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20:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dominic Bradshaw

Personal Details

Name: Dominic Bradshaw

Nicknames: Dom, Boss, Gramps (due to age and the grey in his facial hair)

Age: 49

Gender: Male

Colony of Birth: Leonis

Hair Colour: Brown, but graying, though he keeps his head shaved.

Eye Colour: Dark Brown

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 260 lbs

General Physical Description:
Lt. Colonel Bradshaw is a very large and very fit man. Given the man's hefty musculature, one could assume that he either spends a lot of time in the gym, or has lived a difficult and physically straining life. Both answers are correct.

Dom keeps his head shaved, but can often be seen with varying lengths of growth on his face. He currently has a goatee, speckled with grey hairs. When not in his uniform or gear, he dresses for comfort, rather than utility. It isn't often that a man in his position gets to relax, so, when he gets the chance, he takes full advantage.

Some would consider Dom attractive, while others find him larger than life and intimidating. It's all a matter of perspective and preferences. While he doesn't consider himself intimidating, the sheer size of the man speaks volumes.

Dominic is exceedingly intelligent and has a mind for strategic and tactical prowess, when the need arises. He has never attempted to be the smartest in the room, or boast of his intelligence, but he tends to consistently impress the higher ups, given his tact and smarts when faced with problems relating to those under his command. There are very few on the Andromeda that can beat him in a game of chess.

Bradshaw has a good sense of humor, finding it difficult to not laugh at a good joke. However, he has learned to keep his composure when accompanied by his superiors. While he does enjoy a good joke, he is not all fun and games. When the need arises, he will not hesitate to discipline those who need it.

Dom takes a personal interest in the drills and training that the marines go through on the Andromeda, in his spare time. He tends to inspire those under his command, and has always preferred to meet with each and every marine who is assigned to the ship, welcoming them aboard and introducing himself.

Creative, loyal and caring, Dom is an excellent MCO, and is respected by his troops.

Common Quotes (any marine under his command would have heard them multiple times):
Being a true bad ass has no weight or gender requirement- just 100% commitment to greatness.

All success begins with self-discipline. It starts with you.

Blood, sweat and respect. First two you give, last one you earn.

Dom is the type to give respect where it is due, and commendation when those under his command go above and beyond the call of duty.

He likes spending time with fellow brothers and sisters in arms, getting to know those under his command a little better. Bonding tends to help the crew coordinate better, when on mission.

While Dom would never admit to liking war or battle, he does enjoy War Games. Though they do not take place often enough to consider a hobby, he always volunteers those under his command to participate in games between the Andromeda and other Battlestars.

Although the Andromeda does have a smaller crew than some, under Lt. Colonel Bradshaw's command, they have not lost the aforementioned games yet, which goes to show their superiority in comparison to various other crews.

Insubordination. While he will respect the opinion of those under his command, he will not tolerate those who disobey a direct order and fail in their own attempts to rectify the situation.

However, if a marine chooses to disobey, and succeeds in their endeavors, he will certainly consider them for recommendation to the higher ups, for promotion. Those who take initiative and prove their idea was better in the first place are counted among his favorites.

Those who follow orders blindly are, of course, more common, but still appreciated. Although, he tends to respect those who don't want to know why an order is given, and instead simply follows, less.

Abusing one's rank. Though Dom is a fairly high rank, among the Andromeda's crew, he is exceedingly fair when it comes to rulings on important matters, and assigning duties.

While he does have favorites among the marines under his command, he does not treat them as favorites. Each and every marine on the Andromeda has equal opportunity to advance and gain respect from their superiors, assuming they wish to do so.

Dom likes to draw. Though he would never admit it, he is quite the artist. He tends to draw in his free time, or when he's preparing for bed- it helps put him to sleep.

Military Details

Branch of Service: Marines

Military Occupational Specialty: Marine Commander (MCO)

Rank: Lieutenant Colonel

Time in Service: 29 Years

Decorations: (Unsure... given his time in service, I imagine he would have collected a few. But, I'm not entirely sure on the prerequisites for obtaining the medals/decorations)

History and Background

Born to a wealthy family (the Bradshaws) on one of the main educational hubs in the Colonies, Dominic was afforded the best education money could buy. He is quite intelligent, having a brain like a sponge and an eidetic memory, meaning that he can recall images after minimal exposure (photographic memory). While he had many brothers (three) and sisters (four), he was considered the smartest of the bunch.

At the age of thirteen, Dominic had a major growth spurt, growing nearly a foot taller, and bulking out with muscle over the course of a year, drawing the attention of those around him. At the age of fifteen, he was approached and recruited by a merc company that went by the name of 'Warborn'.

Joining up, Dom was trained for three years in the use of weaponry, the driving of land and aquatic vehicles, as well as the piloting of air and spacecraft (vipers, raptors and the like). At the age of eighteen, Dom was battle ready, and was assigned to a contingent of the Warborn company, overseeing the protection of one of the many Uranium mines controlled by the Leonid government.

By the age of 19, Dominic had grown weary of the mercenary life. Not that it was boring, or he didn't like the work, but because the people he worked with were... unsavory. The Warborn company, over the years Dom served with them, inched closer and closer to illegal activities. He had even heard mention of robbing one of the mines they were hired to protect.

Before shit could go sideways, Dom bailed, leaving for the marines a month before his twentieth birthday. Knowing he couldn't leave that life behind entirely, the action and adrenaline that came with it, he signed up for the Colonial Military. Given his impressive physique and credentials (a shining recommendation from one of his friends in the Warborn), he was accepted shortly after and sent to one of the many academies.

Though Dom was skilled enough to become a flyboy, he had always preferred his boots on the ground, so, he trained as a marine. Dom spent four years in training, excelling at the top of his class in hand to hand combat, marksmanship, leadership, precision driving (land and aquatic based vehicles), as well as general intellect. He drew the attention of the higher ups during the early stages of his training, most assuming that he would rise through the ranks quickly- which he did, making Lieutenant Senior Grade and becoming the Marine Commander of his contingent, after spending only five years on the Battlestar Helios, a Valkyrie Class ship.

Marine Commander at the age of twenty nine, Dom was well on his way to the top, impressing his superiors at every turn due to his smarts and dedication to his position, not to mention the crew he served with.

Dominic served on the Helios for twelve years, until the age of thirty seven. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end, to make way for better things. Roughly six months after his twelfth year, he was offered a position and promotion aboard a new Battlestar, a Mercury Class. Though he was sad to go, Dominic accepted the position, as the Marine Commander aboard the Battlestar Andromeda, and has served there since.

While he is getting up there in age, Dominic is still a strong willed and reliable soldier, trusted and respected by those under his command. He has completed many missions and fought countless battles against monsters and men alike over the course of his military career, but he's not done yet. Like so many before him, Dominic grew to love the tedious life of a career marine.

Given his age, Dom was alive during the first Cylon War. Nine years old at the end of the war, he was old enough to have garnered several memories of the goings on during that time period. Dom knows the history of the war, the horrors the Colonies faced, due to his education, but repressed a good deal of his personal experiences during his childhood.