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09:54, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


“Madness is a matter of perspective, little dreamer.”
― Samantha Shannon

General Information

Name: Jace

Nickname: He doesn't remember any nicknames, or even his last name.

What are you: Immortal

Specific type of the above- Witch


Physical Information

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown. Appears to be in his late 30s or early 40s, but the tattoos littering his body tell a different story... if one could read them.

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Hazel, though they tend to change with his mood.

Distinguishing Marks: Tattoos. Jace's body is littered with tattoos of all shapes and sizes. While they are somewhat chaotic, there is a method to the madness. If one could find the beginning, the tattoos tell a story. Whether it is of his life or of another's is uncertain. However, several of the tattoos consist of ancient hieroglyphs and symbols from many dead languages.

If one were to watch closely, over an extensive period of time, they would note the forming of new markings on his skin. The tattoos, for all intents and purposes, seem to have a mind of their own. They shift and move, becoming more detailed as the story progresses.

Description of General Appearance:
Jace is of average height but exceptional build for his age. He comes in at 6' and 163LBS. He generally has a neatly trimmed beard, but it has gone unkempt as of late. His hair is cut short on the sides and in the back, but is left long on the top.

Society Information

Previous Occupation in The True: Jace is unsure of his previous purpose in life, his occupation or the meaning of it all.

Love History: While he is uncertain of his past, one thing is certain. He wears a gold wedding band on his finger. Though he is unaware of who he was married to, he feels the need to wear the ring, despite the confusion it brings.

What did you do to get sent to the Winde?
No clue. Best to ask the Council.

How did your trial go down?  Were you involved or was this a surprise banishment?
Jace remembers a trial, or bits and pieces of one. While it is difficult to piece it all together, he remembers pleading on his knees to the Council, but can't remember why... And, oddly enough, he can't remember their faces. Perhaps that is due to memory loss, or simply their need for secrecy.

Any other background information you'd like considered for your character:

Jace is unaware of his past, but here is a bit of information for those curious enough to peek:

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Physically, in Witch years, Jace is forty years old. His power was unleashed at the age of 16. In human years, he is 2,400 years old. Jace spent his life mastering several schools of magic, rising to the top of the magical rankings and making a name for himself. At one point, he had a wife, but she is long gone. His family, the Hale's, are a well-known family of witches, known for their skill in various forms of magic. They're rumored to have birthed several Wardens, their lineage extensive and powerful, leading back thousands of years. Jason Hale (shortened to Jace over the years) is one of the longest living Hales, Jason not being his original name of course, but he's far removed from the family, very few relating him to his mother and father, or his many siblings.


Jace's memory is fractured, broken beyond repair. He's unsure why, or what happened. The witch suffered a mental breakdown many years back, brought on by magic, sending him into a downward spiral of booze, self pity and solitude.

Unknown to current Jace, he was once hailed as one of the most powerful witches in the True- a Warden, one of thirteen, who was charged with protecting the world from outside interference, and preventing any world-ending catastrophes. They were tasked with defending the True from Hellish invasions and unwanted Celestial interference, when the need arose. He was once even considered for a position on the Council of the Twelve, to protect the Winde, but abruptly turned down the offer in lieu of his other duties.

Jace's mind was fractured toward the end of the second World War. Unbeknownst to most, Hitler's father was once a Warden, himself- though he suffered an early death. Adolf inherited that power from his father, a natural and powerful witch in his own right. Few knew of his prowess in the True, other than the Wardens and those under Hitler's command.

At the beginning of the war, the leader of the thirteen, Myrrdin (Merlin), instructed the Wardens to stay out of it. Myrrdin was not the eldest of the Wardens, but he was certainly the most powerful. By his orders, it was not their fight, given that it came from inside rather than out.

Jace, despite his wishes to join the fight against the Nazis, to stop the evil that they spread, refrained from doing so. That was, until things escalated, and the Jewish community in Europe paid the price for their neutrality.

Towards the end of the war, Jace reached his limit- he could no longer remain neutral, to stand by doing nothing, as millions of innocents were slaughtered. Giving into insubordination, Jace prepared a spell... one that would turn the tide of the war, and bring Hitler to his knees.

The spell, for all intents and purposes, was too big for Jace to cast on his own, but he didn't care. The outcome would be worth the backlash- he figured he could handle it, whatever it may be.

The Nazis began their march into Russia, against Stalin and his armies. The spell turned the tides, giving the Russians the advantage, as the Nazis suffered many casualties in the frosty terrain of mother Russia. The spell, designed as more of a curse aimed at the Nazi army, worked against the Germans in countless, intricate ways- too many to list.

Despite the spell's success, the backlash was horrendous, leaving Jace bloodied and broken, mind fractured beyond repair. While there was little left of Jace's memory, he was called before the Council for breaking the First, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth laws of magic.

