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22:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


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General Information

Samuel (alias), Samael (given by father), Lucifer (given by humanity)

Sam (by friends and acquaintances), Sammy (by his brothers, Michael mostly), Morningstar (by father, before the fall)

What are you:
Infernal, previously Celestial

Specific type of the above-
Archangel (Fallen)

Physical information

Ambiguous. Doesn't technically have a gender in his angelic form, but humanity has always assumed him to be male, so he plays into that role.

Old. Really old, but he doesn't keep track. He was the second angel created, second to his elder brother, Michael. Appears to be in his early to mid 30s when in human form.

Hair Color:

Eye Color:
Piercing, bright blue (in both forms)

Distinguishing Marks:
While it is exceedingly difficult to scar an angel, not to mention an Archangel, his brothers (Michael, Uriel and Gabriel) managed to do so when they forced him from heaven, after he 'rebelled'. There is a scar on his left arm, as well as one on his lower back.

Description of General Appearance:
Samael stands roughly ten feet tall with short, black hair, no beard to speak of and a marred (scars), blueish gray body (skin tone). While the imperfections of his form tend to distract from the overall appearance, it is no secret that Samael is beautiful. He was, after all, hailed as the most beautiful of God's angels, when he was among the heavenly host. On his back is spread a large pair of beautiful, black wings that have an odd glimmer to them- they're difficult to look at, painful almost, causing Immortals to squint or turn away to avoid a burning sensation in the eyes. Although, it does not seem to effect Celestials or Infernals.

While Samael does not wear the typical Halo, as many angels are depicted with, he does wear a crown of sorts, one that he has tried to remove time and time again, but it will not budge. Thorn vines are wrapped tightly around his head, between his brow and hairline, forever marking him as one banished from the Heavens and disowned by God and the angelic host.

The crown of thorns, a mark of utter condemnation which was first used on the first of the Fallen, was replicated by humans at a later date, even depicted in the Bible, as yet another was cast out and wrongfully convicted of crimes against humanity.

The crown delivers a constant pain to Sam, but over the millennia he has learned to ignore it. He's become accustomed to the thorns, but he is always slightly uncomfortable. Sam is not scarred by the thorns; however, the wounds left by the crown are always open, sometimes bleeding and sometimes not. The crown and the wounds can only be seen in his angelic form.

It is extremely rare to see Samael in his angelic form- he prefers to keep his identity secret, to avoid drawing too much attention. After being blamed for the creation of sin and evil since humanity was driven from Eden, there are quite a few people gunning for him. He'd prefer to avoid meeting those that hold a grudge for the misplaced blame.

Description of General Appearance in Human Form:
The human form Sam takes is decidedly male. Tall, dark and handsome, he clocks in at 6'4" and 234lbs of lean muscle. He appears to be quite fit, and not lacking in the looks department.

Society Information

Previous Occupation in The True:
Prisoner of Hell (one of many), Humanity's Scapegoat

Love History:
N/A. Sam has been imprisoned for...well, he didn't exactly keep track.
Note: Relationship and sex roleplaying isn't really my thing. That said, Sam won't be looking for any relationships or flings in-game.

What did you do to get sent to the Winde? aka What was your crime?
Having a mind of my own, rather than blindly following my father's orders.

How did your trial go down?  Were you involved or was this a surprise banishment?
Trial? (Sam chuckles and shakes his head) As if I'd get a formal trial. A surprise? Nothing is a surprise anymore. Being sent to the Winde was an interesting development, and much more pleasant than I would have imagined. However, my original, it wasn't a surprise. I fought tooth and nail to remain in Heaven, but my brothers are a lot stronger than they look- especially when they have a common enemy. Archangels are a pain in the ass...I would know.

Any other background information you'd like considered for your character:
Sam owns and runs, with the help of his staff, a cuiro shop/general store called 'Crossroads'- the title is the only hint he gives towards his true identity.

While the shop is mostly known for selling various goods and magical artifacts, it's rumored that Sam also trades in secrets, but more importantly favors. The price or payment depends on the favor, or the information being offered. The rumors are true, of course, but he is incredibly discreet, and will request collateral or payment up front if doing a favor for someone he doesn't necessarily trust, or he is meeting for the first time.

He'd be known for being a trustworthy person, always following through on his deals.

Personality Details

I'm a smart ass, to put it simply, but I'm quite intelligent and I know when to shut up. I'm sarcastic and have a very dry sense of humor, but I'm a nice guy. I'm a little rough around the edges, so it takes a minute to warm up to me. Some may think I'm an asshole, but others find me to be a loving guy with a big heart and a penchant for helping those who need it- it's all a matter of perspective.

