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Welcome to Reign of the Titans

08:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nick Abrams

The Basics
Name: Nicholas Abrams

Nickname: General, Sir, Commander, Flash, or simply Nick

Species: Demigod

Gender: Male

Age: 130

Lineage: Nike- Greek Goddess of speed, strength and victory

The Physical

Height: 6'10"

Weight: 250lbs

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Distinguishing Features:
Many scars from battles during the war, the most prominent of which is a wide scar that runs up his chest and a little ways up the right side of his neck. It's fairly noticeable.

Physical Description:
General Nicholas Abrams is best described as large. Clocking in at 6'10" and 250lbs, he is a tall, well-built mountain of muscle. While he is quite muscular, due to his large size, it does not seem like too much. It's quite fitting to his form.

Nick will most often be seen in Undertown (the ruins of Old New York, beneath Asphodel), though he has been known to visit Asphodel for various reasons. He dresses casually, more often than not, wearing a t-shirt, jeans and running shoes. When going into battle, he dawns a set of plate armor.

Preferring to keep it out of the way, Nick keeps his hair and beard neatly trimmed. He is a handsome man, but the sheer size of him is often disconcerting to strangers.

Under The Hood

Nick is pretty laid back, or at least he used to be...before the Titans destroyed the world. As the son of a goddess of Victory, he takes competition quite seriously, it's in his genes.

Nick is a renowned general, commanding respect from those he leads. While he is stern and doesn't take shit from anyone, he is not a hard ass. He is warm and welcoming to those who wish to join the Resistance, but will not hesitate to end those who wish to go against it.

Discipline, Intelligence, Charisma, Leadership, Loyalty

Pride and overconfidence. He is overconfident in his abilities, and that will eventually come back to bite him in the ass.


Mundane Skills:
He is a master martial artist, as well as an expert swordsman and marksman. Nick can wield nearly any weapon known to man (melee, ranged, or otherwise) well, but not expertly. He is good at a lot of things, but only great in a few areas. He is quite good at a plethora of sports. Though there is little need of it these days, Nick is skilled in precision driving.

SPEED - Through countless years of training, Nick's speed has reached an almost godlike level. He has never tested himself to see how fast he is, but when he chooses to, he can become a blur. Some of the younger godlings under his command have taken to calling him 'Flash'.

STRENGTH - Nick has always been strong, as all demigods are, but he continued to exceed the physical prowess of his peers, continually growing in strength. He is by no means as strong as Heracles or the like, but he is a force to be reckoned with. The limits of his strength are unknown, but he has been known to pick up and throw a car with ease, on occasion. It is not only Nick's muscles that make him strong, his entire body is strong. Much like other demigods, he is more durable than humans- but, he is quite a bit more durable than the average demigod, as well. Put simply, he can take a hit. And another. And another. And another.

VICTORY - Nick, despite what he is facing, does not quiver in the face of death or overwhelming odds. He believes that he can win, regardless of the opposition. This inhuman courage, this inhuman confidence, fuels his other abilities - making him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield or in simple competition. This power negates the use of 'fear' and 'intimidation' powers, when used on him. Due to his sheer willpower, he is not able to be controlled, mentally or otherwise. Nick can emit an aura of confidence around him, giving those nearby the courage to follow him into battle, to believe that Victory is eminent.

Society Info

Length Of Time In Asphodel:
Many years, twenty to be exact, though he hasn't spent much time in the actual city, preferring to spend his time in Undertown, preparing his forces.

General of the Resistance

Old Gods (allies), Resistance (allies), New Gods (enemies), Titans (enemies)

1. Rumor has it that a new sect of cultists, loyal to the New Gods, has begun kidnapping and sacrificing children, in exchange for blessings. You've just witnessed one of these kidnappings. How do you react?
Answer: Nick would order the timely retrieval of the child, and the dismantling of the cult. Using discretion, of course. He would most likely lead the team into battle, himself.

