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15:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

William Steers

"You may be able to silence a voice, but you cannot silence a screaming heart."

Name: William Darren Steers
Nickname: Will/Willy
Age: 25
Faceclaim: William Moseley

Ability: Frequency manipulation
A physics title that does no justice to what it can achieve, William has managed to harness this power through a simple yet powerful whistle, using different levels of the pitch to hit different frequencies to make objects to bend and flow at his will. e.g. make something soar in the air like an arrow, make a wall of stone to crumble, windows to smash, to make ears bleed.

A side benefit of Dr. Collin's help in harnessing this power, William mastered frequencies entirely, feeling them in the earth, in the air as sound waves, making him a handy walking talking sonar/radar.

Weakness: Over excessive or pushing himself to reach new frequencies can put a large toll on Will's throat making it weaker than most, making this and his vibration on his body's blood vessels to burst, making him look like he's been through hell and back just from his face alone, taking additional iron medication helps but Dr. Collins still warns Will to not overexert himself when its not a matter of life or death.

Is your character a League member or a recruit? League
How many years with The League: 8
Occupation on the Campbell Compound: Mechanic, keeping everything moving that didn't require a direct link up with a computer.

Theme song:
Physical Description:

One can see Hazel brown eyes in Will, whenever his powers don't exhaust him, with messy dark blonde messy hair that in no matter in what situations is still in style. While Theodore does ask his sons to look the part from time to time, Will tries his best but in his own southern boy style, red checkered shirt tucked in to a pair of blue denim that have been worn at the feet from their usage over time as much as Will would love to have a cattleman hat to set his pride in his past before hell broke loose, he is yet to find one that wasn't ruined this far north of his home of Texas (one can always dream). Given his past as a rancher, there was no room for overeating so Will has always been in great shape, more so when he would hit the compound's assault course whenever he found the time, thus this has had a rather impressive impact on his toned body, not that he ever finds vanity in it, just a matter of taking care of yourself, especially when you're of the league and you have to be in some manner of physically able.

Distinguishing Features: In his left eye, there is a sign of redness from a blood vessel behind the eye that never seemed to go away, an ever warning of his abilities and their consequences if not cautious. During his incarceration at a lab, his entire throat was caged in a nightmarish muzzle that was chained to his face, this left indents upon around his lower face.

Personality Description: Given what he was subjected to years alone in a soundproof room for what must have seemed like an eternity, William, all the same, appears to have a relatively easy outgoing disposition, Dr. Collins has however indicated that this may be now a coping mechanism, out of fear of being left alone for any long period of time. Thus feeling a sense of abandonment if there is no feeling of someone beside him physically and mentally. Making Dr. Collins and Sullivan's companionship at the time all the more a necessity for him if he ever has an episode. While not quick to anger than most people he can be 'triggered' if someone tells him to shut up or be silent, joking or otherwise. The same can be applied whenever anyone brings up 'tests' or 'experiments' especially when they refer to William's past or offer of tests to be performed on him in the here and now.

Tell me as much about your character as possible. Their parents, their childhood, how they discovered their abilities, etc. Where they have been up until their current detainment at The Facility

A Texan boy if there ever was one, born and raised on one of the biggest cattle ranches in the US of A. Practically born on a horse..or in this case a pony until he was old enough to tame and control a full-sized stallion. Given the long and arduous tasks, a ranch can bring to a young boy his father always told him to keep a song in his heart when all else is frantic. William's father teaching him how to whistle not just good but well, almost helping keep things steady and calming the horses and cattle at the same time. When there wasn't cattle to rustle and horses to care. His father and uncle taught him how to mend and fix almost anything if it had gears or hooves Will sure as hell knew how to make it move again. A large loving family, all the open space and skies, a life most city folk kill for. What more could Will want in life? In this instance, however, it was more of what life could take from William.

At first, it was just some new illness bug that the world media always seems to spin out of all proportion, thus naturally the steers clan paid no heed to the advice and requests. Just more lab coats trying to be important over another flu strain. How wrong was the world? By the time it reached Texas, the damage was already done, cattle that was put down with the virus was immediately claimed by the government. As much as the clan tried to keep the ranch together, in a world suddenly in turmoil, it was all they had, all they ever wanted. In the end, the government just had enough these big Texans telling them to jump off a cliff, literally and proverbially. They came in the night and they took everything of value. Disposing and arresting anyone who got in the way. Like his father, uncle and siblings tried to keep them away, William tried to ride and guide the little number of horses and cattle away, a marksman and officer watch him from afar, it shouldn't have been possible to guide so many cattle single handily and with a simple tune of whistles passing his lips. In the end, it was all over when William passed out on the ground when a tranquilizer dart hit his neck...

What must have seemed to be an eternity later of isolation medicinal torturous tests performed on every possible section of his body, life spared him any further degradation when sleeping off anesthetic, he woke up to a man calling himself Dr. Collins and that he was safe. Theodore never really explained to him how he and the others got away from the Labs but one thing was certain, this freedom wasn't free if they wanted to be considered remotely safe, they were going to be a lot of work in the future coming and distant alike. William swore an oath of gratitude and vowed to Theodore to repay this debt any cost, the one true lesson his father gave him was that one good turn deserved another, no matter how long or the costs.

As much as he probably knows the truth of his family, William still holds out that they are still out there and alive, Theodore did delicately suggest that is unlikely after the fight they did put up, William, all the same, kept this hope though it has dwindled over the years in the compound with no word or even rumors. Still, William kept his promise and stayed in the compound to use his skills as a mechanic to keep things running as best as he could even finding a close friend in Sullivan, the pair often 'venturing' out of the compound whenever the confines of the walls seemed too tall for their tastes.