Admittedly, my jokes are generally a defense mechanism, to keep those around me at a distance, rather than letting them get close. I'm exceedingly secretive when it comes to my past, when it comes to my true identity. Even my friends just know me as Sam or Samuel. Celestials from my home (if they were around, before the fall) or Infernals from my Hell could easily identify me as 'Lucifer,' however.

I pride myself on being honest. While I may not tell the whole truth at times, generally when it involves my past, I do my absolute best not to lie- it's bad for business. I'm exceedingly loyal to friends, and will uphold any deal I make.

If I had to choose my greatest weakness... it would definitely be my pride. Inherited that from dear, old dad.

I fear becoming who humanity thinks I am...
The Devil doesn't fear anything, right?

In the beginning there was-

Who cares about the beginning? It was boring, empty darkness. Nothing but the 'all powerful' primordials- 'God' and others like him.

First off, what god names himself 'God'? It's a ridiculous notion, like a dog named dog, or if I were to call myself 'Angel'. But good ole dad couldn't help himself, could he? I suppose, when you're one of the creators of the universe, ego becomes an issue. Personally, I have a few more fitting names in mind for him, but I won't get into that, right now...

But you're not here for him, are you? You're here for me. To pry, to poke and prod, to get information out of me. That's okay, it won't cost much... just your soul!

Kidding. I actually get a bad rap for that. I don't give a shit about your soul, or what you do, whether it's 'right' or 'wrong'. You'll be punished either way. Not by me, of course. I hold no sway over mortals or the True. Just because I lived in hell (one of them, anyway) doesn't mean I liked it, or that I was in control. Utter fallacy.

Why will you be punished? Heaven or hell, take your pick. Believe me, you don't want either option. Heaven is filled with pretentious assholes, while hell is...

Hell is...well, it's hell. Even for the 'devil'. I wasn't there on vacation, I was there to be punished for disobeying (you guessed it) my all powerful prideful father. Pride is a sin, yeah? A cardinal one, I believe. Well, the hypocrite that he is, dad isn't going to punish himself, now is he? That would be too easy.

Sorry, I'm rambling- I obviously have some issues to work out with my father...if he'd ever visit.

Anyways, there isn't much to know, really. Why did I fall? Good question. Because humans are filthy, disgusting, pathetic apes and I refuse to serve them. That's what you wanted to hear, right? No, that's bullshit.

I fell, because I refused to serve anyone but my father. I knew nothing but serving my all powerful dad for my entire existence, then he created mortals... how could I bow to them on a whim? It would've been disrespectful to my father, and the other primordials. At least, that was my line of logic.

But, of course, dad didn't like that. He didn't care that I only had respect for him. All he cared about was that I wasn't following a direct order, like a good little soldier. So, for one tiny act of disobedience, I was cast out. As were any that followed my lead. Of course, once we reached hell, the other Fallen blamed me for their own actions. I was an outcast, even among the other outcasts.

I fell first, but many followed- a third of the host of Heaven, if the stories are to believed. Honestly, I never counted. The Fallen shunned me, and I avoided them. There was little I could do to sway them, their minds were made up. I was the bad guy, and would be for eternity. The angel who caused the fall.

But you tempted Adam and Eve, you created sin and demons and suffering! No...I didn't. Humans are flawed and broken, but don't blame me. The 'devil' didn't make you do it. See, that's the thing about free will... you choose what you want to do, no one else can force you to think one way or another. It's all a choice.

But you were in the garden! Wrong, once again. I was in hell... you don't escape hell, even when you're an Archangel. It's locked up tight...especially the Pit. The snake was just a snake- personally, I think Eve was a delusional bitch, talking to animals... If you wanna blame someone for 'original sin,' blame her.

The tree still stands, ya know. The tree, the garden... withered and dying, but it still stands. The trees no longer bear knowledge or life, but they persist regardless of humanity's tainted touch. Eden is guarded by God's most trusted, and humans are eternally barred from entering, because of their actions, the choices they made of their own volition. But for what? Why is it guarded? To protect what used to be? Whatever importance the garden once held, it was lost long ago when your kind was created.

That's not what the Bible sa- No, no, no. You're not listening. Lake of fire, sin, suffering, Revelations, all of that... you're blaming the wrong guy. Do me a favor. Take your Bible, and throw it away. It was written by mortals with little to no grasp on the celestial world. Humans see what they want to see, and they believe what they want to believe.

They want someone to blame for everything, so they blame me, instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. They want some all powerful 'good' ruler, so they lean on 'God' for support, even if he hasn't been listening to their incessant whining for the last few millennia. I mean, I can't blame him... but still.

All in all, I've lived my life as a disappointment. I've been around since -almost- the beginning, and spent all of that time locked away for a petty disagreement, and an attempted show of loyalty that went unnoticed.

