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17:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


The Basics

Name: Finn...just Finn

Nickname: F, I, N, N? He really has no preference. Call him whatever you'd like.

Species: Unknown. Best described as Sentient Entity.

Gender: Male

Age: Varies, depending on who you ask. Looks to be in his 30s.

The Physical

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 174lbs

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Depends on his mood, really. Blue, most times.

Distinguishing Features: None that are visible to the naked eye, perhaps if it was clothed. However, anyone or anything who can see past a human facade, would easily be able to tell that he's not entirely human. Most likely from a different dimension altogether.

Physical Description: Finn is best described as tall and lanky. Well, not terribly tall, but more average for a 'human' male. Averaging in around 6'2" and 174lbs, he is a pretty lean guy. Finn isn't underweight, he's actually pretty fit, but some assume that he's malnourished.

Finn's taste in clothing are quite simple, if somewhat professional. It is rare to see him without a coat on, even in the summer. Underneath the coat is, more often than not, a moderately expensive suit.

While Finn is generally dressed for business, he does dress down on occasion, trading the suit and coat for a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt. This is generally on his off days, when he's not running about town.

Finn's physical appearance is that of a man he met just after arriving in Night Vale, not terribly attractive but wouldn't be considered ugly. The man hasn't been seen since, though Finn did take his place in the community as a prominent citizen, the owner of a popular curio shop, as well as his name. Some people are aware that Finn is not who he says he is (it is Night Vale after all), but most don't mention it.

Species Description: Finn is from an alternate dimension. He's not entirely human, he's humanesque...human adjacent if you will.

Finn is considered a sentient entity, since the City Council has not come up with a name for him just yet.

It is unknown if Finn is the first, last, or only one of his kind. If there are others, they have not visited Night Vale as of yet. What is known is that Finn, and his kind if there are others, are odd. Weird. Strange. Much like Night Vale itself.

Under The Hood

Personality: Finn is mildly chaotic at his best, deadly at his worst. A pissed off reality warper is not something to take lightly.

Thankfully, it takes a lot to anger Finn.

Most times, Finn is very easy going and harmless. Overall, he's a nice guy entity, one that does his fair share for the community.

Strengths: Strong moral compass, determination, intelligence, persuasive, open minded, etc.

Weaknesses: While Finn has a strong moral compass, very few are aware of what he considers moral. It doesn't always follow the loose moral code of the humans in Night Vale. He is determined, but can easily be considered stubborn at times.


Mundane Skills: When Finn took the place of Finn #1, he obtained the man's skills, and his knowledge of Night Vale. Finn is well acquainted with the way things work around town, as well as the common use of this dimension's gadgets. He knows all of the basics (driving, typing, etc.).

Reality Warping- This is a pretty straightforward ability, though it is extremely complex in nature. Finn is a small time reality warper, though he could hone his craft to become more powerful. Essentially, he is able to warp reality in his general vicinity, not in the entire world. He has to be able to see, or at least perceive, something to change it. He can make things comically different, cartoonish even (you've seen The Mask, I'm sure), or simply change the physics around him to fit his wants and needs. For example, if he wished to float, he could simply dissipate the gravity that applied to his person. There are endless possibilities to what he can do, but his powers shift with his mood. They're whimsical and harmless, more often than not, but they can turn deadly at a moment's notice.

Finn doesn't like violence, he doesn't like hurting people, but he's not opposed to turning a man into a mouse if he's pushed to it.

(Here's a decent list of various things he could be capable of, excluding any that involve massive amounts of power, world destruction, etc. The small time stuff, mostly, from the Variations section only.

Society Info

Length Of Time In Night Vale: Twenty or so years, but he doesn't seem to have aged a day.

Occupation: Owner of Needful Things, a curio shop currently located in Old Town- though it does tend to randomly move on occasion (sometimes while people are inside, no one knows what happens to those people but they're never seen again). Finding the store again, is usually a pain in the ass. Finn doesn't even know where and when it moves, having to search for it on his own from time to time.

Organizations: There aren't many organizations that Finn is actually a part of, but he associates with several and has some pull with others
- Night Vale City Council
- Illumati (the Hungry Man Brand Frozen Foods Officially Sponsored Illuminati chapter)
- Night Vale Book Club
- Soundproof Old Town
- Sheriff's Secret Police
- Night Vale Psychological Association

1. Aliens have landed and arrive at your door with a nice fruit basket, what do you do?
Answer: Depends on the time. If it was before 10am, I wouldn't answer the door. I'm not a morning person. If it was after, I'd invite them in for coffee. Quentin makes a damn good cup of coffee.

2. What sort of things do the Whispering Woods whisper to you?
Answer: That I'm special, that I'm better off in this dimension, that I'm better than the old Finn and no one misses him anyways. But I already know all of that, so I stay away from the forest. I only go when I'm feeling down, and need a pick-me-up.

3. A new, restricted Dog Park has been opened in town. Dogs are not allowed at the Dog Park. People are not allowed at the Dog Park. It is possible you will see Hooded Figures at the Dog Park. The fence is electrified and highly dangerous. You are currently walking by the entrance to the Dog Park, with your dog. What do you do?
   A. Keep walking and avert your gaze. (Hooded Figures freak me out just a little)
   B. Ignore the 'Restricted Area' signs, and take your dog through the gate.
   C. Accidentally get shocked by the fence.
   D. Stare for a significant amount of time at the Hooded Figures.
   E. (enter custom text here)

4. If your character had to choose, would they prefer an extra arm sprouting out of their chest or an extra ear sprouting out of their forehead?
Answer: Hmm...good question. I think I would have to go with the extra ear on my forehead. While an extra arm could be useful, I think it would be uncomfortable. Not to mention expensive, replacing all of my shirts! And hell, with three ears I can hear the Whispering Woods' compliments even better.

[*] What aspect of yourself makes you a good citizen of Night Vale, or perhaps a good candidate for an episode of the Twilight Zone, if you are unaware of what Night Vale is?
Answer: Are you kidding me? I'm a dimension hopping, body stealing, reality warping man who owns a shop that randomly hops around town, warps reality to fit the preferences of the customers, and hosts a shopkeep that does just the same.

The Juicy Bits

Backstory: Finn came to Night Vale from an alternate dimension, one that is unknown to the scientists in this one. It is...difficult to explain his history. Mostly due to the fact that he simply chose to forget everything that had happened before coming to town.

Since moving to Night Vale, and taking over the old Finn's life, he has become a prominent citizen of this fair, if somewhat quirky and whimsical, town. He knows several of the bigger players in Night Vale, having befriended them early on.

Over the years, Finn has come to an understanding with the other creatures monsters freaks citizens of Night Vale: if they don't mess with him, he won't mess with them. And there has been peace between him and the others ever since.

After moving to town, Finn took over Finn #1's curio shop. He tends to spend a little time there each day, but he does have a few underlings to manage the place.

Finn has a bit of sway with the City Council, and has been known to do favors for them from time to time, such as showing new arrivals around town.