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12:46, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jonathan Adaire

Name: Jonathan Elijah Adaire
Nickname: Jon, Jonny, or Eli which only his family ever uses.
Age: 30 years old
Faceclaim: Kenneth Korsgaard/Bek

Darkness Manipulation - Jonathan has the ability to create, shape and manipulate shadows by accessing a dimension of dark energy within an active shadow. By itself, darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, but by accessing a dimension of dark energy it can be channeled to a variety of effects: Jon can also control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create constructs and weapons and teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows.

Mind Reading - As an aspect of delving into the dark corners of one's mind, Jonathan has the ability to hear what others are saying in their heads just by looking at them. While the ability is focused primarily on those he is speaking directly with, Jonathan also has to actively want to hear what they are saying, meaning his brain is able to 'switch' on or off whether he wants to hear said thoughts or not.

Weakness: Jon's abilities are limited to the existence of shadows and the middle ground between light and dark. If the sun is high and no shadows are present, as well as when night falls and the moon is absent, Jon is a mere walking human. Without obvious shade, Jon's manipulation abilities are rendered useless.

While shadows do not necessarily affect Jon's minor mental ability, his mind reading abilities are still very limiting to include only what he can see: corners and blindfolds are no allies to Jonathan Adaire. The voices that echo into his mind from his peers and those around him go quiet the moment he is either unable to see them visually or he would naturally be out of earshot of them.

Other Special Abilities: Jonny is your typical man's man: he's a shoe-in with a good car to tinker with, spends much of his time in the Compound gym and is an absolute eyesore with the ladies. If you're looking for a quick, hands-on mechanic, a gym trainer or an expert wing man, Jonny's your man. He also likes to play guitar and was in a band before the downfall of civilization, but has not had any opportunities to play one for many years. He does, however, also have a soft spot for children which he tries not to show too often in front of others at the risk of seeming like too much of a softy.

Occupation on the Campbell Compound: Security Personnel
Theme song: I'm So Tired


Physical Description: At 6'4" with a messy crop of thick red hair, the long story short is: Jon is hard to miss. Growing up as a tall but scrawny kid meant that as an adolescent, Jon learned to bulk up with the help and inspiration of the bigger, older men around him, finding solace in heavy weights and a good, strong rowing machine. He keeps his red hair cut short, while still tall and thick at the top, and occasionally leaving wisps of red facial hair on his face when he's just too lazy to tackle the task of shaving. He does, however, keep a very cleanly shaved chest, a habit of his he has had since his youth. A sharp jaw and devious smile plague his pale facial features, as if the man constantly appears as though he is up to something or another.

One rather large tattoo is the only obvious marring (outside of regular callouses and cuts he may or may not garner from regular gym sessions and time in the Compound garage) that decorates his skin: a pair of koi fish in an intricate Japanese pattern swim along his back, the work completed up to the black and white stage where color is missing from the piece to complete it. He also has an ear piercing in his left ear he doesn't talk about very often.

Jon's attire generally consists of a rotation of two pairs of jeans, a pair of sweat pants, a pair of shorts and a pair of flannel pajama bottoms (His mother insists he keep a pair of dress pants in the event he will need them, but he hasn't worn them since she put them in his closet). Basic t-shirts in a variation of black, white and grey follow this rotation, with a few choice flannel shirts and an old college hoodie with the letters 'SSU' for Savannah State University emblazoned on the front. He also owns a rather suave leather jacket as well as a letterman, both of which he very rarely wears, but wears often enough to project his 'image'.

Distinguishing Features: If the bright red hair isn't a stark give away, then there isn't a whole lot else to draw your eye to the tall man (unless one has an affinity for light hazel-almond eyes that identically mirror the ones his father has). He also tends to stick his tongue out a lot more than he realizes, occasionally doing so simply to annoy his little sister, who hates it.

Personality Description: Jon is the epitome of a carefree, laid back trouble maker. Despite his age, the red-headed boy wonder loves a good prank and doting on the ladies, and doesn't often turn down an opportunity to do some good decent sneaking around when the moment calls for it! A bit of a show off when it comes to the athletic department, Jon is always ready to be challenged and is extremely competitive when put up against his peers and those who are of a higher caliber than he is.

Reflective of his fiery red hair, Jonathan is also quite the outspoken personality himself. Unafraid to voice his opinion, sometimes the redhead is known for opening his mouth and speaking before thinking despite his better judgment. Stubborn as an ox and quick to defend, it's no wonder most people will simply let Jonathan be right rather than risk arguing with him for hours on end. And yet, despite his lack of concentration skills and in-affinity for the logical, Jonathan all but makes up for it in his unequivocally friendly demeanor, protective 'big brother' attitude and an underlying streak of kindness and warmth that he instinctively shares with those he trusts and is closest with.

