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19:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Oliver Stone

The Basics

Name: Oliver Stone
Nickname: Ollie, Stone, Investigator, Investigator Stone
Age: A little over a century. Appears to be in his 40s.
Species: Wizard.

The Appearance

Weight: 170lbs
Height: 6ft
Physical Description:
Oliver Stone is a fairly average man. At six foot tall and one hundred and seventy pounds, he looks quite healthy, fit even. Although, he doesn't put much time into working out. His job provides its fair share of exercise, enough to keep him in pretty good shape.

While his strength is not superhuman, per se, he is certainly stronger than he looks. Not quite at the peak of human strength, but not far behind either.

Though Oliver doesn't put much effort into staying in shape, he does care about his appearance. More often than not, he can be seen wearing the traditional Private Investigator getup- hat, trench coat, and suit included.

While his daily attire is quite formal, he doesn't wear tuxedos often. He's not the type to frequent high-end parties, or mingle with high society. Oliver isn't poor, but he isn't rich either. Judging by his appearance, he is extremely middle class.

Overall, Oliver appears to be a fairly attractive man, if a little scruffy or disheveled at times.

Distinguishing Features:
Oliver is not ugly, but there are not many things about him that stick out. Other than his telltale P.I. getup.

He has a few tattoos here and there, though only one of any significance- wards off demon possession.

While there aren't very many left, he does have a few scars in various places on his body. The most notable is a wide scar peaking out of the collar of his shirt, running a few inches up the left side of his neck.

The Human

At first impression, Oliver is a little quirky. Borderline odd. He has a lot of years under his belt, and a lot of knowledge to go with them. There is an obvious intelligence to his gaze, as well as the simple curiosity of a scientist or a scholar.

Oliver has an unmatched love for the world, the people in it, and the way things work. He is not against violence, but he doesn't like to participate unless absolutely necessary. In his line of work, it's necessary more often than he would like.

Oliver has a good sense of humor, but his jokes can seem dry or sarcastic at times. Nothing too off putting, but not exactly polite.

Mundane Skills:
Oliver has lived a long life, and has acquired many skills- too many to list. Although, the most notable and relevant to his line of work are precision driving, interrogation, lock picking, lying, persuasion, tracking, and all around investigative skills. He has a good eye for spotting clues.
Occupation: Private Investigator

The Not So Human

Species Description:
Species: Wizard
Lineage: Wyllt Bloodline

Throughout the millennia there have been magicians, warlocks, witches, sorcerers, sorceresses, and practitioners. Different categorizations for beings who use magic. It's mostly just terminology and semantics. They could all easily be stuffed under the umbrella of 'practitioner'.

Wizards are different. They are few and far between. They are extremely rare, one or two per generation at most.

Wizards, while appearing human, do not share the same life source as humans- blood. Blood pumps through the veins of most mortal beings, but raw magic pumps through the veins of a Wizard.

Humans and Wizards have been around for a long time, sometimes co-mingling, sometimes not. The most famous Wizard, the most widely known, was a friend of King Arthur Pendragon. Myrrdin Wyllt, or Merlin as most know him, was a Wizard without match in the known world.

While Myrrdin was not the first of the Wizards, he was certainly the strongest, the most notable. Since the ancient Wizard's joining of the main bloodline and his meddling in the primal forces of the world...the ancient line of Wizards, their lineage, was strengthened.

Very few know the distinguishing differences between Practitioners and Wizards, but there are several.
  1. Raw Magic- The purity of the magic running through a Wizard's veins is nearly radioactive in nature. It does not play well with technology, not in the slightest. Raw Magic has a way of intermingling with the intricate parts of gadgets and throwing them out of whack. Sometimes it's with something as simple as a cellphone, but at other times it can cause an airplane to plummet to the earth.
  2. Anatomy- While humans and Wizards seem to share the same basic anatomy at a glance, an in depth study of a Wizard's organs and muscles would baffle even the most renowned of the human scientific and medical communities. Wizards are more accurately described as 'human adjacent'. When a human is injured throughout its life, the damage is cumulative- achy bones from old breaks, ravaged lungs from coughing and smoking, etc. When a Wizard is injured, no matter how bad the injury (excluding decapitation), they will heal fully over time, leaving no old wounds. Essentially, Wizards regenerate at a fairly slow pace. The magic fixes them, heals them...eventually. This causes several differences in the long run. Due to this healing factor, Wizards live longer than humans- several centuries, at least, or possibly a few millennia for those who don't like sticking their nose in dangerous business. Another side effect is the inability to become ill. They can't get sick. Scientists in the know, the few that are aware of Wizards and their ilk, believe the secret to immortality lies in the magic-infused cells of the Wizard bloodlines. Of course, this is just a theory. One that has not and cannot be proven, unless a Wizard willingly gives himself up to be dissected.
  3. Secrecy- The Wizard bloodlines are powerful, rare and, in most circles, pure speculation. Most believe that Myrrdin was a simple warlock, a druidic practitioner. Or, possibly a cambion, a human/demon hybrid. Wizards live in secret, fading easily into the background of the supernatural community. While their magic is radioactive in nature, Wizards by default, learn early on to hide it. Other than the faulty electronics around them, there is little to no way to tell they are anything other than human practitioners.
  4. Family Matters-  While not all Wizards stem from the same bloodline, the Wyllt bloodline has always been the purest, the strongest, the most influential. The others are small and inconsequential in comparison. Mostly unknown.

