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Welcome to Bearer of Dusk.

05:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Queen Auisia

Name: Queen Auisia Elianore of Ulthea.

Age: 37 years old.

(Present) Residence: A matter of no small secrecy.

Appearance: Auisia is a tall and willowy woman, pale of skin and fair of face. Fine curtains of straw-blonde hair frame her features and stream down below her shoulders at full length, their tresses interwoven with delicate braids and adornments of gold and amethyst. Her eyes are warm and bright, and if you were to look closely you would see that they share the same curious flecks of silver as those of her eldest daughter.

Personality: The Ulthean Queen has always been something of a mystery to her people, a fact which has left them to fill in the gaps with speculation, rumour and half-truths. In the eyes of most this has left Auisia something of a contradictory figure. Even asking after something so simple as her relationship with her husband might net you a range of different beliefs: that she is all but a slave bound to the will of a tyrant; that time in her husband’s company has left her heart as cold and hard as his; that she is a persistent thorn in her husband’s side and takes joy in spiting him, or more pertinently of late that she has bewitched the king and claimed the true power behind the throne for herself. She is many things to many people, and only her inner circle could honestly claim to know the truth from fiction.

That truth is almost banal in its simplicity.

Auisia is a loving and warm-hearted woman who has developed the thick skin and accustomed herself the social games necessary to endure a seat very different from that she held in her homeland. She is the Titania to Christofle’s Oberon, the summer to his winter in matters social, and indeed has worked to cultivate the image of herself as the softer and more merciful side of their partnership. That is not to say that she is naive or without steel, and those who have underestimated her on that assumption have very quickly found themselves facing a fierce and determined adversary indeed – her husband included. She is absolutely someone who will allow things to play out from behind a mask of quiet civility only to make her true opinion known in no uncertain terms behind closed doors.

She dotes on her children to no end and takes immense pride in them, all too glad to provide them with avenues and opportunity to develop outside their father’s long shadow. However her own life experiences have taught her well enough to temper that kindness and challenge rather than coddle them. Summer cannot last forever after all...

A few points of common knowledge (hopefully to be expanded on later):