to sense him for a hundred miles in any direction, but, due to the laws in Sanctuary, he has been lucky enough to never be possessed. 'Perfect vessels' can host any supernatural spirit, whether it be a demon's incorporeal form, a ghost, so on and so forth. These vessels have a natural resistance to magical damage, but they attract magical energies like a lightning rod, which is why they can handle the possession so easily, soaking in the magic from the world around them to heal their body anytime a possession goes badly and they end up wounded. Most do not know they are a 'perfect vessel' until they become possessed for the first time.

The Story
Character Background: Tom grew up in an average household. They weren't poor, but they weren't rich. They were extremely middle class. He grew up wanting for more, dreaming of traveling to far off places and meeting strange people, but never had the ambition, the drive, the capability to achieve that goal.

Tom was born and raised in Sanctuary, New York. Though he has been there a little over 40 years, he has very few friends. He knows almost everyone in the city by face, if not by name, but most don't know him. This is due to him working odd jobs, constantly switching career paths. He has worked at almost every restaurant and coffee shop in town, at least for a little while. He's not a bad worker, but he doesn't excel. Eventually, he gets bored of a job, puts in his two weeks notice, and moves on to another.

Over the years, he has picked up a lot of skills. Well, the knowledge of those skills. He knows how to do things, but doesn't have the hands-on experience to actually do them.

While Tom is widely unknown to the population of Sanctuary, he has a very familiar face that tends to make people wonder if they've seen him somewhere before. It's not because he has one of those faces. It's because they have seen him before, on multiple occasions.

He is nice and polite, never sticking his nose into business that is not his own, regardless of his curiosity.

Tom's attempts to not step on any toes, to not offend or insult anyone, to not draw any unwanted attention toward himself have worked wonders. It works too well, causing him to be forgettable, just another face in a sea of countless people.

Being as forgettable and bland as Tom is, he hasn't had many relationships, and the ones he has had...well, they always ended the same way - his significant other leaving or cheating.

Overall, he's not so great at the living part of life.

Past Connections: His family.
Current Connections: He has a few friends in Sanctuary.
Future Connections: None, at the moment. We'll see when we get there. He's always looking to make new friends to, hopefully, brighten up his life just a little - someone to open his eyes to the supernatural world around him. Along with friends, there is always the potential for enemies, as well...if something were to attempt to possess him.

The Past Is The Past, Except When It's Not (Plot Line)

(This is only one side of the story. For the other, see Oliver Stone's bio: link to another game)

Act I - The Pledge
Lake Effect Diner (link to a message in another game) (Tom) Msgs 454-455
City Park (link to a message in another game) (Tom) Msg 816
Sanctuary Hospital (link to a message in another game) (Tom) Msg 2
City Park (link to a message in another game) (Tom, Rachel) Msgs 859-?