You have no idea what it feels like to fall... being tossed from your home, torn from the grace and position you once held. To be mutated from Celestial to Infernal in mere seconds, the agonizing pain that overpowers your senses as your grace is ripped from every molecule of your being. I was once an Archangel, hailed as God's most beautiful angel, second in command of the heavenly host, beholden only to my brother Michael, and my father. I was dark and beautiful, powerful beyond measure. Loved and adored by my brethren, respected by my many charges.

But now, fallen from grace, disconnected from the Heavens and my father's power? I can hardly remember my home, the companionship of my siblings, the bond I shared with my father. It's all gone. Lost in a void of hate and despair. I question whether my father knew how I would turn out, whether he ever really cared for me. He always boasted about being all powerful, all knowing... if he was all knowing, then he should have known. I believe he knew I would fall... he knew he would abandon me in hell with the others.

If he knew, why did he give me life? Why did he make me the way I am? He is a primordial of Creation... why did he create me?

If God is all powerful, then he cannot be all good. If God is all good, he cannot be all powerful.

I think it all goes back to his pride. He wanted someone to oppose him, so he could show how powerful he is. So he could drop me into the pit and throw away the key. So the others would fear and respect him. I know many of them don't love father the way I did, but they don't rebel as I did, either.

The original rebel... something I'll never live down, but I hold that title with pride. If God doesn't want me, that's fine. Now that I'm here, in the Winde, I'll forge my own path.


Samael was transferred to the Winde, from Hell, 320 years ago and has been there ever since. He's become quite familiar with the ins and outs of the place and its rules. Sam has acquired a few loyal friends here and there, and has made a name for himself.

He moved with a small group of friends to Spectre from another Rise, when it was created, after having to convince White to allow/help them to navigate the Wasteland... it wasn't easy.

While Sam isn't exceedingly open when it comes to his personal business, his name is common around town. Whether it be for his business or favors, he's well known to Spectre's community.

Are you a good "Witch" or a bad "Witch"? (Angel, demon, etc)
You pose an interesting question. I've never seen myself as 'bad,' though humanity and the heavenly host certainly seem to think I am evil incarnate. My brothers, the Archangels...well, they are a little more sympathetic. Michael and I were always close, and Gabriel followed me around like a little brother does, ya know? I was respected and loved at one point, before the fall. I was good. But now? I don't know what I am anymore. After a lifetime of being told that you're an abomination, a mistake, evil... it's difficult to picture yourself as anything else.

What do you think will be your main goal while in The Winde?
Depends, really. I would like to run a successful business, gain a few more friends and learn the secrets of the Winde as best I can. It's been three centuries, and the place still boggles my mind. White seems like the best place to start, to gather information, but... she's an enigma.

Skills and Abilities

Were you mentored or trained in your abilities? If so, by whom?
I was trained in the ways of war, as well as peace, by my older brother, Michael.

Description of your abilities:
Archangel- Archangels are a hardy bunch, exceedingly difficult to kill and counted among some of the most powerful Celestials out there- excluding literal Gods, of course. While I don't hold the title anymore, I still have the physiology and general ability of that class of angel, but on a smaller scale. Smiting isn't nearly as easy as it once was, and I tend to bleed when wounded these days, but I'm a natural in the use of 'Holy' magic. Although, I'm no longer a Celestial. Holy magic tends to leave a bad taste in the mouth... You can take the grace out of the angel, but it's still an angel.

Fallen- Hell held many secrets, many magics forbidden by the guys upstairs. It's not terribly pleasant, but Dark/Unholy/Demonic magic comes naturally to an Infernal.

I have spent quite a bit of time in hell, where many witches in the True were sent after death, before the Winde was created- as well as spending three centuries in the Winde itself. After studying under some of the greats, I've become quite adept at magic, in general, sort of a jack of all trades. I'm familiar with most types of magic, and I know quite a few spells/rituals, but I'm not a master in any specific areas (excluding holy and demonic magic that come naturally, of course). I still have a way to go, before I would consider myself a master spellweaver.

My personal favorite types of magic are reality warping (defying physics, creating something out of nothing, etc.), illusions, potions, alteration/transfiguration (changing one thing into another) and construction (creating magical constructs).

Mortal Education:
None, but I am not lacking in knowledge. Quite a few geniuses, scientists and academics make their way to hell. There isn't much to do in the pit, besides talk. I picked up quite a bit from the damned.

Special Non-Magical Learning Prior to your banishment here:

The Winde Specifics

What color is your gem stone?

What cut is your gem stone?
Opal Cut

When you are transported into The Winde- what do you propose you had with you?  This includes- Pockets, suitcases, briefcases, and any other carry-ons.
Nothing, but the rags I was wearing. I was a prisoner.