2. You've just witnessed a group of Resistance sympathizers ransack a temple built in honor of Breya, the patron goddess of Asphodel. What do you do?
Answer: Watch, smiling. Nick most likely would've ordered them to ransack it, in the first place, as long as no innocents were harmed in the process.

3. You've been captured and thrown in a cell by city guards, under suspicion of conspiracy with traitors, with the Resistance. Despite whether you are or are not affiliated with the traitors, a group of New God loyalists (humans) has you cornered in your cell. What do you do?
Answer: Nick is certainly guilty of the 'crime,' if you can call it that. He would defend himself, if they chose to attack. Though, he would try to use restraint. Killing humans is not something he likes to do, but he would if absolutely necessary.

4. You've heard rumors of an Old God living beneath the city. Do you delve into the tunnels in hopes of finding it, ignore it and go about your business, or report the rumors to the city guard?
Answer: Unless it was a new arrival, Nick would already know the God, personally. They most likely would've been working together. If it was a new arrival, he and a few Resistance members would seek it out, and attempt to recruit it to their cause.

5. What brought you to Asphodel, and how have you fared since moving to the city?
Answer: Breya. Breya brought Nick and the Resistance to Asphodel. He has fared well enough, meaning that he hasn't been captured, yet, but they've yet to make a move on the Goddess. He's waiting for the right time to strike.

The Juicy Bits

Nick was groomed from a young age as a demigod of speed, strength, and victory. Nike was a very loving and present mother throughout his childhood. Although he loves his mother, he regrets not having the chance to meet his father - due to his father passing away shortly before his birth.

Due to Nick's father passing away, and his mother having godly duties to take care of, he lived with his uncle for the majority of his young life. Nike would visit every few months to check in on him, his grades, the sports he played. She was overly proud of him.

Nick was at the top of his class, and easily became the Valedictorian. After high school, Nick joined the Navy. He quickly worked his way up through the ranks, and was eventually initiated into Seal Team 6.

Nike was proud of Nick and how he had grown. She would visit him on lonely nights, when he was on-mission by himself. She had a different lesson to teach him, on each of these nights. Whether it was academic or combat related, she always had him studying and training.

He spent 7 years serving his country, before retiring and returning home. Upon his return, Nike visited and informed him of the fall of the Olympians. She offered him a place in the army they were gathering. Nike was a General in the army, and she was offering him the rank of Captain. He would be responsible for training new recruits, and helping fight off the monsters sent by the Titans.

Nick accepted the position happily. He was built for it.

After the army fell, Nick gathered the wounded, the survivors, and fled Rhodes. It was lost to the Titans and their spawn. Several years later, Nick and what survivors had remained at his side, formed the Resistance, in hopes of helping the world as they had before.

At the beginning, Nick and the others were convinced that all of the Old Gods were dead, that the godlings were on their own. But, over time, some of the Gods and Goddesses slowly crept their ways into the ranks of the Resistance.

As the Gods joined them, it drew more godlings to their cause, enough that they eventually considered themselves an army.

Choosing to avoid the tactics they used during the war, the Resistance split into four groups, one that would invade each of the major cities (Asphodel, Nyx, Atlantica, and Jund), and attempt to disrupt the operations of the New Gods.

With the help of the Old Gods that had joined them, the Resistance forces were able to make their way into the cities, hidden in the shadows, hidden by the Gods and their powers. Now, they watch, they wait, they plan their next move, hoping to take out the four leaders of the new pantheon in one fell swoop.

Upon accepting the position offered by Nike, she gifted him a sword - which he named Nika (which is the Greek word for victory) after his mother. Nika is unbreakable, and is infused with godly power and magic that makes many monsters vulnerable to its edge: Titans and Gods are immune to its edge, but not much else. The blade was forged by Hephaestus, with the assistance of Nike and Hecate, before his death, for this very purpose. Nika was Nick's badge of office, his given right to command some of the forces of the Gods, the proof of his strength and his mother's favor, the sign of his authority...before the army was slaughtered.