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09:39, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Axelle Plush

The Basics

Name:Axelle Plush
Lineage:Hypnos, The god of sleep

The Physical

Weight:145 pounds
Hair Color:Bright Red
Eye Color:Brown
Distinguishing Features:
She has freckles everywhere. Short hair curls outward. Her ears are kinda big. often has circles under her eyes.
Physical Description:
Axe is fit, and somewhat compact. She isn't that curvy and often wears bigger sweatshirts that hides what little cleavage she has.  She is not very graceful, but is rather purposeful. She has a belt with little pockets that hold various items. She over wears dark clothing, and tends to wear lighter gear with more pockets. She likes running shoes and often has her socks pulled up. Axe is never really imposing, not even willing to look most people in the eye, but somewhat of a watcher she is known for staring. She is also an insomniac and often has circles under her eyes.

Under The Hood

Axe is not very trusting to new comers, but very calm.  She is not very reactive, but gets nervous easily but do not take this as passivity. Axe is one to hold grudges and often judgemental, stubborn, and willing to wittle someone down to nothing if she sees fit.  She can doubt her abilities and doesn't like to take too many risks when she doesn't need to. Axe is someone that wishes to survive but knows that she can't to nothing, because life is made to be cherish and to be spent, and though it takes her a lot to get past some of her fears she tries not to let them hold her back. Axe is a good person, and has strong moral values.
Axe is thoughtful, and often level headed, usually thinking long term. She is smart and very resourceful.
Axe is a fearful person, mostly willing to take the safer route, and will hesitate sometimes.


Mundane Skills:
She is somewhat of a tinkerer, knowing how to make something out of nothing. She can swim well and understand people well. She has good aim for throwing things, think well under pressure, and is something of an artist with a good understanding of materials and their properties. She has good close hand to hand combat, and knows how to wield a knife.
Endurance: She has a high endurance built not for speed but for dexterity. She can travel for miles without a hitch in her breath, and she can take more hits than the average demigod.

Stealth: She is good at stay still and moving somewhat silently, picking good hiding places, and can calm her breathing to be unheard by others.

Sleep: She can put others to sleep. She has a gland near her teeth that release a hardcore tranquilizer when she chooses. It takes 15 seconds for it to work into someone's body.

Trance: When she enters a sleep-like trance she can heal faster, while still be aware of her surroundings in case she needs to get out. The for the healing factor to kick in she must not be moving.

Sluggish Sleep: She can have an Aura around her of up to fifteen feet that will make others sleepy and sluggish or completely faint. If she concentrates her efforts it is more powerful, though to those of inhuman origins this works on them a lot less, only making them slightly sleepy and lose some focus.

Society Info

Length Of Time In Asphodel:
15 years. Moving after leaving her family.
She is a mechanic for smaller devices and an artisan, making amour, and most things with metal. She has an attention to detail and makes a lot of trickets an clocks for show and the wealthier class.
somewhat loosely aligned with the Resistance
1. Rumor has it that a new sect of cultists, loyal to the New Gods, has begun kidnapping and sacrificing children, in exchange for blessings. You've just witnessed one of these kidnappings. How do you react?
Axe counts the number of people, gos for the kid before he could be transported to the next location. Knocking them out or threatening them to get the kid first. Later finding someone to contact for the cult itself.
2. You've just witnessed a group of Resistance sympathizers ransack a temple built in honor of Breya, the patron goddess of Asphodel. What do you do?
She watches, but doesn't do anything. It doesn't make her happy, but she doesn't think it's worth it to doing anything about.
3. You've been captured and thrown in a cell by city guards, under suspicion of conspiracy with traitors, with the Resistance. Despite whether you are or are not affiliated with the traitors, a group of New God loyalists (humans) has you cornered in your cell. What do you do?
She lies, tries to look as small as possible, but will knock them out if they do anything, then hoping to use fear to keep others from doing the same as their fallen comrade.
4. You've heard rumors of an Old God living beneath the city. Do you delve into the tunnels in hopes of finding it, ignore it and go about your business, or report the rumors to the city guard?
During the high hours of the morning. Axe has most errands done. The city just waking up, and she realizes she's curious. There isn't any more time to be wasted the opportunity is right there. An hour later she goes to discover it herself.
5. What brought you to Asphodel, and how have you fared since moving to the city?
This is another city. Brought by work she doesn't have a reason to stay or a reason to leave. Axe would rather stay in one place than travel. The work is here, so she decided to stay, along with the few friends and familiar faces that make her too comfortable to leave.

The Juicy Bits

She used to be somewhat of an adventurer when she was younger. Her family wasn't a good one, one full of frustration and though they tried somewhat to be good, their disappointment and criticism never seemed too far behind for Axe.  Still in her stories, and in her family she strode for more with the fear of failure never too far behind. Family could never offer much, only small goodbyes as she hesitantly left for school. She was a good student, and in rough programs she wanted to reach something higher something more than her family had before.

Hypnos rarely followed, but he was there occasionally, and one of the bigger supporters in her life, saying that she would need someone to take shelter in, and after friends were lost and family drifted apart she could never really feel like she wanted to trust anyone. She did anyway, but likes to pretend that she doesn't. It was the little things that made her turn inward, knowing what she was bound to do. Axe wanted everyone to have what she didn't, and knew that everyone should live freely and happily, and that it was time for her to do her part, as her father and others had done for her. Even if the support didn't always last long she wanted to be there for others in the ways that others weren't for her. Axe finally had to do something. For herself if not for everyone else, and she wanted to grow. She suddenly didn't want to just survive, she wanted to live.

She has a gift from her father, a ring that if put on would make the body look and feel on all accounts "dead." It was given so that she would always essentially have a way out. In this state she can take even more damage, but cannot move unless to take the ring off. She keeps this ring around her neck or more likely in a pocket.