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18:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jameson (Beast) Gevaudan

General Information:

Name: Jameson Fenrir Gévaudan
Nickname: James, Hey You, Prick, Beast, etc.
Species of Shifter: Wolf
Human Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexual Orientation: Hetero (not looking for relationship)

Physical information

Gender: Male
Age: Mid 30s, early 40s, whatever age he chooses to be that day.

Human Hair Color: Blonde/DirtyBlonde/LightBrown depending on sun exposure
Human Eye Color: Blue

Human Distinguishing Marks:
Several scars from silver weapons from when his family was attacked, the worst of which is a long/thick scars that spans the length of the front of his torso.

Human Description of General Appearance:
Jameson is a gruff but seemingly attractive man, at least on the outside. Clocking in at 6'4" and 200lbs, he has a lanky yet muscular build. It isn't the hard, toned muscle of someone who lifts weights regularly, but instead it is the lean muscle of a working man, of a man who has spent his life outdoors doing hard work to get by.

Jameson's hair has varied in length over the years, but at this point in time he keeps it fairly short, in hopes of keeping it out of his way when out scouting or, if it comes down to it, getting into a fight with a rival pack.

It is rare to find Jameson without a beard of one length or another, though those that know him well would know that he tends to keep it neatly trimmed. The length of his beard is often a tell of how stressed he is, how long he's gone without sleep due to a vision, and/or how badly nightmares of his past are plaguing him.

Jameson prefers to dress casually in warm clothes- it's cold without the comforting warmth of his wolf's fur. More often than not he can be seen dressed in jeans, t-shirts or flannel, jacket, and an expensive pair of hiking boots. He doesn't skimp on footwear- being able to run, and run fast, in his human or wolf form is a surefire way to stay alive in the shifters' chaotic society.

Shifter Color: White
Shifter Eye Color: Blue

Shifter Distinguishing Marks:
Stark white fur is a very distinguishing feature. He retains the large silver-scar across his torso in his wolf form, just as he does in his human form- fur had not grown in that area since the wound healed.

Shifter General Appearance:
Jameson's wolf is a massive white beast, borderline dire, but more in the higher end of the Gray Wolf spectrum. Jameson himself is decended from the Beast of Gevaudan who was a Gray Wolf and passed its monstrous size down its bloodline, although it was muddied at some point.

Despite his sheer size, his wolf form is long as you're not its prey. It has flawless, immaculate, thick white fur only broken by the telltale silver-scar on its chest- an obvious sign that it is Jameson and not some other beast roaming the forest.

The wolf's overall demeanor is non-threatening, but strong. It works hand in hand with Jameson, running free only in places where it is safe to do so. Due to Jameson's pure blood, he can keep his bestial form in check around innocents, feeding only on non-sentient beasts in the wild.

Society Information:

Would your character optimally be an Alpha, Beta, Omega, or Other?
Omega. I'm new- fresh meat, but I'm not weak.

Occupation in Society: (What would they do? Sentry, Computer Specialist, Bartender)
I'm fairly new to Three Valleys, but I'm a good scout and I know how to handle myself in a fight if the need arises.

What was your position in your former pack (if applicable)

What brought you to Three Valleys?
Grief and fear- fleeing the humans who slaughtered my family.

Love History (If applicable)
Previously married with four children, all of which are dead.

Shifter Designation: Dominant or Submissive?

Answer the following questions to determine your starting number:

1- If your character walked into a bar where the bartender was being robbed at gunpoint what would your Shifter do?
A- I would probably spurt out some wiseass comment in hopes of drawing the attention of the gunman/woman to himself, while I thought of a plan to get the innocents away from the shooter. Either that or bolt and save myself. One of the two, fifty fifty shot really, dying really isn't on my bucket list.

2- If your character saw a Shifter cub wandering into a busy street after a ball, what would your Shifter do?
A- Snatch up the cub and ball before they could reach the road...I'm just that good. Master of witty retorts and heroic feats, that's me.

3- Your Shifter is participating in an athletic event and comes in second to another Shifter how do they react?
A- Put simply, he wouldn't care- he wouldn't have participated, unless absolutely necessary. He's all for showing his dominance if needed, but going out of his way to show he is physically superior to others isn't really his bag.

4- Your Shifter is in the middle of an important negotiation when the person in charge of the meeting suddenly collapses with a heart attack- what would be your Shifter's first reaction?
A- Tell someone to call 911, and then attempt to resuscitate the person. 911 first, though. You'd be surprised by how many people stand around dumbfounded, doing nothing, when a situation like that arises. The bigger the group, the less likely it is that someone will call for help, because the immediate assumption is that someone else will do it. Someone has to take charge, whether they are reluctant to do so or not.

5- Your Shifter has been unjustly arrested for disorderly conduct and is thrown in General Holding.  There are seven large men or women in the cell with you.  What does your character do?
A- I would assume the arrest was just, until proven wrong. Orderly conduct is quite boring, after all. As for the others... I would find the biggest baddest one their and kick their ass sit in the corner, quietly assessing the situation, and have a plan for if the situation went sideways, as well as five or six back up plans. You can never be too cautious. Asserting your dominance is all well and good, but it can easily get you killed if you rely on dominance in every situation, rather than intelligence.

Personality Details

Many would consider Jameson standoffish or grouchy, but the truth is- he tends to drive people away on purpose. In all honesty, he is a wiseass, intelligent shifter with a penchant for dry humor, witty retorts, and making any serious situation trivial, in hopes of lightening the mood.

Jameson chooses not to take things seriously, mainly because he uses humor as a defense mechanism, to keep away the bad memories of his dead family.