History: Jonathan Adaire's life was pretty low key for a typical American kid growing up before the onslaught that was, the virus that eventually changed his life.

His childhood was filled with immense doting from his parents (as he was their first guinea pig child of two) and all the love a munchkin kid could possibly have. He was a little monkey full of life; climbing, jumping and causing overall mischief at a young age, unwilling to allow his bright attitude on life fall to the wayside with things like responsibilities and matters beyond his childish control. He loved every minute he got to spend on a jungle gym, excelled in school sports and by the time he graduated from high school, Jon had wrangled a scholarship to  play minor league baseball for Florida State, choosing to forego his mother's choice of Savannah State in order for him to be close to family.

Within a few months of graduation, Jonathan left Georgia for Florida, excited for a new, independent life ahead of him. Florida was the ultimate paradise: not only was he the life of the party, the fiery redhead grew into himself, following friends into a well-rounded gym lifestyle, tinkering with cars at a local garage he worked part time at, flirting with college girls, playing some hardcore baseball and living his best life! He even had a girlfriend for a time, Vanessa Olson, an art major with the sass that rivaled even his own attitude and spitfire personality.

It wasn't until the outbreak of the virus that Jonathan got a phone call from home that beckoned him back into the arms of his family, notice that his grandparents were only weeks away from succumbing to the deadly disease that was sweeping the nation. Leaving his frat life home behind him, Jon booked the first flight home to Savannah, where he remained until the untimely deaths of both of his grandparents.

It was during this time that Jon began to notice changes in himself, realizing with an acute awareness that he seemed to be more awake during the night, active and alert, if you will. While minor changes to his lifestyle, Jonathan quickly dismissed them for fatigue and jet lag, the immense traveling he was doing with his family starting to affect his mental state. It wasn't until his family was transported to the nearest Compound, Arnold Compound to be exact, that Jonathan discovered he had in fact been infected with the virus...except this time, he was not at risk of death like his grandparents had been.

Under the guise of helping him hone his skills, the people at the Arnold Compound began to suspect Jon of great powers beyond that of a human being when he was caught on Compound cameras sneaking around in an attempt to pull of a prank on a few other residents, slipping mysteriously out of view behind the shadow of a tall building with no trace of being to be seen. He appeared again on a camera on the opposite side of the building adjacent to the pathway, seemingly rising out of the shadow like Batman in the night.

Luckily for him, his family had already been in contact with Theodore Collins, his father's old associate at another compound before Adelphi and their associates could get their hands on him. Within days of the purported 'incident', Jonathan and his family were moved to the Campbell Compound where Dr. Adaire was reunited with Dr. Collins.

The pair would go on to bring up what is now the Campbell Compound, Lucas and Theodore working side by side like they had in previous years before the virus. It was also here that Theodore and Lucas honed in on Jonathan's abilities, studying and encouraging him to build upon them in a safe, contained environment.

Unfortunately, it was only one year later that Lucas Adaire succumbed to the virus himself, passing away in a quarantine facility on Campbell surrounded by family and friends. This day continues to weigh heavily on Jonathan, realizing since reuniting with his family just how few and far between he had become to them when he went away to Florida all those years ago.

At Campbell, he had come to realize the importance of having one's family close, and when he was offered a position with the League, Jonathan promptly turned it down. He had long since seen what the world had done to those who put their lives on the line at the forefront of the Compound, and perhaps it was a selfish decision, but Jonathan decided that it was more important now for him to remain close to his mother and sister now that he was the sole surviving man of their family. The last thing he would want is for something to happen to his mother or Alexis and to realize he was not able to be there for them.

It has been three years since his father's death, and four since they first arrived at Campbell. Jonathan continues to utilize his abilities where they are required, although he remains a permanent fixture at the Compound working security detail around the Compound perimeter and picking on the newcomers whenever appropriate (and sometimes inappropriate).


Lucas Adaire, Father; deceased - A close associate of Theodore Collins and an unfortunate victim to the virus.
Elizabeth Walsh-Adaire, Mother; Child Caretaker - A watchful eye and fiery tongue that Jon has learned at a very young age not to defy if he wants to keep his skin.
Alexis Adaire, Sister; Brainiac - Bratty little know-it-all sister who tends to the Compound's digital security and acts as the League's computer specialist.