Oliver is aware of his lineage, but he's a little iffy on the details. He was separated from his family at an early age and raised in a myriad of foster homes. Oliver didn't have an elder Wyllt to teach him, he was never an apprentice to anyone, learning magic and its limitations (or the lack thereof) in his own time. His surname is Wyllt, but it was changed to Stone when a nice couple decided to adopt him back in the 20s. The Stones were open with him about his past, which he always appreciated. He has gone through various aliases, but he has always kept the Stone name, out of respect for those who took him in when he was lost.

Powers and Abilities:
What is magic? The question has been asked countless times by countless people, who have received countless answers. But what is it really?

Is it a gift from the Gods? The seed of life? An unstoppable force of destruction and chaos? Fictional nonsense?

Anyone in the know has answered the question honestly in their own way. Some say that it is a gift, or maybe a curse. Others say it is a result of their faith. Some even say it is a tool, given to us by some unknown force, whether it be the Gods or pure dumb luck.

In the end, each answer was correct and incorrect in its own way. The answers were true, factual, to those who gave them. It is what they believed, and belief is powerful. What you believe is true to you, it is everything.

All of them are right, in their own way, but they're all wrong.

It is difficult to classify magic, the power it gives, as any one thing. It's life, death, chaos, growth, power all in one. It's not easily defined.

Many have delved into the depths of magic and its meanings. For example:
Joshua Madani:
Magic is a story you tell the universe. It's a woven tale meant to justify an end by changing the means. It is a hammer. It is a paintbrush. It is a typewriter and a bolt-cutter. A screwdriver and a draftsman's table. It is a canvas, and it is paint. It is a study and an art as broad as the universe and as shallow as the layer of moisture that coats a living eye. It is the ultimate tool for expressing a thought or building an empire. It forms part of the foundation of reality itself, and with it, anything is possible.

In the end, if one were to simplify it, magic is possibility. Magic gives us the ability to make the impossible possible.

Possibility, plausibility, and probability are each a force to be reckoned with, and Oliver is a master of all three. Given enough time and effort, he can force his will to take shape.

Magic is, in essence, a power source- one that feeds the impossible into an unwanting reality. In a world of gods, demons, angels and countless other creatures, magic is one of the few things that connects them, draws them into one commonality.

Without magic, many believe that the world as we know it would crumble. The topic is debatable, but Oliver believes it wholeheartedly.

Belief is powerful. Most people have to believe in their magic to be able to tap into it in any capacity. Whether their powers are orderly or chaotic, their belief binds them to their host. The belief that they can be used, harnessed, however the host sees fit.

That belief is the fuel for a raging fire of primal energies stored within their vessel. That belief is how one taps into the impossible. Belief and possibility go hand in hand. Whether your belief, your faith, is placed in a certain religion or simply yourself...if you believe, the possibility of success, no matter how small, is there. It exists.

While magic is, more often than not, chaotic in many ways, it brings a certain amount of order to Oliver's life. He follows a strict code of magic, a list of five rules, laws that he enforces on himself, in hopes of keeping his moral compass intact.

1. Always be the smartest guy in the room. Magic is not meant to be thrown about willy-nilly. One must know what they're doing, how to conceal their powers among the Muggles, or things will get out of

2. No killing with magic. For obvious reasons, killing with magic can lead one down a dark path of greed and power grabbing.

3. No shape-changing other people. Turning princes into frogs is an obvious no-no. The body is a temple, and it is meant to be private. Changing one's physical form without their consent can easily traumatize the person in question.

4. No invading or dominating another person's mind. Breaking into the mind of a mortal is like breaking into their home. It leave's them feeling vulnerable...violated, in more ways than one.

5. No swimming against the currents of time- hopping backwards in time. Time travel is always an iffy topic, one that many choose to avoid entirely. For good reason. Changing the past changes the future, which can be catastrophic.

The Story

Character Background:
There's not much to say about Oliver's history, mostly because he doesn't discuss it. With anyone. He prefers to keep his private business close to his chest. Overall, his background is pretty average for any Wizard Private Investigator. An extensive list of pleased and unhappy clients alike.

Past Connections: Too many to name. Mostly previous clients, human or otherwise.
Current Connections: Gloria Hawks, Caliban
Future Connections: TBD