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Welcome to Roommates Wanted

05:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Karl Connors

Name: Karl Connors

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Occupation: Business student at BC, part time pilot at his family’s company, Lakewoods Air, running some feeder routes and charters across the region.
Height: 6’

Weight: 170lbs

Eye color: Blue

Hair Color: Brown

Physical Description: Karl is fit and tries to stay active, both with regular workouts and runs, as well as with hiking when he has the opportunity.  His hair is usually kept short and slightly messy, along with a short beard.  While not tanned he spends enough time outdoors that he’s not pasty.

Distinguishing Features: Tattoo of stylized wings across his upper back.

Personality: Karl is easygoing and friendly, enjoying spending time with people but able to appreciate solitude to recharge sometimes.  His flying experience has helped him become more calm and self-confident.  He’s curious, and likes learning more about places and people.

Sexual preferences: Heterosexual

Backstory: Karl’s parents John and Rose Connors run a small air transport company, Lakewoods Air, and Karl grew up around the business and planes, learning to fly himself from an early age.  As kids do, he had some rebellious times as a teenager but has mostly calmed down and is currently finishing up a Business program at BC while doing some flights for the family company.  After graduation he is expected to start working full time for the company, both learning more of operations as well as continuing to fly.