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Welcome to Bearer of Dusk.

21:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Wilfried Hauser

Name: Wilfried Hauser

Occupation: Lesser Noble/Lord


Residence: A modest home for a Lord, yet too large for his taste situated in a farming village near the boarder of the kingdom.

Appearance: A large imposing man with impeccably groomed graying hair and facial hair kept in the style of when he was in the military.  His fashion sense while in court is flamboyant and gaudy, much like during his military service to make him and his fellow soldiers stand out with bright colors and puffy slashed sleeves.  He is also rarely without his prized cocked cavalier with its three ostrich plumes.

Personality: The affable former soldier turned lordling looking to do right in a world of wrongs.  Wilf is a charismatic and witty man if a bit uncultured, more suited to taverns and inns than court.  The warm boisterous man has captured the hearts of the small folk, and even high born ladies take note of a 'gruff soldiers charm' from time to time.  And while affable, he can be equally ferocious when angered and in the heat of battle.  A very 'lead by example' individual.

History/background: Having fled farm life, a young Wilfried Hauser found himself in a local mercenary charter and quickly rose through the ranks.  A schism with an inept superior spiraled out of control and resulted in a relegation to the farthest flung and most war torn provinces.  Rather than see it as a punishment, he relished the opportunity to perform purposeful action under competent leadership.

Leading the 11th lightning company, Wilfried drilled his troops until perfection, not content until their tools and tactics where like extensions of their own bodies.  His leadership style was based in leading by example, bolstering his troops confidence and loyalty though sheer force of his natural charisma, prowess, and wit, making him immensely popular with his men as well as the local populaces that he and his troops visited.  Throughout his career he and his unit were distinguished in several battles at the behest of several different kingdoms.

These distinctions as well as his popularity in both court and among the populace granted him a bit of land and a title as way of retirement for an exceptional soldier.  There he quickly gathered a small following of smallfolk that slowly grew into a quaint but prosperous boarder village.

Wilfried makes no attempt to hide his distaste for the Kings heavy handed attitude being an ever present rock for the kings cruelties to crash against while quietly mustering support of the surrounding villages and nobles to stand up to a King who by the day is becoming less and less noble.