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Welcome to Blood Moon: New Orleans

05:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Hannah Rowe

General Character Information
Full Name: Hannah Allison Rowe

Date of Birth: 1988
Date of Death: N/A
Apparent Age: 26
Actual Age: 26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

Place of Birth: Colorado Springs, CO
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Religion: Wiccan
Degree of Religious Practice: Serious

Species: Werewolf (Canis lupus gregoryi)
Powers: Standard Level Powers & Resist Moon’s Call

Physical Appearance
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 117 lbs.
Body Type: Slender, athletic
Hair Color: Brown/Blonde (Hannah alternates her hair color quite frequently. She is naturally brunette, but routinely dyes her hair blonde during the summer months.)
Hair Style: Short bob
Eye Color: Chestnut Brown
Skin Tone: Light tan

Birthmarks: None
Scars: None
Tattoos: Single tattoo on her left wrist “Sabrina”.

Scent: Cinnamon and Pine
Aura: Silver

Physical Disabilities: None

Physical Description:  Short, with usually blonde or a light brown short bobbed haircut, Hannah seems like any late college student, though her fashion sense is moderately trendy, she tends to buy most of her clothes second hand and occasionally prefers to find her own styles among what others have gotten over or abandoned.  Though she is lacking in vertical height, she still seems to somehow fit within her skin and seem more than a simple short farm girl.  Working hard to veer far off from what she had been raised as, she instead has turned into someone seemingly capable and empathic.  There are worse things than being seen as a care-taker, and in her heart, Hannah is indeed one who wishes to care for most others.

Father: James Madison Rowe
Mother: Terri Allison Rowe
Siblings: Sybil Mayfield (Married), Matthew James Rowe

Marital Status: Single/Seeing Someone (Sorta)
Spouse: None
Other Romantic Relationships: Sabrina Franklin (Deceased)

Children: None

Friends: Stephanie Rowan, Micaela Catalan, Christian Vauquelin, Marc Couture, Cory Prescott, Ah Liu Lam, Phillip Symons, Peyton Duarte
Acquaintances:  Charolette Roland

Highest Education Achieved: EMT, going for Pre-Medicine
Degrees Held:  EMT, working on Pre-Medicine
College/University Attended: Tulane University

Elementary Education:

Skills/Trades Known: Emergency Medical Technician – Basic; Advanced Emergency Medical Technician; Advanced Cardiac Life Support

Current Occupation: AEMT, New Orleans Emergency Medical Services
Socioeconomic Level (At Birth): Lower Middle Class
Socioeconomic Level (Current): Lower Middle Class

Spending Behavior: Frugal
Financial Assets: Checking, Savings
Financial Liabilities: Rent, Car (2005 Toyota Scion tC)

Languages (Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing):
English – L5, R5, S5, W5
French – L2, R0, S2, W0
Creole – L2, R0, S2, W0

Speech Pace: Normal speed, speeds up when she gets nervous.
Accent:  None really.
Voice Tone:  Comforting, soft.
Speech Pattern:  Calming pardon for when excited.

Speech Disability: None

Vices:  Good music, good food, binging TV shows
Strengths:  Used to Chaos, Good in Emergencies, Level Headed, Reasonable
Weaknesses:  Wolf is still more timid, Bad at being a patient/victim, Uncertainty/Anxiety
Fears/Phobias:  Claustraphobia
Mental Illnesses:  Anxiety
Turn Ons:  Women, to some degree very masculine men, but feminine women are kryptonite.
Turn Offs:  Effeminate men, butch women.

  Short Range Goal: Paramedic License, Pre-Medical Bachelors Degree
  Medium Range Goals: Enroll in Tulane MD Program, Complete MD Degree
  Long Range Goals:  Own a house, maybe adopt kids.

How does the character handle emotions of…?
  Anger: Hannah tends to get quiet when she is angry, she tends to bottle up her anger and releases it through her running. When possible, she runs about 15 miles a day.
  Frustration: Running also helps, physical action keeps her channeling the emotions into something semi-productive, likes her cycling as well.
  Nervousness: Hannah starts to talk faster when she gets nervous. This can sometimes make it difficult for her to be understood, unless she forces herself to slow down.
  Fear: Hannah doesn’t get afraid easily, kind of hard to when you’ve spent your life on a farm chasing out coyotes, wolves, and cougars from the time you were old enough to hold a gun. Additionally, her job as an EMT exposes her to danger on a fairly regular basis. When the stress level of a situation rises, Hannah gets more calm and quiet, focusing on the details rather than the whole.
  Desire/Lust: Hannah is shy, so she displays desire in subtle ways, such as wearing her love interests shirts, or just touching them frequently (This is hard with other Shifters so then touch is such an integral part of who they are).
  Emotional Pain (i.e. heartbreak): Hannah has experienced true heartbreak twice in her life. The first time was when her grandmother (Maternal) died when she was 16. The second was when her first serious girlfriend was killed in a car wreck when she was 18.

Character History
Hannah is a farm girl, born and raised on a horse ranch outside of Colorado Spring, CO. Her father bred and raised the horses, and worked for the County, usually during the winter when he would drive the plow and clear the roads of snow. Her mother was a stay at home mother to her, her older brother, and her younger sister. As the middle of three children, and the oldest daughter, she was expected to help around the house.

She was sixteen with her Maternal Grandmother died with Dementia and a bad Stroke.  And she was 18 when her first real, serious girlfriend, Sabrina, died in a car accident on the freeway. Struck head on by a drunk driver. She got Sabrina’s name tattooed on her left wrist two months later. After she graduated High School, she tried to find work around Colorado Springs, eventually winding up moving more and more southern into the states.

As if travel would let her escape the loss and the reminder of others she had loved, she worked to start college.  Going through and getting routine vaccines, she'd end up losing something else.  Her humanity.  Too ashamed and unsure to return home, Hannah did all she could to maintain enough of a presence in school to finish the training she needed to be an EMT.  Once she had the degree in hand and the license tests passed, she was out of the area once more, and out of that pack.  When she was 22 she moved to New Orleans.  The past four years have not been terribly kind, even as a submissive, Hannah was not blind to the suffering of others, and had to push herself harder to continue her schooling, despite the pains surrounding her.

Now that the pack has changed, hope has returned a bit.  She can work, go to school, and handle herself better than most of the submissives she's around, but even so, she's not quite sure enough of herself to be dominant and confidant in her actions.  Unless of course, it involved medical treatment, then she's easily able to do as needed.  With the past four months, she's moved recently into an apartment with the pack's new Bolverk, Sylvie.  Originally it seemed like a strange concept, but after encouragement from the Ulfric, it was simply done.  Easy to move things when weight means little to you after all.  Sylvie is a mystery, but a lovely one, and she's surprised herself at the feelings she has towards the lady even so recently having moved in with her.