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01:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Leonidas Galanis

The Basics

Name: Leonidas Galanis
Nickname: Leo
Species: Demigod
Gender: Male
Age: 202
Lineage: Sekhmet / Greek mortal

The Physical

Height: 6ft
Weight: 180lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Distinguishing Features: Reflective eyes

Physical Description: Leo is a walking 'tall, dark and handsome' stereotype. His slightly darker skin tone and black hair hints at his mixed north African / Mediterranean heritage. Relatively lean, Leo isn't a broad-shouldered bulky sort of man, instead he exhibits a sort of wiry grace that suggests strength but not overtly. His hair is kept a little long so that he can change the style occasionally and he often has a neatly trimmed albeit short, dark beard. Almost always seen in a three-piece suit, Leo is suave and sharp looking with everything tailored to fit in the most stylish manner. His attire will be offset by a few, well chosen pieces of jewellery and smart shoes. You'd never catch Leo in anything as mundane as a t-shirt

Under The Hood

Personality: A man of leisure and luxury, Leo seeks mostly to entertain himself and is an unabashed hedonist. He is fastidious and clean, always well kept and well presented. He enjoys good food, fine things and is often distracted by the lasted shiny must-have be it jewellery, gadgets or car. He loves the sun, and can spend hours sun bathing for the perfect tan. For the most part he is laid back and finds amusement and joy in most things. He can be generous at times but that rather depends on his mood which is changeable. He does have some sort of innate protective streak but it requires first hand experience for it to kick in. If he just hears about injustice from someone else he's unlikely to be moved by it.

Strengths: Confident, Charming, Handsome, Agile and Wealthy.

Weaknesses: Can be apathetic and lazy at times. Quite fickle, tends to stick with whoever is most likely to make his life fun, rather than those who care more. If enraged can take a long time to be subdued. Possibly a bit too into drugs and alcohol.


Mundane Skills:
He is good at distracting people from their worries, usually by applying alcohol and fun.
Effortlessly fit, he has always had a natural skill at combat and can tactfully identify certain weak spots in potential opponents.
Linguist: Speaks several European languages, including Greek, English, Spanish, French and Southern Slavic.

Animal form: Takes the form of a black domestic cat or a large black panther.
Blood Rage: It has been known that if Leonidas tastes blood, in whichever form he might be, he is thrown into a frenzy that is extremely difficult to stop. Likely he inherited this fault from his Mother.
Pharaoh's gold: Always seems to be able to generate wealth, no matter the situation.

Society Info

Length Of Time In Asphodel: A few weeks
Occupation: Investor / Business owner
Organizations/Factions: Leo has only an allegiance to himself

1. Rumor has it that a new sect of cultists, loyal to the New Gods, has begun kidnapping and sacrificing children, in exchange for blessings. You've just witnessed one of these kidnappings. How do you react?
Answer: Having witness this first hand, Leo would become almost immediately incensed at the horror laid upon innocence and interrupt the kidnapping. Should violence ensue he would tear through the Cultists with likely collateral damage.

2. You've just witnessed a group of Resistance sympathizers ransack a temple built in honor of Breya, the patron goddess of Asphodel. What do you do?
Answer: Yawn, stretch and move along.

3. You've been captured and thrown in a cell by city guards, under suspicion of conspiracy with traitors, with the Resistance. Despite whether you are or are not affiliated with the traitors, a group of New God loyalists (humans) has you cornered in your cell. What do you do?
Answer:Try to charm the pants off the humans to avoid any bloodshed. If any of them strikes first there's a strong likelihood of triggering his blood rage.

4. You've heard rumors of an Old God living beneath the city. Do you delve into the tunnels in hopes of finding it, ignore it and go about your business, or report the rumors to the city guard?
Answer: Likely ignore the information, unless I am seriously bored.

5. What brought you to Asphodel, and how have you fared since moving to the city?
Answer:General sense of ennui, seeking a new place to find entertainment. Have started setting down roots and bought into a few local ventures. Still trying to find the best places for play.

The Juicy Bits

Backstory: Born during the period of the Great War in rural Greece, Leo is the semi-human child of the Ancient Egyptian warrior goddess Sekhmet, also known as the Lady of Slaughter. His father was a soldier during the war though who he was exactly has been lost to time, save that he fought in Macedonia during the conflicts. The Goddess sought to bring her child to term but did not remain for long, abandoning Leo to a some rural humans so that she might plunge herself back into the conflict. She found him during peace time and he experienced a few years with his strange, moody mother, learning a little bit of who he was. More often than not, however, she would disappear, travelling the world for battle. Her fickle nature taught Leo not to get too attached to people and to seek his own connections elsewhere. When the second world war broke out he found his innate gift for combat but equally a disturbing reaction to bloodshed that tended to lead to massacres. Finding that libation and frivolity was the best way to bring him back from the rage, Leo developed a fun-seeking habit in order to fend off any angry feelings.
Every ten years or so, Leo moves town, selling assets he owns and reinvesting in new opportunities. Somehow he always seems to make good financial decisions. He refreshes his life and absorbs all the decadence and fun the new place can offer, until he grows bored and the desire to move to somewhere new sets in.

Relic: Sekmet's Claw, an ancient Khopesh sword that appears to be mostly crumbling copper, unless held by someone with celestial blood, whereupon it returns to a new, weldable state.