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00:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Vasana is a small but athletic woman with red hair and a vicious scar across the left side of her face. Despite her diminutive size (10), she rides a bison and radiates confidence.  She is comfortable commanding warriors and priests more senior than herself.

Notable characteristics (stats 16+ and other characteristics 80%+)
Strength 16
Charisma 20
Devotion (Orlanth) 80%
Hate (Lunar Empire) 90%
Air Rune 90%
Broadsword 90%

- Grandmother was a scribe in the service of the Princes of Sartar, and died with great glory in the Battle of Boldhome.
- Father was Farnan, a temple orphan.  Farnan joined Starbrow’s Rebellion and later personally aided Kallyr Starbrow in her escape from Sartar. He died defending Whitewall in 1620, devoured by the Crimson Bat. Farnan’s soul was annihilated.
- Mother is Vareena, a priestess of Ernalda from the Ernaldori clan.
- Yanioth is Vasana's half-sister, sharing a mother but having different fathers.
- Harmast is kinfolk to Vasana and Yanioth.

- In 1623, Vasana followed King Broyan to the metropolis of Nochet, accompanied by her half-sister Yanioth.
- At the Battle of Pennel Ford, she fought with great glory, and gained the attention of Argrath.
- Vasana followed Argrath into Prax and joined the army of the White Bull in the liberation of Pavis.
- Pursuing honor again, she fought with great glory at the Second Battle of Moonbroth, and was nearly killed (receiving a nasty scar on her face) in the process of killing a Lunar priestess.