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20:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tyler Hale

The Basics

Name: Tyler Hale
Nickname: Ty, Hale, whatever you wanna call him
Species: Demigod
Gender: Male, more often than not, but not always.
Age: Don't you know it's rude to ask a lady her age? Honestly, Tyler doesn't keep track anymore. He predates the founding of the United States, the colonies, that much is certain. Well into his adulthood at the time, he remembers spending several years in Virginia just after its founding.
Lineage: Hekate/Hecate

The Physical

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 185lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Distinguishing Features: None, at least nothing visible.

Physical Description:
Tyler could best be described as gruff. With a warm smile and an infectious laugh, he can be quite charming at times. He is quite fit, having the lean muscle of a working man.

More often than not, he is in a good mood, seeming relaxed; however, he never lets his guard down, despite what those who observe him may think.

Preferring to dress casually, though he does clean up nicely when the occasion calls for it, Tyler can often be seen in a jacket, tshirt, and jeans.

He is aware of his looks, but doesn't use them to his advantage, preferring a more honest and genuine approach in social matters.

Under The Hood

Tyler is intelligent and witty, knowing how to steer a conversation as he sees fit, whether it be to benefit himself or another in one way or another. He has a healthy sense of humor, though his humor can, at times, be seen as sarcastic or dry.

Overall, he's a nice, decent guy, one that will do everything in his power to protect his friends and what little family he has.

Tyler is smart but not cocky, using his intelligence to garner favor with those who care to offer such things. He knows how to work a crowd, or a politician. Tall, dark, handsome and mysterious, he tends to draw some interest from those around him, which he utilizes to his advantage whenever he can. Tyler is an opportunist, knowing when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em, as it were. He has a warm heart and is loyal to those he trusts.

Loyalty, though it can be seen as a strength, is just as easily considered a weakness. Tyler keeps his personal ties close to his chest, but if they were to get out, the enemies he has gathered over the years could make life very difficult for him and those he considers friends.


Mundane Skills:
Persuasion, intimidation, sleight of hand, hand to hand combat, reading body language, construction/building. Tyler is a people person, he knows how to read them and how to poke and prod them in the most effective ways to get what he wants, when he wants it.

Tyler is skilled in many different powers, but they all fall into one category. Witchcraft, sorcery, magic...catch-all terms for the practiced use of the mystical energies of the natural world, and the worlds beyond. Tyler has had centuries upon centuries to hone his craft, and he has continually grown in power. Sort of a jack of all trades, when it comes to magical capabilities, Tyler is a very useful ally to have.

Primal- As a child of Hekate, goddess of magic, Tyler has a very close connection to the primal forces of the world. He is able to utilize primal magic, harnessing the elements in an offensive manner, i.e. throwing fireballs, shooting lightning from his hands, etc. This magic is strictly offensive and taxes his body quite a bit. He can cast spells of varying potency, but the stronger the spell the more it drains him.

Shifting- Not the traditional shifting, which is a common trait of sea deities, Tyler can expend magic to shift his form, changing his appearance. He does have a default appearance (the one depicted in his profile picture), which he will revert to once his energy is drained.

Natural- Natural magic, or healing as others refer to it, is a difficult art to master. Extremely difficult. Which is why Tyler is still only considered a novice. He knows a healing spell or two, nothing major. Able to heal minor wounds and jump start the healing process on major ones, he can be useful in a battle, though not as useful as someone who is well versed in the art of natural magic. Out of all of his abilities, Natural magic is the most draining, due to his lack of experience in the area.

Physical- With years and years of practice, Tyler has grown quite skilled in Physical Magic. He is able to augment his body, focusing his magic in specific areas (arms, legs, etc.). By augmenting his legs, he can run faster. By augmenting his arms, he can lift more. So on and so forth. However, utilizing magical augmentation leaves him drained and in pain, after the augmentation wears off. If used too often, it will strain his body too much, knocking him unconscious for a time.

Mental- Trained in the many different forms of magic, Tyler is capable of guarding his mind from mental manipulation. He has warded himself against any poking and prodding from outside forces, magical mental traps put in place to harm any who try to enter his mind. While he is not able to use mental manipulation on another, he has learned how to speak directly into another's mind. However, when speaking to another through a mental link, he opens up his mind for them to communicate as well. This link can be broken, but it is difficult.

Tyler's Most Common Forms (excluding his default):

Society Info

Length Of Time In Asphodel: Since its founding. He was in New York at the time of its destruction, and chose to offer his assistance in rebuilding a city in its place, to house the millions who had just lost their homes.