The First- the spell, though not directly ending mortal lives, led to the deaths of many humans at the hands of one another.

The Third- the spell implanted ideas in the minds of many important mortals, leading them down different paths than they would have taken, had the spell not been cast.

The Fourth- the spell dominated Hitler's mind, for a time, leading him to decide to invade Russia, a strategic and tactical mistake in one of the most crucial parts of the war.

The Sixth- the spell did not violate or manipulate time, itself, but due to the spell being cast, the future was changed. The Nazis, originally, were meant to be successful in their endeavors.

The Seventh- the spell was too large and too intricate to effectively hide, leading several mortals to discover the magical world.

The Eighth- the spell, through causing the Nazis to lose, effected the economies of the mortal world in a large way.

The Ninth- as was expected, the spell effected the governments of the world, altering their course of action in that specific time period.

In the end, the other Wardens were called before the Council to testify either for or against Jace. Given the good intentions that led to the spell, the Wardens testified in his favor- all save for their leader, Myrrdin.

Given the state of the Warden, little was left of the Immortal who had cast the spell. Little was left to punish. Considering the testimonies and the broken state of the man, the Council sided against sending him to the Winde, ruling the spell as necessary for the betterment of the True... one of the few cases with such an outcome.

Jace's body eventually recovered from the backlash of the spell, but his mind did not. He remains fractured, to this day. Much has been forgotten and little is known about the broken and lost Warden. Though he still retains the title, his position has been filled by another, making the thirteen whole once more.

Many years later, in a short moment of remembrance, Jace returned to the Council in his broken state, begging for them to reverse their ruling. He was broken, lost, and wanted to be far removed from the True, the world he once protected, but was helpless to do so any longer. He wanted to be dropped into the Winde and forgotten, once and for all. The Council, taking pity on the Warden, granted his wish.

His memory comes back in flashes, at times, but it is not an exceedingly common occurrence. The memories often leave him just as quickly as they come, leaving him broken anew.

Personality Details:

Description of Personality:
Jace is...odd and quirky, more than a little hard to read and, at times, exceedingly difficult to understand. On top of his fractured memory, Jace suffers a mild form of Paraphasia, commonly replacing words with other words, that tend to make him make little to no sense.

However, he does have moments of clarity, when he is clearheaded and has an intelligent head on his shoulders. This Jace is loving and compassionate, intelligent and curious, but he remembers what he has lost, bits and pieces at least... but he doesn't regret his decisions.

When his mind is clear, Jace is exceedingly intelligent and an excellent judge of character. He is quite good at reading people.

Fractured. He has many weaknesses in his broken state, mostly related to memory.

Depends on which version of Jace you ask.
Broken- Bees.
Clearheaded- Returning to the True in his broken state.

Lost and forgotten, Jace doesn't remember where he came from, where he is, or even his last name.

Are you a good "Witch" or a bad "Witch"? Explain.
Good. Jace knows he was good at one point...he just doesn't remember why or how.

What was your main goal in the True World?
It was important, he knows that much, but the details are lost to him.

What do you think will be your main goal while in The Winde?
Exist. Live out my life, among the rest of the outcasts.

Skills and Abilities

Were you mentored or trained in your abilities? If so, by whom?
Yes, by my family and, later on, by the Thirteen Wardens.

What School of Magic did you learn if you are an Immortal?
Clearminded Jace is a master in many different schools of magic. However, the more common, broken, Jace is only skilled in a few, ones he thinks are necessary or fun:

Abjuration and Warding
Nature Magic

What Heaven or Hell did you come from if you are a Celestial or Infernal?

Description of your abilities/powers:
When in his broken state (which is much more common than the alternative), Jace's magic is chaotic, borderline frantic in its use. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, depending on his mood, whether he really wants it to work.

Special Spells or Powers you'd like considered:

Mortal Education:
Jace's education is extensive, but none of it was formal. He was home schooled by his family in the ways of the world, as well as the ways of magic and the various realms of Heavens and Hells.

Special Non-Magical Learning Prior to your banishment here:

The Winde Specifics

What color is your gem stone?
White (Diamond)

What cut is your gem stone?
Uncut (small chunks of pure diamond, but not cut to perfection)

When you are transported into The Winde- what do you propose you had with you?
Mark of the Warden- Jace wears a somewhat simple and crudely made amulet around his neck. While the amulet is nothing special to look at, those with knowledge of the upper echelons of the magical communities, in the True, would note that it is symbol worn by each of the Wardens. The amulet is enchanted with a fairly strong protective charm, defending the wearer against immediate dangers, such as being shot or stabbed, and even weaker offensive spells.

Along with the clothes he was wearing, and the amulet, Jace has a pack of cigarettes in one pocket and a lighter in another- he can be seen flicking the lighter open and shut sometimes when he's nervous or bored.