Overall, he is a witty, intelligent man. Those who get close to him may or may not get tired of his smartass comments, but they'll know that under that standoffish facade, he's a decent, caring guy.

Lone Wolf (stronger by himself, when he doesn't have to worry about anyone else)

Not great at social interaction
Drives people away
Courageous to a fault/borderline hero complex

Driving away his friends and what little family he has left.
Dying before getting vengeance on the Golden Kingdom for killing his family.
What successfully getting vengeance will force him to become- a monster.

What can be said about the past of Jameson Fenrir Gévaudan? Well, one could see, simply by reading his name, that his parents had a sense of humor and very little tact. Though he is decended from the Beast of Gévaudan, that was not his father's surname. His mother and father went out of their way to name him after two of the most feared wolves in history/mythology...pricks.

When the Gray Plague began spreading across the land, the humans in his neighborhood immediately laid suspicion on him. They weren't wrong -he was a shifter- but he wasn't the cause of the Plague. Of course, the humans didn't see reason, and eventually chose to drive him and his family from their home in California out into the wilds.

Jameson was fit for such a life, living on the runs, tracking his own food, providing for his family. His mother and father had made sure of that, throughout his childhood. Jameson grew up in a log cabin in the wilderness of the Dakotas, learning of his shifting abilities from his parents when he came of age, as well as important survival skills like hunting, fishing, trapping, tracking, etc.

After graduating from being homeschooled, Jameson headed off to college, where he met Emily Strauss- another wolf among the sheep. They quickly fell head over heels for each other. They didn't know it at the time, but they were True Mates.

Once they had graduated college, Emily went on to become a doctor in Los Angeles, while Jameson joined the military in hopes of making a good enough living to provide for his family- Emily was already pregnant with their first child, Michael.

After years in service to the country, several tours, and trips back and forth to various countries, Jameson and Emily had started their family- four children. They were happy, content. The kids were growing up healthy, strong, and intelligent. The Gévaudan family was picture perfect, so he took leave from service and retired.

Not long after his return to the States, the Plague worsened, causing the humans to become more and more paranoid, driving Jameson and his family from their home. They lost everything, except for each other.

Although they went peacefully, and made their own way in the wild, some of the more fanatical humans chased them, hunted them down...killed Emily and their kids while Jameson was out hunting. He came back to a bloodied campsite and his family in pieces.

After weeks, even months, of drifting through the wilds alone, angry and desperate, he finally wandered into Longclaw's territory. Ragged, weak, and purposefully starving himself he could barely hold himself up at that point. Longclaw took him in, had his people nurse Jameson back to health, and sent him on his way. Jameson has lived in Three Valleys ever since.

Skills and Abilities

Is your Shifter Pure or Halfling?

Were you mentored or trained in your abilities?  If so, by whom?

Yes, by my father (you guessed it- he's dead too).

College level. He graduated from some state college or another in his early twenties. Doesn't really talk about it. Book smarts are not as important as street smarts and primal instincts. There useful at times, but almost useless when your life is on the line.

Special Learning:
Hand-To-Hand Combat
Marksman Training
Precision Driving

If Pure:
Would you like to be considered for a special ability?  Yes / No


If Yes, which ability are you interested in having?

Proposed way that the ability works for your Shifter:
Sometimes he gets head splitting visions of events that he really wants no part in, but more often than not it is a simple gut feeling that is never wrong. He knows when there's going to be danger, plain and simple. The ability sometimes even wakes him up in the middle of the night, alerting him to approaching strangers- a useful ability for a scout.

Proposed price that your character has to pay for that ability:
When he gets the actual visions, he is prone to head splitting migraines, insomnia for days on end, and may even be incapacitated by the pain for a time. When getting the gut feelings, he feels an almost crippling (but not quite) pain emanating from his stomach- enough pain to keep him on edge, or possibly even drive him into shifting if he gets angry enough, but not enough to put him down in a dangerous situation.

Writing Sample (Per GM Request -or- just being a really amazing person that wants to impress me right off and gain advantages -or- trying to find the voice of your character :P)

Jameson stirred as he felt something nudge his foot, but he ignored it and rolled over. He felt it again, and kicked at whatever was bothering him. "Ungh," he groaned, hoping whatever it was would leave.

With that, Longclaw delivered a swift kick to Jameson's hindquarters, bringing an almost wolf-like yelp out of the man, as well as a warning growl as he turned to face the old bear. "What the hell do you think-" The wolf started as he turned, but came up short as he spotted Longclaw in the dim light of the early morning sunrise. "-you're doing?" He finished with a sleepy half smile, and a groggy slur to his words.

Quickly changing his tone and his attitude, "Morning boss," Jameson corrected himself, rubbing his eyes and looking up at the old bear. Longclaw didn't look ammused, despite the smirk on his furry face- not bear fur, just the beard he kept.

"It's 6 o'clock. What the hell are you doing sleeping in? We have work to do." Longclaw growled.

The old bear had helped Jameson out quite a bit over the years, helping him get back on his feet and find a place among the packs, but...Jameson didn't get up that early for anyone.

Jameson looked up at the large man standing above him and frowned. "Are you insane?" He asked, simply. Jameson had never been the type to hold his tongue. He'd tried to get a little better at it since Longclaw was helping him, but he still had a long ways to go.

Rolling back over, he said, "We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction- next stop, Looneyville." Jameson plopped his head back down on the jacket he'd been using as a pillow. "Five more minutes." He groaned up at Longclaw.

"You're a real smartass. You know that?" The old bear bellowed, smiling despite himself. Jameson was a pain in the ass, but he liked the guy. "Fearless master of witty dialogue, that's me." Jameson retorted, without turning...but if he had, he'd see Longclaw rearing his leg back even farther this time...