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Welcome to ~~ DRAGONGUARDS vs THE DARK REGIME ~~ {Adult}

15:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

DG Arkhas Remos

Character Name: Arkhas Remos

Age: 21

Description:Arkhas is a young man with short, unkempt dirty black hair and dark brown eyes. He has sharp features and pronounced cheek bones. He isn't too tall, roughly 5'11, and is muscular, but more lean than bulky. He usually wears the innocent grin of someone up to no good. He has a well trimmed mustache and beard. He wears a dark brown leather tunic and leggings strapped with a dagger on the left side of the breastplate for easy access. He wears a very unremarkable short sword at the waist, in a light brown scabbard. He is a trickster that likes to skirt around confrontation and rules alike, often using dirty tricks in fights, and loopholes in verbal debates. To anyone who knows him well enough, his wily and generally upbeat attitude, while not entirely false, has a secondary purpose as a veil to hide his feelings of sadness and frustration.

Skills: Arkhas is moderately skilled in swordplay. He is rather adept at sneaking and climbing. He also is moderately adept at hand to hand, especially people larger than him. He is also fairly good at lock picking.

Faction: Royal Black Dragonguards

Character History: Arkhas was born to a poor family in Thandac. With his father leaving when he was 12, his mother was his pillar of guidance, and he loved her dearly. His mother was sickly for most of his life and couldn't work, so Arkhas started to steal to feed her, he did it sporadically so as not to bring to much attention to himself, setting aside a sum to buy medicine, which was particularly expensive. This was particularly difficult to do, as sometimes larger boys would beat him and steal his money, and eventually he learned to start "hitting below the belt", so to speak, to gain advantage on his abusers. He always enjoyed watching royal processions, he was specifically awed by the regality of the High Lord Commander Tius Dragonleaf. He also likes to climb around the city buildings, even going so far as sneaking into the city barracks to watch sparring matches between soldiers. He would use the rest of his time to try and emulate the moves he saw the soldiers using, using sticks he found as both weapons and dummies to practice on. One day when he was 14, his mother became much worse, and it was obvious to Arkhas that he needed to get the medicine quickly, but he was still missing a large portion of money. He decided in his desperation, and his foolishness, that he knew only one target that he could get a large sum of money from. He decided to steal from the king. He did make it in to the castle, slipping past guards and royals alike under the cover of darkness. He had done much similar things many times, just not on this scale. He came close to being found by guards many times, but managed to get past them. He did not plan for one major variable, however. The magical prowess of the High Wizard zeddicus was far too much for him. After hearing his story however, Zeddicus took pity in him and asked him to take him to his mother. By the time they got to her, however, she had passed away. Zedd took further pity on the boy and took him in, to train him as a dragonguard. When he was 16, and Belladonna and Bastion Bludd started their coup d'etat, he managed to escape with a few other dragonguards. It has been 5 years since then, and he still has not bonded with a dragon.