Occupation: Owner of Needful Things, Trader of Secrets

Tyler has connections on both sides of the war, though he has not chosen a side. He is extremely...neutral in Resistance and New God matters. He will act if he sees an innocent being harmed, but will not go out of his way to fight one side or the other. Tyler has connections to the higher ups in the city guard, and in the council. Breya and her guards are well aware of his presence in the city, and his lineage. If he were to side with the Resistance, he'd have to go all in, abandoning his shop and moving to Undertown, in hopes of avoiding Breya's wrath.

1. Rumor has it that a new sect of cultists, loyal to the New Gods, has begun kidnapping and sacrificing children, in exchange for blessings. You've just witnessed one of these kidnappings. How do you react?
Answer: Tyler would do his best to stop them, using his magic only if absolutely necessary. While it would be smart to hunt them down and find their hiding place, that would be too much trouble, he'd be sticking his neck too far out. If they really are New God loyalists, Breya would be pissed. The least he could do is save the kid, though.

2. You've just witnessed a group of Resistance sympathizers ransack a temple built in honor of Breya, the patron goddess of Asphodel. What do you do?
Answer: Tyler would simply be on his way. He wouldn't lift a finger to help with the ransacking, but also wouldn't report them to the guards. Live and let live.

3. You've been captured and thrown in a cell by city guards, under suspicion of conspiracy with traitors, with the Resistance. Despite whether you are or are not affiliated with the traitors, a group of New God loyalists (humans) has you cornered in your cell. What do you do?
Answer: Take a beating, most likely. Killing them would only draw more suspicion. Tyler would defend himself if things got out of hand, but he'd show some patience and let them get a hit or two in first. If a guard was present outside the cell, he may try to bribe his way out...though that may get him into even more trouble.

4. You've heard rumors of an Old God living beneath the city. Do you delve into the tunnels in hopes of finding it, ignore it and go about your business, or report the rumors to the city guard?
Answer: Leave it be. Not ignore it, necessarily. He'd certainly keep his ears open for news, any developments and rumors regarding the deity. If it happened to be his mother...well, he'd have to delve into the tunnels, wouldn't he?

5. What brought you to Asphodel, and how have you fared since moving to the city?

The Juicy Bits

Tyler Hale, though that was not his birth name, had a fairly boring life. At least in the early years. Born of a goddess, one would assume he would've had a life full of intrigue and mystery, but that wasn't the case. His father died early on in his life, too early for him to remember, and his mother wasn't around much. Tyler was raised by his father's sister and her husband, in western Europe, somewhere along the coast, though he doesn't remember exactly where it was.

Things didn't really pick up until he chose to follow a group of colonists to a new land, fleeing religious persecution. Tyler didn't share the religion of the colonists, but he was persecuted just the same, forcing him to seek out friends and allies in his time of need.

Once in the New World, Tyler spent several years with the colonists before branching out on his own, disappearing into the wilds for a time. He spent some time among the various tribes of Natives, sharing tales and learning their ways, living a peaceful life, honing his craft with the help of their shamans.

The gods were much more distant then, something that Tyler misses dearly.

Over the years, the centuries, Tyler grew to love the states, the people that resided in them. He witnessed war after war, humans slaughtering humans, and even fought in a couple himself. He witnessed the events of the Salem Witch Trials firsthand, narrowly escaping the noose himself.

Despite the countless inhumane acts the humans committed, the vengeance and hatred they wrought, he loved what their species had created. They were intelligent and imaginative, loving and resentful, but their lives were fleeting.

Tyler spent many years living among the humans, but also spent years alone in the wilds with nothing to accompany him but his thoughts and, on occasion, his mother. They were not close in any sense of the word, but she taught him to master the craft.

Overall, Tyler lived a good life, one that he did not regret. And then came the war...

Death and destruction plagued the world, driving the gods from their pedestals, in lieu of a new order of deities. Tyler did his best to avoid the war, choosing to remain neutral, ignoring his mother's summons to the island of Rhodes. Something that he regretted years later, when the gods and their army were destroyed. Tyler hasn't seen his mother since, though he calls to her nightly, even to this day, in hopes of her returning to him after all this time.

After the war, Tyler helped the people rebuild, helped them build Asphodel from the ground up. He has lived there since, running a curio shop called 'Needful Things'.

Relic: None, as of yet. Perhaps he'll be granted one later on?